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81. Biochemistry Resources Resources for student and teachers of college level biochemistry courses, including demonstrations, learning strategies, classroom graphics, and sample course outlines. http://www.usm.maine.edu/~rhodes/Biochem/ |
82. Canadian Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Purpose is to foster the science of biochemistry and molecular biology. Activities include two meetings annually, sponsorship of symposia and the administration of a number of awards http://www.csbmcb.ca/ | |
83. ASBMB Homepage The ASBMB fosters research, teaching and industry in biochemistry and Molecular Biology through regional and national meetings, newsletters and the encouragement of visits by scientists from overseas laboratories. http://www.asbmb.org.au/ | |
84. Medbioworld S Biochemistry Journals Links to biochemistry, biophysics, cell, and molecular biology journals. http://www.medbioworld.com/journals/biochem.html |
85. Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics - Elsevier Presents articles in the developing areas of biochemistry and biophysics, especially those related to molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622787/description |
86. ACS Publications - Cookie Absent n. The study of the chemical substances and vital processes occurring in living organisms; biological chemistry; physiological chemistry. The chemical composition of a http://pubs.acs.org/journal/bichaw | |
87. Genomic Science Program, U.S. Department Of Energy The US Department of Energy at Oak Ridge program for research in moleular biology goals and results. http://doegenomestolife.org/ | |
88. Serial Analysis Of Gene Expression Explanation of SAGE, a method for analysis of gene expression patterns. http://www.sagenet.org/ | |
89. Promoter - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Article on the sequence located upstream of a gene that enables its translation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promoter | |
90. Gene Expression Independent forum for discussion of gene expression. http://www.gnxp.com |
91. Epigenetics Research News, jobs, recent literature, lab registry and an ontologically driven database that is updated daily. http://www.epidna.com/ |
92. JCat: A Novel Tool To Adapt Codon Usage Of A Target Gene To Its Potential Expres Bioinformatic Tool to adapt Codon Usage to sequenced prokaryotes and eukaryotes, from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. http://www.jcat.de | |
93. Epigenetics Methylation Station With information, protocols and resources about epigenetics and DNA methylation and much advertising. http://www.epigeneticstation.com |
94. Epigenetics News - Epigenetics, Gene Expression, And Methylation News and opinions on research and developments in the field of epigenetics. http://www.epigeneticsnews.com | |
95. The Ellington Lab - Home Use bioinformatics, modeling, and rational design to study evolutionary processes. http://ellingtonlab.org/ | |
96. Integrated Genomics Software and services for life science, particularly for microbial genomics, in Chicago, Illinois. http://www.integratedgenomics.com/ |
97. Koada Technology - Koadarray And Consultancy Services Supplies software for automated analysis and quantification of microarray images. http://www.koada.com | |
98. DNA Software, Inc. > Home Company selling software intended for molecular biology. http://www.dnasoftware.com/ |
99. DNASTAR - Software For Molecular Biology - Next Generation Sequencing, Sequence Develops sequence analysis software for molecular biology. http://www.dnastar.com/ |
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