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         R Rainer Maria:     more detail
  1. Rainer Maria Rilke: Selected Poems by R. Rilke, 1986-01-22
  2. Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations by John J. L. Mood, Rainer Maria Rilke, 2004-08
  3. The Inner Sky: Poems, Notes, Dreams by Rainer Maria Rilke, 2010-07-16

21. Rainer Maria Rilke - Wikipedia, Den Frie Encyklopædi

22. Rainer Maria Biography -
Home r Rainer Maria Album. Rainer Maria Catastrophe Keeps Us Together (3/17/2006) Rainer Maria defy comparison. From their very first performances at d.i.y. basement and living
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Rainer Maria: News/Biography
Home r Rainer Maria Album
Rainer Maria: Catastrophe Keeps Us Together
(3/17/2006) Rainer Maria defy comparison. From their very first performances at d.i.y. basement and living rooms shows across the U.S. almost 10 years ago to the release of their latest, instantly inspiring album Catastrophe Keeps Us Together, this inseparable trio has always set their (...) Read more about Rainer Maria to release Catastrophe Keeps Us Together

23. Rainer Maria Song Lyrics
Rainer Maria SONG LYRICS. Ringtones Send Rainer Maria Ringtones to your Cell. Album Past Worn Searching (1997) Tin Foil Song Lyrics Viva Anger, Viva Hate Song Lyrics
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Rainer Maria SONG LYRICS
Ringtones: Send Rainer Maria Ringtones to your Cell Album: " Past Worn Searching Tin Foil Song Lyrics
Viva Anger, Viva Hate Song Lyrics

Album: " Look Now Look Again Breakfast of Champions Song Lyrics
Broken Radio Song Lyrics

Centrifuge Song Lyrics

Feeling Neglected? Song Lyrics
The Reason the Night Is So Long Song Lyrics

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Automatic Song Lyrics

Ears Ring Song Lyrics

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24. Rainer Maria Rilke: Duino Elegies
Excerpts from John Waterfield s translation (elegies 1, 4 and 10).
Rainer Maria Rilke
Excerpts from the Duino Elegies , translated by John Waterfield
The first elegy The fourth elegy The tenth elegy The translator
Who, if I cried, would hear me, of the angelic orders? or even supposing that one should suddenly carry me to his heart – I should perish under the pressure of his stronger nature. For beauty is only a step removed from a burning terror we barely sustain, and we worship it for the graceful sublimity with which it disdains to consume us. Each angel burns. And so I hold back, and swallow down the yearning, the dark call heard in the cave of the heart. Alas, who then can serve our need? Not angels, not human beings; and even the sly beasts begin to perceive that we do not feel too much at home in our interpreted world. Perhaps we can call on a tree we noticed on a slope somewhere and passed in our daily walk – the streets of a city we knew, or a habit’s dumb fidelity, a habit that liked our space, and so it stayed. Oh, and the night, the night – when the wind full of emptiness feeds on our features – how should she not be there?

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27. Duino Elegies, 1st & 2nd, Rainer Maria Rilke
Translated by Stephen Mitchell.
Duino Elegies
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1992
Translated by Stephen Mitchell
The First Elegy
Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels' hierarchies?
and even if one of them pressed me suddenly against his heart:
I would be consumed in that overwhelming existence.
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure,
and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Every angel is terrifying.
And so I hold myself back and swallow the call-note of my dark sobbing.
Ah, whom can we ever turn to in our need? Not angels, not humans, and already the knowing animals are aware
that we are not really at home in our interpreted world. Perhaps there remains for us some tree on a hillside, which every day we can take into our vision;
there remains for us yesterday's street and the loyalty of a habit so much at ease
when it stayed with us that it moved in and never left. Oh and night: there is night, when a wind full of infinite space gnaws at our faces. Whom would it not remain forthat longed-after, mildly disillusioning presence

28. Rainer Maria – Long Knives Drawn | Review | Scene Point Blank | Hardcore, Punk
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29. The Duino Elegies By Rainer Maria Rilke Translated By Robert Hunter
Translated by Robert Hunter, with blockprints by Maureen Hunter.
The Duino Elegies
by Ranier Maria Rilke
Translated by Robert Hunter
Blockprints by Maureen Hunter
Published by Hulogosi Press, 1989
The First Elegy
The Second Elegy

The Third Elegy

The Fourth Elegy
... [index]

30. - Rainer Maria Rilke-Gedichte Und Mehr
Sch ne und informative Seiten ber Leben und Werk des Dichters Rainer Maria Rilke. Enth lt Online-Texte zahlreicher Werke.
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31. Rainer Maria Lyrics
Rainer Maria was an indie rock/emo band originally from Madison, Wisconsin, later residing in Brooklyn, New York. Named after the Germanlanguage poet Rainer Maria Rilke, they maria/

32. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Kultur
Kurzbiographie, Werke, im Projekt Gutenberg als Online-Text vorhandene Werke.
Montag, 17.8.2009
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Rainer Maria Rilke
Werke u.a.
  • 1904 Geschichten vom lieben Gott 1905 Das Stundenbuch 1906 Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke 1907 Neue Gedichte II 1909 Requiem 1909 Die frühen Gedichte 1910 Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge 1913 Das Marienleben 1920 Die weiße Fürstin 1923 Duineser Elegien 1923 Sonette an Orpheus
Im Projekt Gutenberg-DE vorhanden
Weitere Erzählungen aus dem Nachlaß Gedichte Offener Brief an Maximilian Harden ... Sonette an Orpheus (andere Quelle?) August Rodin (1. Teil 1902) August Rodin (2. Teil 1908)

