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         Hackers The:     more books (99)
  1. Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience by M. R. Bennett, P. M. S. Hacker, 2003-04-25
  2. The Time Hackers by Gary Paulsen, 2006-08-22
  3. The Bedford Handbook with 2009 MLA and 2010 APA updates by Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers, 2009-12-16
  4. Who Is Shayla Hacker by Evan Kilgore, 2007-06-15
  5. Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion Dollar Cyber Crime Underground by Kevin Poulsen, 2011-02-22
  6. The Best of 2600, Collector's Edition: A Hacker Odyssey by Emmanuel Goldstein, 2009-02-03
  7. The Happy Hacker: A Guide to (Mostly) Harmless Computer Hacking by Carolyn Meinel, 2001-12
  8. The Canon Camera Hackers Manual: Teach Your Camera New Tricks by Berthold Daum, 2010-05-17
  9. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker (2nd Edition) by William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin, et all 2003-03-06
  10. Webster's New World Hacker Dictionary by Bernadette Schell, Clemens Martin, 2006-09-05
  11. Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language by Maxwell Bennett, Daniel Dennett, et all 2009-03-04
  12. Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Third Edition by Mike Shema, Chris Davis, et all 2006-02-09
  13. The Hacker's Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking into and Defending Networks by Susan Young, Dave Aitel, 2003-11-24
  14. Hacker Culture by Douglas Thomas, 2003-06-02

61. Hacking, Bezpieczeństwo W Sieci, Programy Antywirusowe, Antywirus
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Śmieszne zdjęcia ... Voip test, Skype Inne Download: Ilość: Łącznie pobrań: Łączny rozmiar: 54 MB Artykuły: Łącznie: Czytań: Linki: Łącznie: Wejsć: Download Dodaj plik Najnowsze Najpopularniejsze Najlepiej oceniane Kategorie plików: Antydialery Programy chroniące komputer przed złośliwymi apliacjami przekierowującymi połączenie modemowe. Antykeyloggery Aplikacje, usuwające złośliwe oprogramowanie, rejestrujące informacje przesyłane za pomocą klawiatury. Antytrojany Bazy Sygnatur Wirusów Inne Inne programy zabezpieczające. Kontrola Rodzicielska Programy pozwalające na ograniczenie i kontrolę dostępu dzieci do komputera. Ochrona prywatności Aplikacje zapewniające ochronę Naszych danych. Odzyskiwanie danych Programy pozwalające na odzyskanie straconych danych.

62. Hackers: The Revolution Begins Screens For IPhone/iPod At GameSpot
Hackers The Revolution Begins for iPhone/iPod at GameSpot. Screens of Hackers The Revolution Begins and hundreds of other games.

63. Hacker Culture(s): New Hacker Ethics
Steve Mizrach of the dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, summarizes his findings in a new set of ethical principles.

teaching material
hacker culture(s)
Hacker culture(s)
lecture notes, February 23, 2000

Traditional hacker ethics

New hacker ethics
Origins of hacker culture(s)

Dimensions of hacker culture(s)

Hacker culture(s) as seen from the outside

Selected sources
New hacker ethics Steve Mizrach of the dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, analyzed several recent hacker texts in the paper Is there a hacker ethic for 90s hackers? (1997). He summarizes his findings in a new set of ethical principles. Above all else, do no harm. Do not damage computers or data if at all possible. Much like the key element of the Hippocratic Oath. Hacking is a quest for knowledge; there is no intrinsic need or desire to destroy. But it is generally held that system-cracking for fun and exploration is ethically OK as long as the cracker commits no theft, vandalism, or breach of confidentiality. However, accidents and pranks that hackers view as harmless may cause the victims to lose time and effort. Protect privacy.

64. Frontline: Hackers: The Risks: The Dangers Confronting Computer Users, Corporati
Editorial Director of the Computer Security Institute (CSI), San Francisco, CA, and author of Tangled web Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace.
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + "' %3E%3C/script%3E"));
Editorial Director of the Computer Security Institute (CSI) , San Francisco, CA, and author of Tangled web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace . (Que, 2000) Who are the bad guys? Who's the enemy in this new cyber world? In terms of criminal activity? Well, it ranges from petty theft, really, to state-sponsored terrorism. And you have everything in between. You have the cyberspace mugger who's going to steal your personal identity , and destroy your credit by committing fraud in your name, or stalk your children or your loved ones online. There are organized crime syndicates that are going to be engaged in stealing massive numbers of credit cards and selling them and using them for credit card fraud globally. There are governments and corporate entities, globally, that want to steal technology: cutting-edge technology, biotech, high-tech, and low-tech technology. They want to compress the arc of time for their economies to develop and catch up with the Big Eight economies. And somewhere out there there's a cyber Unabomber, who is concocting for his own bizarre motives some really unpleasant event that could impact the lives of thousands or millions. And there are the cults. Aum Shinri Kyo is the cult that hacked aggressively into technology companies to steal technology that they were interested in. There are the

