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         Wells H G:     more books (100)
  1. The undying fire; a contemporary novel by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-07
  2. Tono-Bungay, a novel by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-07
  3. Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-07
  4. Marriage by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-04
  5. A short history of the world by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-08
  6. A modern Utopia by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-10
  7. In the fourth year; anticipations of a world peace by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-08-02
  8. This misery of boots by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-08-30
  9. The war of the worlds by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-08-27
  10. Tono-Bungay by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-08-18
  11. The first men in the moon by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-08-25
  12. The world set free; a story of mankind by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-01
  13. The wheels of chance: a bicycling idyll by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-10
  14. The world, its debts and the rich men. A speech by H G. 1866-1946 Wells, 2010-09-04

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63. Wells, H.G. - Literature Network Forums
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65. Wells, H.G. «
Wells, H. G. (Herbert George, 18661946) British author born in Bromley, Kent, who once taught at a Grammar School. He went on to study biology and taught at the Universal Tutorial
  • Home About
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      Wells, H.G.
      Steampunk (photo by vonslatt) Originally uploaded by pashasha Wells, H. G. (Herbert George, 1866-1946) British author born in Bromley, Kent, who once taught at a Grammar School. He went on to study biology and taught at the Universal Tutorial College while writing short stories on the side and dabbling in liberal-progressive politics and human rights issues. The success of his short stories lead him to pursue a full-time writing career that produced over 100 books and articles. Wells is regarded by many as the father of modern science fiction , a title also given to Jules Verne. He is credited with authoring several classics, such as The Time Machine The Island of Doctor Moreau The Invisible Man (1897) The War of the Worlds The First Men in the Moon Men Like Gods (1923) and The Shape of Things to Come Wells enjoyed immense popularity during his lifetime, although this began to diminish somewhat during his final years. Concerning religion, in one letter he wrote Source »

66. - Tom Welling
A site containing original screen captures of Tom Welling.

67. Wells, H. G.
Computer Read Audio of Wells, H. G. By The Wheels of Chance This is a copyrighted computergenerated audio performance of Project Gutenberg's public domain book, Wells, H. G.
Computer Read Audio of
"Wells, H. G."
By The Wheels of Chance
For more information about Project Gutenberg, or to find other eBooks (including the plain text version of this one!), visit Project Gutenberg on the Web

68. Wells ISD Home Page
K-12th grade. Includes links to each campus and school calendar. Wells ISD.
Welcome to the new Wells ISD Homepage. Please be patient as this website is still being updated. A link to our old website is located here. Latest Links: Webmaster Service Request Form

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Offers corporate wellness assessments, consulting, education, training and interventions. Provides online wellness delivery and programs. Includes FAQ and articles. South Africa.
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    71. Wells United Methodist Church
    Location, phone numbers, contact information, worship schedule.
    Wells United Methodist Church Wells
    Welcome to Wells United Methodist Church
    595 1st Ave SW Wells, MN 56097-1397 Church Phone: 507 553-5453 Clergy: Arthur Keith Home Phone: Rev. Keith 507-553-5207 Send Mail to Wells UMC - Open new e-mail window to
    (mail will be addressed to SE District Worship: 9:00 a.m. Sunday school:10:00 a.m.
    To go to the Home Page of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church follow this link. To go to the Home Page of the United Methodist Church follow this link. To go to the Pastor's Pointers Megalist of United Methodist links follow this link. To go to the Pastor's Pointers Megalist of Other Religious Links follow this link. If you have questions ABOUT THE MINNESOTA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH or want to write to a Conference staff person, send E-Mail to the Conference Office: Process e-mail to : (mail will go to To write to the MN UMC Webservant about this page: Process e-mail to : (mail will go to

    72. Wells, H. G. | Wells, H. G. Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial
    Wells, H. G. Research Wells, H. G. articles at Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia.

    73. Wells, Nevada On Line
    Information about the last of the Railroad Alleys in America and stop off for the old California Trail of the 49ers. Business directory, map and discussion forum.

