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1. Eros Urides Eros Urides forum, biography, portrait, pictures, lesson plans and online books including The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants. http://authorsdirectory.com/biography_online_book_portrait_picture/u_authors_ero | |
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6. The Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants, A Psychic Revelation By Eros Urides And Ken The Project Gutenberg Book Catalog. The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants, a psychic revelation by Eros Urides and Kennon http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/563 | |
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9. Mars And Its Inhabitants Index By Eros Urides (A Martian) written down and edited by J.L. Kennon. 1922 Title Page Dedication Contents Foreword Chapter I The Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/mars/mah/index.htm | |
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13. The Planet Mars & Its Inhabitants In EBooks Science Fiction Years ago, as you measure time, I was an inhabitant of Mars, your sister planet. My name is Eros Urides (the latter signifying of Urid).......Book http://www.franklin.com/estore/dictionary/BBAL1421935260DLDA/ | |
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