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         Ward Arthur Sarsfield:     more detail
  1. Biography - Ward, Arthur Henry Sarsfield (1883-1959): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  2. Master of Villainy: A Biography of Sax Rohmer by Cay Van Ash, Elizabeth Sax Rohmer, 1972-06

21. Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Ward, Arthur Sarsfield (British writer) internationally popular British writer who created the sinister Chinese
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22. Rohmer, Sax 1883-1959 [WorldCat Identities]
The return of Dr. FuManchu by Sax Rohmer ( Book ) 20 Furey, Michael,1883-1959. Ward, Arthur Sarsfield 1883-1959

23. Project Gutenberg
Rohmer, Sax, 18831959 AKA Ward, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959. Rohner, Gerold K. Rojas, Fernando de. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919

Index of Authors, Titles, and Subjects . A Is for Ark, A815. Aaron, Chester, B1417. Abbey Girls series, A1848. Abbott, Jacob, A67. Abeita, Louise, B1120

25. Read The Ebook U.S. Copyright Renewals 1950 - 1977 By U.S. Copyright Office
WARD, ARTHUR SARSFIELD. The drums of Fu Manchu, by Sax Rohmer. pseud. (In Collier's, Apr. 1, 1939) 24Mar39; B408901. Elizabeth Ward (Elizabeth Sax Rohmer) (W);
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(page 657 of 1314)
Banquise. © 25Apr39; AF43981. Paul-Emile
Victor (A); 23May66; R386051.
Letters of Queen Victoria. Edited
by Hector Bolitho. Translated by
© 31Mar38; A116464. Hector
Bolitho (A); 20Jan66; R378489.
Before America decides. SEE Davidson, Frank Paul. VIKING PRESS, INC. Conquerer of the seas. SEE Zweig, Stephan. The crowning of a king. SEE Zweig, Arnold. Hearken unto the voice. SEE Werfel, Franz. Leonardo da Vinci, the tragic pursuit of perfection. SEE Vallentin, Antonina. VILAPLANA, RUIZ. Burgos justice; a year's experience of Nationalist Spain. Translated by W. Horsfall Carter. © 10Mar38, AI-23719; 18Apr38, A117168. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 2Mar66; VILLARD, HENRY H. Fighting years. SEE Villard, Oswald Garrison. VILLARD, OSWALD G., JR.

26. U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1951 July - December |
The Project Gutenberg eBook of U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1951 July December This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.

27. Biblioteca Virtual
AKA Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. Dope (.zip 206.7 Kb) Fire-Tongue (.zip - 146.68 Kb) The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu(.zip - 182 Kb)
Obras por autor - R
R, Rainer Maria (1875 + 1926) Aufzeichnungen Des Malte Laurids Brigge(.zip - 150.73 Kb) Rabelais, Francois (1483 + 1553) AKA Rabelais, Francis Gargantua And Pantagruel(.zip - 745.26 Kb) Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639 + 1699) Phaedra, RB Boswell, Tr.(.zip - 38.3 Kb) Radcliffe, Ann Ward (1764 + 1823) The Mysteries Of Udolpho(.zip - 610 Kb) Raine, William MacLeod (1871 + 1954) Bucky O'Connor(.zip - 176.94 Kb)
Ridgway of Montana (Story Of To-Day, In Which The Hero Is Also The Villain)(.zip - 143 Kb)

The Vision Splendid(.zip - 166.07 Kb)

Wyoming, Story of Outdoor West(.zip - 149.01 Kb)
Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir (1861 + 1922) The Discovery Of Guiana(.zip - 76.23 Kb)
Robert Louis Stevenson(.zip - 32 Kb)

Style (.zip - 62 Kb)
Ralphson, G. Harvey (George Harvey), (1879 + ?) Boy Scouts In Mexico; or On Guard with Uncle Sam(.zip - 110.46 Kb) Rand, Ayn (1905 + 1982) Anthem(.zip - 41.96 Kb)
Anthem (.zip - 40.65 Kb)

