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21. MSc Programme In Environmental Chemistry - Faculty Of Life Sciences Details of postgraduate degree course at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.life.ku.dk/English/education/for_students/curricula/2006-07/MSc-Progr | |
22. Environmental Chemistry | AEESP Environmental Chemistry RANK Graduate student INSTITUTION Villanova University DESCRIPTION Villanova University has been ranked 1 by U.S. News and World Report for over a decade, in http://aeesp.org/node/472 | |
24. Department Of Chemistry And Biochemistry | Environmental Chemistry University of Alaska Fairbanks 900 Yukon Dr. Rm 194 Fairbanks, AK 997756160, USA email fychem@uaf.edu phone (907)-474-5510 fax (907)-474-5640 http://www.uaf.edu/chem/echem/ | |
25. SparkNotes: SAT Chemistry: Environmental Chemistry SparkNotes online free test prep The major sources of energy in the United States are coal, petroleum, and natural gas, all of which are known as fossil fuels. http://www.sparknotes.com/testprep/books/sat2/chemistry/chapter10section3.rhtml | |
26. Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory Describes research projects in environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry, applying physical inorganic and organometallic chemistry to environmental and geological systems at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. http://knicholson.netfirms.com/ | |
27. Editor's Blog (EnvironmentalChemistry.com) Environmental, Chemistry Hazardous Materials News, Careers Resources This is the official blog for EnvironmentalChemistry.com, which provides http://blog.environmentalchemistry.com/ | |
28. Center For Workshops In The Chemical Sciences The workshop addresses this by introducing participants to the development of environmental chemistry classes and incorporating http://chemistry.gsu.edu/CWCS/environmental.php | |
29. Index Conducts research into environmental transport, fate, and remediation of toxic agricultural and industrial chemicals. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Agronomy/SWBL | |
30. Environmental Chemistry Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical processes occurring in the environment which are impacted by humankind's activities. These impacts may be felt on a local scale http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/research/environmental.php | |
31. DAIN Metadatabase Of Internet Resources For Environmental Chemicals Resources for finding databases relevant to the environmental effects of chemicals, by alphabetical list or search worldwide from the University of Kassel, Germany. http://dino.wiz.uni-kassel.de/dain/ |
32. Environmental Chemistry, Inc. Environmental analytical services in Houston, TX by Environmnetal Chemistry, Inc. Expert testing services for wastewater, groundwater, solid waste testing. http://envchem.com/ | |
33. The Center For Green Manufacturing Faculty focusing on technology, such as metallurgical and materials engineering, for energy and pollution efficient processes, integrated into the science and engineering curriculum at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. http://www.bama.ua.edu/~cgm/ | |
34. Welcome To AERL - Applied Environmental Research Laboratories At Vancouver Islan The AERL conducts pure and applied research in the environmental sciences and supports the training of highly qualified personnel in environmental chemical analysis. At Vancouver Island University. http://web.viu.ca/aerl/ | |
35. ENVIRONMENTAL-CHEMISTRY.LOVE.COM | All Things Environmental Chemistry Members of the Department of Health and Environmental Safety found no signs of contamination of the Sawmill Branch, they reported late Tuesday morning. http://environmental-chemistry.love.com/ |
36. Setac.org SETAC is an independent, nonprofit society providing a forum for individuals and environmental institutions, to discuss issues, management, conservation research and development. http://www.setac.org/ | |
37. MIT - Environmental Chemistry | Department Of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Find information about education and research in the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. http://cee.mit.edu/research/environmentalchemistry | |
38. Michigan Environmental Laboratory Association (MELA) MELA implements accreditation programs, aims to develop and apply better analytical methods, regulations and communication throughout the state, from East Lansing. http://www.michlabs.org/ | |
39. Environmental Chemistry - EnvironmentalPrograms.net EnvironmentalPrograms.net Learn about Environmental Career Specialites and the Schools Colleges that offer those Programs http://www.environmentalprograms.net/guidance/env-chemistry/ | |
40. Ovadia Lev - Casali Institute Of Applied Chemistry Professor Ovadia Lev leads research into the formation of volatile organo-sulfur compounds in natural aquatic systems and develops analytical and bioelectrochemical diagnostic tools based on sol-gel technology. http://chemistry.huji.ac.il/casali/lev.htm | |
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