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66. CDNE Chapter 14 - Female Hackers?
Ada Lovelace the first hacker.
INDEX Chapter 14
FEMALE HACKERS? Within computer culture
, and especially hacker culture, women are rare. Among the phreakers, there were (and perhaps still are) a few women, maybe because telephony is normally considered a female profession. (most switchboard operators and such are women). Rave culture is a little more equal, with about a third of the audience being female. Among the hobby hackers and the criminal hackers, there's only the occasional female enthusiast. Fortunately (I think), more and more women, especially at the universities, have discovered computers through the Internet. Often, someone starts out using the computer as a typewriter, then she hears of online discussion groups and forums for her major, and once she's tried communication over the Net, she's bitten. The most famous female hacker went under the pseudonym Susan Thunder . (Allow me to jump back and forth a bit between the themes of the book). Susan was a textbook example of a maladjusted girl. She'd been mistreated as a kid, but was of the survivor kind. She became a prostitute as early as her teens, and earned her living working LA brothels. On her time off, she was a groupie, fraternizing with various rock bands. She discovered how easy it was to get backstage passes for concerts just by calling up the right people and pretending to be, for example, a secretary at a record company. She became an active phreaker at the very end of the 70's, and was naturally an expert at social engineering.

67. Hackers - The Missing BBS Files - CommuniTree
CommuniTree The San Francisco CommuniTree In Memory of Dean Gengle Dia (CommuniTree genealogical chart) Let's look at some of the earliest electronic virtual communities.
@import url(./missingbbs.css);
The San Francisco CommuniTree
In Memory of Dean Gengle
Dia (CommuniTree genealogical chart)
Let's look at some of the earliest electronic virtual communities . This kinship chart shows the origins of the first computer bulletin boards (BBSs) that supported social interaction. Prior to this moment, BBSs messages were organized by alphabetical order, or by date. BBSs were metaphors for physical bulletin boards... objects for the exchange of simple messages, not conversations. Now, in 1978 a group of people in Northern California designed a BBS that used message attachment protocols that facilitated conversations. As a metaphor for this structure they used a tree, firstly because it was based on a principle of computer science called binary tree protocol, and secondly because Northern California near Silicon Valley was a land of hot tubs, Eastern mysticism, and computer hackers, and the organicity that the word "tree" suggested was important to those hackers' worldview. The story of the life and death of the first CommuniTree tells us how and why the later virtual community systems were designed.

68. Game Zombies: Review Of Hacker
Review by Werner Fee.
Game Review
The computer crime card game
Author: Steve Jackson Steve Jackson Games
3-6 Players 60+ minutes
Concept: In 1990, Steve Jackson Games was raided by the U.S. Secret Service during a hacker investigation. This game was written as a parody of that situation. Each player is a computer hacker your goal is to gain access to the most computers on an ever growing computer network.
Gameplay: To start, each player is dealt several system cards (the number of cards dealt varies with the number of players in the game.) Players in turn each place one card onto the table to form the starting network. Once all of these cards are placed, regular play begins. A normal turn goes in this sequence:
  • Roll for crashed systems if there are crashed systems on the net, roll to see if they become "un-crashed." Roll for house cleaning if there are too many hackers on a system, or a systme becomes "un-crashed," the computer administrator may remove unauthorized accounts. Draw a card if it is a new system card, it is placed in the net. Otherwise, the player uses the special action cards as specified.
  • From here the player may:
    • Skip the remainder of his/her turn for a system upgrade (that is, get bonuses to dice rolls.)

    69. Hackers, The – Free Listening, Concerts, Stats, & Pictures At
    Hackers, The on Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at, The English Help Come work with us! is hiring Âť
    Hackers, The
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    Leave a comment. Log in to or sign up (it’s free). See all shouts “We're with the” More Sites: Blog Music Manager Build Playground (Subscriber VIP zone) ... Best of 2009 document.write("Visit other SitesSelect SiteBNETCBS CaresCBS FilmsCBS RadioCBS.comCBSInteractiveCBSNews.comCBSSports.comCHOWCNETCollege NetworkFind ArticlesGameSpotHelp.comLast.fmMaxPrepsMetacritic.comMoneywatchMovieTomeMP3.commySimonNCAARadio.comSearch.comShopper.comShowtimeSmartPlanetTechRepublicThe InsiderTV.comUrbanBaby.comZDNet"); BNET CBS Cares CBS Films CBS Radio ...

    70. RPGnet
    Review by Otto Cargill. reviews/reviews/rev_3482.html

    71. - Profiling Hackers: The Science Of Criminal Profiling As Applied To
    Complex and controversial, hackers possess a wily, fascinating talent, the machinations of which are shrouded in secrecy. Providing indepth exploration into this largely

    72. Hacker - Le Guide Di Supereva
    Una guida completa su hackers, phreaking, cracking, coders, anonimy, sicurezza. Download programmi demo.

