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1. Parker, K. Langloh; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/parker_k_langloh.html | |
2. Parker, K. Langloh; Bibliography ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/person/parker_k_langloh/books.html | |
3. Australian Legendary Tales By Parker, K. Langloh, ISBN 9781153589680 - QBD The B Australian Legendary Tales by Parker, K. Langloh, ISBN 9781153589680 QBD The Bookshop - Buy Online for better range and value. http://www.qbd.com.au/product/9781153589680-Australian_Legendary_Tales_by_Parker | |
4. Trove - Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh) (1856-1940.) Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh) (18561940.) Also known as Langloh Parker, Katie (1856-1940) Parker, Catherine (1856-1940) Parker, Catherine Langloh (1856-1940) http://nla.gov.au/nla.party-514424 |
5. Australian Aboriginal Artists Parker, K. Langloh, Ed., Inner Traditions 1993. Paperback, 144 pages, $12.95. Sutton, Peter, Ed., George Braziller, 1997. Hardcover, 266 pages, $75.00. http://www.frigatezine.com/essay/eyecandy/eec03ntr.pdf |
6. Facts About Parker, K. Langloh, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's Encyclopedi Facts about Parker, K. Langloh, (1856–1940). The Australian writer K. Langloh Parker was a pioneering collector of aboriginal folklore. Her landmark book Australian Legendary http://www.britannica.com/facts/11/805204/ | |
7. AIATSIS - ASEDA - Documents Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 18561940 (formatted) Euahlayi Tribe, The; a study of Aboriginal life in Australia. (Glossary of Eulayhi is appended) http://www1.aiatsis.gov.au/ASEDA/docs/index.html |
8. Project MUSE - Journal Of Women's History - Caring For Country Subject Headings. Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 18561940. Euahlayi tribe. Euahlayi (Australian people) Land tenure Australia Bangate Station (N.S.W.) History http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/journal_of_womens_history/v014/14.4evans |
9. EbooksLib, Your Source For Quality EBooks! Parker, K. Langloh Australian Legendary Tales; Lang, Andrew - Blue Fairy Book, The; Burton, Sir Richard R. - Vikram and the Vampire; Stephens, James - Irish Fairy Tales http://www.ebookslib.com/index.html?a=s&book=4 |
10. K. Langloh Parker (Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 1856-1940) | The Online B Online Books by. K. Langloh Parker (Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 18561940) Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 1856-1940 Australian Legendary Tales Folk-Lore of the http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Parker, K. Langl |
11. Victa Rotary Mowers 1955-1987 Service And Repair Manual By Author Not Stated Fin Continental Connections by BARTHOLOMEW A HISTORY OF SAUDI ARABIA by ALRASHEED,, Madawi My Bush Book - K.Langloh Parker's 1890s story of outback station life by Parker, K. Langloh http://www.biblioz.com/lp25762703121.html |
12. Parker, K. Langloh - Biographical Entry - Colonial Australian Popular Fiction Parker, K. Langloh Biographical entry - Colonial Australian Popular Fiction - NAME is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of SUBJECT with links to related http://www.apfa.esrc.unimelb.edu.au/biogs/E000449b.htm | |
13. Winners 1946-1959 - CBCA Parker, K. Langloh Ed. Henrietta DrakeBrockman Illus. Elizabeth Durack Australian Legendary Tales Angus Robertson, 1953 Highly Commended Hill, Fitzmaurice http://cbca.org.au/winners4659.htm | |
14. AustLit Agent: Error Users are advised that AustLit contains names and images of people who have died. http://www.austlit.edu.au/run?ex=ShowAgent&agentId=A1O] |
15. A Celebration Of Women Writers: AUSTRALIA Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 18561940 aka Catherine Somerville Field Stow; Catherine Eliza Somerville Field; Catherine Somerville Field Parker (May 1, 1856 - 1940) http://www.digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/AUSTRALIA.html | |
16. Cue Card # 3: Young Adult Story An Australian tale, “Dinewan, the Emu, and Goomblegubbon, the Bustard” (Parker, K. Langloh. Australian Legendary Tales. London David Nutt, 1897, p. 1 – 5) tells the story of http://ils.unc.edu/~sturm/storytelling/cuecards/kiwiwings (Jay Frimmel).html | |
17. Australian Legendary Tales Index Australian Legendary Tales, by K. Langloh Parker, 1897, full text etext at sacredtexts.com http://www.sacred-texts.com/aus/alt/index.htm | |
18. Australia Parker, K Langloh. Archibald Constable. 175. Embracing New Horizons. Reece, Mary ; Baker, Pat (comps) Author Pub. 30. Australian Imperialism in the Pacific http://www.vintagebooks.co.nz/html/australia.html | |
19. Download Section 31 WIRREENUN THE RAINMAKER Author / Editor Parker, K. Langloh Category Tales Fables DO NOT BUY, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FREE MOBIPOCKET READER http://www.tradebit.com/filedetail.php/3191639-australian-legendary-tales |
20. The Euahlayi Tribe Index The Euahlayi, by K. Langloh Parker at sacredtexts.com This is an effort by K. Langloh Parker to describe in formal terms her understanding of Euahlayi society. http://www.sacred-texts.com/aus/tet/index.htm | |
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