    74. Purcell, Davis Fort Worth, TX, 76104 - YP.COM
    (817) 3355525 Hours Hours not available. Please contact Wells, H G at (817) 335-5525.
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    75. Wells, Nevada In 210 Photographs
    Explore the streets of Wells in this photographic virtual tour.
    addthis_pub = 'kelvinsmith';
    Wells, Nevada VIRTUAL TRAVEL
    Enter the Wells Photo Tour:
    Sixth Street
    Humboldt Avenue
    About Wells
    Wells is a small railroad town situated in Town Creek Flat, a valley of the Great Basin. Peaks at the northern tip of the East Humboldt Range stand prominently over the town to the southwest, reaching elevations above 10,000 feet. Contrasting the sagebrush and grass of the hills surrounding Wells, the peaks are often snow-capped, and harbor forests of quaking aspen and evergreens. Juniper trees cover some of the lower slopes. U.S. Highway 40 used to pass through Wells, and is lined with numerous motels, attesting to its popularity as a stopover on this route. Today Interstate 80 passes to the south of Wells, and most travelers hurry on past, making Wells a quiet and economical place to stay. Aside from the old highway, a grid of quiet residential streets compose the center of town. Seventh Street, fronting the train tracks, sports a number of quaint old buildings dating from the era of passenger trains. Just north of town lies a swampy area called Humboldt Wells. The Humboldt River, which flows through most of northern Nevada, has its source in the springs at this spot. The Humboldt River has been an important influence on the exploration and settlement of Nevada, and is the basis for the route that Interstate 80 follows.

    76. H. G. Wells
    H. G. Wells. AKA Herbert George Wells. Born 21Sep-1866 Birthplace Bromley, Kent, England Died 13-Aug-1946 Location of death London, England Cause of death unspecified
    This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for
    H. G. Wells AKA
    Herbert George Wells Born: 21-Sep
    Birthplace: Bromley, Kent, England
    Died: 13-Aug
    Location of death: London, England
    Cause of death: unspecified
    Gender: Male
    Race or Ethnicity: White
    Sexual orientation: Straight
    Occupation: Author Nationality: England
    Executive summary: The War of the Worlds Father: Joseph Wells Mother: Glorria Swenson Wife: Isabel Mary Wells (m. 1891, div. 1895) Wife: Amy Catherine Robbins (m. 1895, d. 1927, two children) Mistress: Rebecca West (author, dated 1913-23, one son) Son: Anthony West (with Rebecca West, b. 1914) Slept with: Odette Keun Slept with: Moura Budberg Slept with: Margaret Sanger Slept with: Martha Gellhorn (1935, speculative) High School: Academy of Thomas Morley (-1879) University: Imperial College London Fabian Society International PEN Risk Factors: Diabetes Vegetarian Author of books: The Time Machine , novel) The Island of Dr. Moreau , novel) The Invisible Man , novel) The War of the Worlds , novel) When The Sleeper Wakes , novel) Love and Mr. Lewisham

    77. Welcome To Psychiatry & Wellness, Behavior Medicine Associates
    Psychiatry, wellness, addictions and recovery. Offers articles on various addiction issues.
    Welcome Welcome to the web site of Behavioral Medicine Associates , a multidisciplinary private outpatient mental health practice with offices in Alpharetta and Atlanta, Georgia. We offer a broad range of modern mental health services, including:
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    The web site is provided as an informational resource for present and potential patients, as well as for other interested parties in search of information about addiction and recovery and modern mental health conditions and treatments. We hope you find something of value here - and we welcome your feedback and comments
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    78. H.G. WELLS
    H.G. Wells The Daring Determined Writer of his Time. Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the human race.
    H.G. Wells
    The Daring Determined Writer of his Time.
    "Every time I see an adult on a bicycle
    I no longer despair for the human race."
    This quote from H.G wells tells you about his personality. Herbert George Wells was born in 1866 in Bromly, a small town near London. He attended college and graduated with a degree in biology. His lower-middle-class background and his knowledge of science influenced his writings. He thought that science would make a better world. He also thought that that humans would destroy their own race by having a big atomic war and eventually kill each other off. Some of the books Wells wrote were The Time Machine, The Invisible Man The War of the Worlds and The Island of Doctor Moreau . He was very famous in his lifetime, and his books sold well. His book War of the Worlds was a radio drama, performed on Halloween night in 1938. Many people tuned in after they said "This is only a story", so they thought that Martian aliens were attacking Earth. So people grabbed their rifles and jumped in their cars and took off. H.G. Wells died in his sleep on August 13, 1946.
    "Human history becomes more and more a race
    between education and catastrophe."

    79. Armonia Alpujarras -- Welcome ! -- Bienvenido !
    Wellness clinics in Orgiva and Costa Del Sol (Nerja), Spain.

    80. Wellness Dojo - Personal And Stress Management
    A web site which proposes a unique well-being concept based on pain relief, energetics therapy, emotional therapy and life coaching. Located in Marbella, Spain.
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