    73. Re: [HACKERS] The Other Major HS TODO: Standby Promotion
    On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 502 AM, Josh Berkus j wrote As far as I'm concerned, the other big missing feature for HS is the ability to promote standbys to
    Re: [HACKERS] The other major HS TODO: standby promotion
    Itagaki Takahiro
    Sat, 04 Sep 2010 01:40:28 -0700

    74. Die Kimble-Doku - Fakten Ăźber Kim Schmitz
    Beschreibt den Aufstieg und Fall des Hackers Kimble.
    Was bisher geschah: Das Kapitel "Fluffy" Das Ende von Yihat vs. Kimble? Kimpire und das Update ... Alles wie gehabt Sonstiges: Wanted Impressum Pressearchiv Kontakt design'01 by
    Es ist schwer, eine Legende sterben zu lassen. Es kommt auf einen Versuch an. Wer so leichtsinnig ist, die Seite Kimble.Org aufzurufen und sich das Flash-Intro anzusehen, bekommt einen Satz um die Ohren gehauen. " Legends may sleep, but they never die ". Zur Legende ist Kimble geworden - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Rund um den wahren Kern tummeln sich Heldengeschichten, Ungenauigkeiten, Lügen. Noch im Januar 2001 hat die BBC die Mär verbreitet, Kim Schmitz habe einst das Kreditlimit von Bundeskanzler Kohl auf heruntergehackt. Die BILD verbreitet im Februar 2001 als meist gelesene Zeitung Deutschlands, Schmitz sei in einen Bankrechner eingedrungen und habe 20 Millionen Mark zu Greenpeace transferiert. Dass Greenpeace das Geld nie gesehen hat, stört nicht. Schließlich steht es im Internet. Irgendwo. Mit dieser Seite steht auch die "andere Wahrheit" irgendwo im Netz - jedermann zur freien Verfügung.
    Torsten Kleinz Brummm....

    75. Hackers The Movie 15th Anniversary Âť NYC Resistor Âť Electronics, Hacking, Clas
    NYC Resistor is an electronics hacking collective located in Downtown Brooklyn. We make rad stuff, work collaboratively on projects, and offer classes to people interested in

    76. World Hack Organization - Das Browsergame: Herrsche über Alle Computer!
    Hacker Simulation, in der sich der Spieler ein Netzwerk aus Computern aufbaut und sich gegen fremde Hacker durchsetzen muss. kostenlos
    Bitte aktivieren Sie Frames oder klicken Sie hier

    77. Virgin Media To Battle Modem Hackers • The Register
    More than a thousand hackers are using reconfigured cable modems to fraudulently access free high speed Virgin Media broadband, sources have revealed.

    78. Jokes > Hacker Test
    Score yourself, with these 512 questions.
    @import url(../stepney.css); home jokes
    The Hacker Test - Version 1.0
    This test exists in many variants, reflecting the changing interests of nerds over time I manage a good score on all of them. (And yes, by 'good' I do mean 'high' :-). I got the following off the Net, but without an attribution. If you know it, could you email it to me for inclusion? Thanks. It shows its age in some of the questions, but that's just part of the fun. If you like this, there is also The Nerd Test
    The Hacker Test - Version 1.0
    Preface: 06.16.89
    This test was conceived and written by Felix Lee, John Hayes and Angela Thomas at the end of the spring semester, 1989. It has gone through many revisions prior to this initial release, and will undoubtedly go through many more. (Herewith a compendium of fact and folklore about computer hackerdom, cunningly disguised as a test.) Scoring - Count 1 for each item that you have done, or each question that you can answer correctly. Note: If you don't understand the scoring, stop here.

    79. Hackers: Heroes Of The Computer Revolution - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    In this chapter, Levy explores the hacker lifestyle, and its effect on the hackers. The hacker culture though was spreading outside of MIT as computers became more common.
    Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations Please improve this article by introducing more precise citations where appropriate (February 2008) Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
    Book cover Author Steven Levy Subject(s) Hacker culture Genre(s) Non-fiction Publisher Anchor Press Doubleday Publication date ISBN OCLC Number Dewey Decimal LC Classification Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution ISBN 0-385-19195-2 ) is a book by Steven Levy about hacker culture . It was published in 1984 in Garden City New York by Anchor Press Doubleday . Levy describes the people, the machines, and the events that defined the Hacker Culture and the Hacker Ethic , from the early mainframe hackers at MIT , to the self-made hardware hackers and game hackers. Immediately following is a brief overview of the issues and ideas that are brought forward by Steven Levy's book, as well as a more detailed interpretation of each chapter of the book, mentioning some of the principal characters and events. The book saw an edition with a new afterword (entitled "Afterword: Ten Years After") by the author in 1994.

    80. The AOLer Translator
    An online form translating English to 3NGLISH.
    The English-to-12-Year-Old-AOLer Translator UPDATE 6/15/2005: This translator will take what you write in it and turn it into the manner a 12-year-old AOLer would write it. Type in what you want translated and then click the button.
    Lucas Longley
    . Please don't blatantly steal it, even though I know of several sites that already have.

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