33. Rainer Maria Lyrics Archives From R Rainer Maria Help us decide what prize you like most if we want to run HotLyrics Sweepstakes

34. Magisteri Teatre-Mag Poesia
Diversos poemes (en traducci de Vinyoli, Riba i Manuel Balasch) i altres escrits del poeta alemany.
Rainer M. Rilke
Pau, Antonio. Vida de Rainer Maria Rilke. La belleza i el espanto . Madrid, Trotta, 2007 Neix el 4 de desembre de 1875 a Praga.
1894. Publica
1898. Escriu les Visions de Crist Elegies Visions
Per festejar-me Poemes primerencs
Ho saben dir tot tan clar:
ca casa
no hi ha cap muntanya que els pugui sorprendre;
Vosaltres em mateu totes les coses. 55 El llibre de les Hores
jo som,
......Bust de Rilke fet per Clara............ Retrat de Rilke fet per Paula ...............Rilke i Clara El llibre de la pobresa i de la mort Parlant de Malte ........Rilke i Baladine 1906. Escriu Nous poemes - per entrar al Jardin des Plantes Nous poemes 1908. Escriu el segon lliurament de Nous poemes jutja , en lloc de dir-ho estim aquesta cosa , en lloc de dir: Parques Nous poemes .....Maria von Thurn und Taxis ...................Rilke als 35 anys ..........Dues vistes del castell de Duino Els escrits sobre la seva obra i les traduccions no les llegeix; els que li envien els reenvia directament a Clara. No li agrada tampoc que musiquin poemes seus. Malte Tot el que he estimat: en mi reposa .........La torre de Muzot ....................................Rilke als 50 anys I Nanny li llegia proses i poemes. 452

35. Rainer Maria Lyrics
Lyrics Archive Artists R Rainer Maria Lyrics All Rainer Maria Lyrics Rainer Maria Song Lyrics are copyrighted to their
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36. Rainer Maria Rilke
Diversos poemes d aquest autor, tradu ts al catal per Joan Vinyoli.
Poesia alemanya
(Praga, 1875 – Val-Mont, Vaud, 1926)




i si al meu cervell tu cales foc,
Joan V INYOLI Noves versions de Rilke TOTS ELS QUI ET BUSQUEN... Tots els qui et busquen et tempten, i aquells qui et troben et sotmeten a la imatge i al gest. amb el meu madurar madura ton regne. No vull de tu cap vanitat que te’m demostri. del teu. No facis cap miracle per complaure’m. Joan V INYOLI Noves versions de Rilke EN AQUEST POBLE... En aquest poble la darrera casa El carrer que el petit poble no detura s’allunya nit endintre lentament. I els qui deixen el poble molt de temps fan via Joan V INYOLI Noves versions de Rilke DE VEGADES... De vegades, al vespre, a l’hora de sopar I els seus fills com si fos mort el beneeixen. I un altre mor a casa, resta dins, continua habitant-la i roman a la taula i al vas, Joan V INYOLI Noves versions de Rilke flameja encara el tors, talment un canelobre, on el mirar, endinsat en espirals

37. Rainer Maria Tabs |
Enter part or all of an artist or song's name. Guitar tabs Artists R Rainer Maria tabs

38. Fondation Rainer Maria Rilke : Expositions, Conférences, Publications, Musée : A
A pour but de mieux faire conna tre Rainer Maria Rilke et son oeuvre. Expositions, conf rences, publications et un festival. Sierre, Valais.

39. Rainer Maria - Rise Lyrics
Artists R Rainer Maria lyrics Look Now Look Again lyrics Rise lyrics

40. Reading Rilke - William H. Gass
A review, and links to other information about and reviews of Reading Rilke by William H. Gass.
Literary Saloon
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Reading Rilke
William H. Gass
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Title: Reading Rilke Author: William Gass Genre: Non-fiction Written: Length: 220 pages Availability: Reading Rilke - US Reading Rilke - UK Reading Rilke - Canada
  • Reflections on the Problems of Translation
  • Includes Gass' own translation of Rilke's Duino Elegies
- Return to top of the page - Our Assessment: B+ : interesting overview of Rainer Maria Rilke and study of the translations of the Duino Elegies See our review for fuller assessment. Review Summaries Source Rating Date Reviewer The American Scholar A- Winter/2000 Susan Miron Boston Review A- Summer/2000 Nicole Krauss The Hindu A- David Davidar The LA Times A S.S. Reynolds The New Criterion John Simon The New Republic C Brian Phillips The NY Rev. of Books A J.M.Coetzee The NY Times Book Rev. A Daniel Mendelsohn The New Yorker Rev. of Contemp. Fiction A Spring/2000 Brooke Horvath The Washington Post B+ Robert Wechsler Review Consensus Fairly positive about Gass' critical comments (though lots of complaints about Gass' overblown style), fairly divided about Gass' translation (some love it, others don't in his review in

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