Anthem (.zip - 40.02 Kb)

Anthem (.zip - 41.96 Kb)
Ransome, Arthur (1884 + 1967) The Crisis In Russia(.zip - 85.95 Kb)

28. Browse By Author: W - Project Gutenberg Europe
Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. See Rohmer, Sax. Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca. See Inchfawn, Fay Pseudonym Ward, Grady. Moby Hyphenation List (English) Moby Multiple Language Lists of Common Words
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W.D. [William Dool] Killen
Waddell, Rutherford
Waddington, Mary King
Wade, G. W.
Wade, J. H.
Wade, James P.
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Wade, Mary Hazelton
Wadsworth, Frank W. (saxaphone)
Wagner, Belle M.
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Wagner, Richard
Wairy, Louis Constant

29. Classic Horror - Page 4 - Science Fiction Fantasy Chronicles: Forums
Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. Brood of the WitchQueen ; Wells, Herbert George (1866-1946) The Ghost of Fear; Thirty Strange Stories; White, Edward Lucas
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    Horror Discuss horror writers and their works
    Page 4 of 6 Thread Tools Rate Thread 5th April 2009, 12:15 PM permalink j. d. worthington Moderator
    Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 11,622 Re: Classic Horror Quote: Originally Posted by Lobolover Oh, but you'll go blind and die of boredom before long ! I rather doubt it. For one thing, I enjoy reading Goethe (at least, what I have read, at any rate); for another, as I said, I have a strong fondness for both black-letter editions and such other typographical oddities....
    Mr. G... I may just take you up on that....
    And now, back to our ostensible topic.... 9th May 2009, 02:11 PM permalink GOLLUM Moderator
    Join Date: Mar 2005 Location: Australia Posts: 8,083 Re: Classic Horror Quote: Originally Posted by j. d. worthington

Ward, Arthur Sarsfield, 18831959 (Sax Rohmer) Ward, Mary Jane, 1905-1981. Warren, Robert Penn, 1905-1989. Waugh, Evelyn, 1906-1966. Weidman, Jerome, 1913-1998 Celebrating U.S. First Editions of American and Foreign authors. The purpose of this website is to celebrate and document U.S. first editions of both American and foreign authors. Although much of the information contained herein is available from other sources, it is generally not located on any one site, with bits of information scattered all over the Internet and various other publications. As to the specifics of this site: in general, first trade editions and other major works are listed. Limited and "special" editions, broadsides, offprints, reprints, anthologies, "leathers", translations, and books "edited by" are usually ignored, although there are plenty of exceptions. Posthumous works like compilations, letters, journals, uncollected & collected stories and essays are generally not listed. Once again, there will be some exceptions - specifically, books that were in the pipeline prior to the authors' death, or newly discovered works. Jacketed copies of books are pictured where possible. There are many writers who authored hundreds of books, only a small amount of which were published in the U.S. Only the US-published editions are listed here.

31. Author Search: Internet Book Database
Artemus Ward Arthur Sarsfield Ward Benedicta Ward Brian R. Ward C. Ted Ward Candace Ward Chad Michael Ward Cindy Ward Colin Ward Dayton Ward Dianne S. Ward
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    33. Read The Ebook U.S. Copyright Renewals 1950 - 1977 By U.S. Copyright Office
    Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. ROLAND, SUZANNE. SEE Giraudoux, Suzanne (Roland) ROLVAAG, JENNIE MARIE BERDAHL. Giants in the earth. SEE Rolvaag, Ole Edvart.
    Electronic library
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    (page 139 of 1314) by Montgomery Belgion. © 7Apr27;
    A967764. Lewis Galantiere (A);
    The history of music; a handbook
    and guide for students. Rev.
    ed. © 30Sep27; A1007444.
    Hartford National Bank and
    Trust Co. (E); 26Oct54; R138196.
    Unpublished letters of Gayangos
    in the library of the Hispanic Society of America; edited with notes by Clara Louisa Penney. © 27Sep27; A1013672. Hispanic Society of America (PWH); PRESSER (THEODORE) COMPANY. Favorite songs of the people. SEE Felton, William M., comp. The G cleff. SEE Orem, Preston Ware, comp. PRESTON, WILLIAM M. Prenatal care. SEE Lobenstine, Ralph Waldo. PRIESTLEY, JOHN BOYNTON. Open house; a book of essays. © 11Aug27; A996742. John Boynton Priestley (A); 3Sep54; PROUTY, OLIVE HIGGINS. Conflict. © 28Oct27; A1010088. Olive Higgins Prouty (A);

