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Chemistry Humor: more books (22) | |||||||||
21. Chemistry Jokes A collection of the best chemistry jokes; compiled by Jupiter Scientific http://www.jupiterscientific.org/sciinfo/jokes/chemistryjokes.html | |
22. ChemistryHumor - Articles And Posts From Holidash Tags avagadro constant, AvagadroConstant, chemistry humor, ChemistryHumor, mole day, MoleDay, national mole day, NationalMoleDay, school holidays, SchoolHolidays, unusual holidays http://news.holidash.com/tag/ChemistryHumor/ |
23. NKU SAACS/GSE - Humor Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society. Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society http://studenthome.nku.edu/~saacs/humor.htm | |
24. Molecules With Silly Or Unusual Names Believe it or not, some chemists do have a sense of humour, and this page is a testament to that. Here we'll show you some real molecules that have unusual, ridiculous or downright http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/sillymolecules/sillymols.htm | |
25. More Chemistry Humor For You After posting a chemistry joke last week, I did some surfing around to see what other chemistry humor I could find. Most of it made me groan, but I found a few little amusing tidbits http://chemistry.about.com/b/2009/01/27/more-chemistry-humor-for-you.htm | |
26. Chemistry » Humor Two chemists who for the army met for the first time at a symposium. One was American, the other was British. “So what do you do for research?” asked the British chemist. http://www.kml.matrik.edu.my/chemistry/?cat=10 |
27. Chemistry Humor : Absurd-o-Tees Funny, humorous, message tees and tshirts for geeks, guys and girls. Retro and vintage chic tees and t-shirts. Math, physics, science, chemistry t-shirts for geeks. Czech http://www.cafepress.com/absurdotees/1055447 |
28. Yet Another Personal Homepage - Chemistry Humor - All Noise, No Signal Chemistry humor. 200907-05, General, R. Lonstein. Derek Lowe’s web column In the pipeline has a section titled Things I won’t work with with pithy observations like this one http://www.lonsteins.com/blog/2009/07/05/chemistry-humor | |
29. Chemistry Humor? So, they say us chemists have no sense of humor, well they be wrong. So, my fellow SodaHeads, what can you post as an example of a joke using chemistry? I'll http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/chemistry-humor/question-304655/ | |
30. Chemistry Humor | Newscripts OMG, I TIAIL w this T! JP! (Translation Oh my gosh, I think I am in love with this Tshirt! Just playing!) Don’t fret if you had to resort to the translation to make sense http://cenblog.org/newscripts/tag/chemistry-humor/ | |
31. Chemistry Jokes And The Periodic Table - Jokes And Science Anyhow, this local guy ran the article in a paper and started a big outcry for a government study before they realized what the story was about ..kinda funny chemistry humor. http://www.juliantrubin.com/chemistryjokes.html | |
33. Chemistry Humor And Jokes Unusual wedding gifts Reactive Reports writer David Bradley has prepared an unusual list of gifts with which to celebrate a wedding anniversary. http://www.reactivereports.com/humor/index.html | |
34. Chemistry Department Stand forewarned it's British chemistry humor. Chip Cooper Cartoons from a variety of fields. Uwe Oehler and Dr. Iguana A few cartoons and a detailed tutorial on NMR to boot! http://www.macalester.edu/chemistry/links/humor/ | |
35. Chemists Jokes At WorkJoke.com - Profession Jokes Jokes about Chemists Read the funniest jokes about Chemists Know a good Chemists joke that's missing here? http://www.workjoke.com/chemists-jokes.html | |
36. Humor links to many humorous web pages BLONDE HUMOR. She was soooo blonde. CHEMISTRY HUMOR. Elements that should be on the periodic table http://www.fortunecity.com/bennyhills/hardy/441/humor/main.html | |
37. College Chemistry Humor - Commonplace Book The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry midterm Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer http://www.commonplacebook.com/jokes/true_stories/college_chemist.shtm | |
38. Chemistry Corner Chemistry Corner ChemistryCorner@groups.msn.com http://msngroup.aimoo.com/ChemistryCorner/chemistryhumor.msnw.htm | |
39. Chemistry Humor Q What happened to the man who was stopped for having sodium chloride and a ninevolt in his car? A He was booked for a salt and battery. Little Willie was a chemist. http://www.southgateschools.com/web/?idpage=88&iduser=3 |
40. Erowid Psychoactive Vaults : Humor Sketchys Chemistry Humor Content design 19952010 Erowid.org. Please ask before publicly reproducing. http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/humor/humor.shtml | |
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