    34. Rohmer, Sax
    Back Rohmer, Sax 616 title(s) found On top are titles where the requested author name is part of the 'author' field. These are followed by if present - titles about or related, Sax

    35. The Mummy And Miss Nitocris A Phantasy Of The Fourth Dimension / Griffith, Georg
    The Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension / Griffith, George, 18571906

    36. Complete
    A Comprehensive Bibliography of OBE . Over 2,000 references to the outof-body experience, arranged by author. File size 1,056 KB . Copyright 2003 by Robert Bushman, compiler
    A Comprehensive Bibliography of OBE Over 2,000 references to the out-of-body experience, arranged by author File size: 1,056 KB Robert Bushman , compiler A B C D ... Z A Abanes, Richard. Letter: on Mary Edwards’ review of Robert Selzer’s, Raising the dead Journal of Near-Death Studies, 15(1):75-77 (Fall, 1996). Abel, Robert. Case history: a nurse's OBE. Vital Signs, The Logos fraternity . Taft, Applegate CA , 1904. [247p. Reprinted as Souls 1. Taft, Santa Cruz CA , 1990. Personal experiences] Souls 1. Taft, Santa Cruz CA , 1990. [247p. Originally published as The Logos fraternity in Applegate CA , 1904. Personal experiences] Abrahams, G. Correspondence: An out-of-the-body experience combined with ESP. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Abramovitch, Henry. An Israeli account of a near-death experience: a case study of cultural dissonance. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 6(3):175-184 (Spring, 1988). Acosta, Ikam. Review of Robert Peterson, Out-of-body experiences: how to have them and what to expect, Journal of Conscientiology , vol 2, no. 7 (Jan, 2000), International Academy of Conscientiology, New York.

    37. U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1952 January - June
    views 326 rating not rated reviews 0 posted 8/23/2009 language English pages 280

    38. LITERATURA (Escritores Fant Sticos)
    John Millington (18711909); Wakefield, Herbert Russell (1889-1964); Walpole, Horace, Fourth Earl of Orford (1717-1797); Walpole, Hugh Seymour (1884-1941); Ward, Arthur Sarsfield;
    @òX É«Título$¤ð¤ <U@¢! *B*phÿ *B* ph€€U/Œÿÿÿÿ":;RlmHIîï"56QRïað <ÆK±uŽÏ <7cÚvÊ` oËaÆK±u <š*“5GNJø <c% ã+oã¿2äµBäáEä‹Wä×näåõ%æžCæVæ„EçkjçY6è§sè·

    39. World EBook LIbrary PGCC Collection
    Classic eBooks Read and Download classic Literature online.
    World eBook Library PGCC Collection - Project Gutenberg Consortia Center Collection, a member of the World eBook Library , bringing the world's eBook collections together. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or full complete details are online at: Here are 3 of the more major items to consider:
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    40. Autoren T Bis W - –
    5.75 Ward, Arthur Sarsfield; 5.76 Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca; 5.77 Warde, Margaret; 5.78 Warden, Ben W. 5.79 Warden, Florence, 18571929; 5.80 Ward, Fred W. 5.81 Ward, Grady

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