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1. Molecular Modeling Overview - RightHealth Learn more about Molecular Modeling. Find the Web's best health guides, medical reports, news, videos and tools for Molecular Modeling. Share Molecular Modeling experiences and http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Molecular_modeling | |
2. Pharmaceutical Molecular Modeling Glossary & Taxonomy In Silico molecular drug modeling glossary taxonomy Evolving terminology for emerging technologies Suggestions? Comments? Questions? http://www.genomicglossaries.com/content/molecular_modeling_gloss.asp | |
3. Center For Molecular Modeling Provides several tutorials related to molecular modeling, directory of software and links to databases. http://cmm.info.nih.gov/modeling/ |
4. Molecular Modeling For Organic Chemistry Summary of lecture course which aims to introduce the hierarchy of computational modeling methods used in Organic Chemistry. Links to background and supplemental information. http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/organic/mod/ |
5. Molecular Modelling - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Molecular modeling on GPU; Molecule editor; Monte Carlo method; Quantum chemistry computer programs; Semiempirical quantum chemistry method; Software for molecular mechanics modelling http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_modelling | |
6. Molecular Modeling Definition Of Molecular Modeling In The Free Online Encyclope molecular modeling, the computer simulation, by various means, of chemical structures or processes. Special computergraphics programs can display three-dimensional images of http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/molecular modeling |
7. Molymod Molecular Models Plastic molecular models for use in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology (DNA double helix), semiconductors and crystal lattice structures. http://www.molecular-model.com/ |
8. Geometry In Action: Molecular Modeling Molecular Modeling Connections have been growing recently between the molecular modeling community and the computational geometry. Many questions in molecular modeling can be http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/gina/molmod.html | |
9. Molecular Modeling And Drawing Software And Databases molecular modeling and drawing software, structural databases, build, study, and present molecules, including crystallography http://www.chemsw.com/molecularmodeling.htm | |
10. Shangyu Seewell Teaching Instrument Factory - Molecular Model Sets & Crystal Str Provides plastic molecular models for teachers and students. Also crystal structure model sets and organic molecular models. http://www.seewellcn.com/ | |
11. MathMol Provides students, teachers and researchers the basic concepts in mathematics and their connection to molecular modeling. Links to Software, 3D libraries and tutorials. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol/ |
12. Molecular Modeling: Definition From Answers.com The use of computers for the simulation of chemical entities and processes. http://www.answers.com/topic/molecular-modeling |
13. Case Scientific - Industrial Surfactant And Polymer Science, Computational Chemi Molecular modeling of surfactants and polymers with an industrial focus. http://www.casescientific.com | |
14. An Introduction To Molecular Modeling An Introduction to Molecular Modeling Allen B. Richon. Molecular Solutions, Inc. 4411 Connecticut Avenue NW, STE 514 Washington, DC 200088677 . This article originally http://www.netsci.org/Science/Compchem/feature01.html | |
15. Folding@Home Educational Project MOLECULAR MODELING. In a pool table after a cue exerts a force on a ball many balls begin to move as a result of interaction between the balls. http://folding.stanford.edu/education/molmodel.html | |
16. Center For Molecular Modeling Supplier of molecular modeling resources and expertise to the NIH research community. Development and application of theoretical and computational methodologies, from ab initio calculations of small organic molecules to molecular mechanics simulations of macromolecular systems. http://cmm.cit.nih.gov/modeling/ |
17. Molecular Model - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Francis Crick and James D. Watson built skeletal models of the DNA molecle using spikes, flat templates, and conectors with screws. The use of computers for molecular modeling began http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_model | |
18. More Information MRA’s General Chemistry Web Page . CHEM 1315 Section 2 . Molecular Modeling . A 3D molecular model viewer that can be used with both PCs and Macs (using http://cheminfo.chem.ou.edu/~mra/home.html | |
19. Molecular Modelling One of the Specialist Interest Groups of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Links to research groups, meeting reports, software archives, selected articles. http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Networking/InterestGroups/MolecularModelling/ |
20. Molecular Model Kits: Organic & Inorganic Molecule Structures Molecular model kits to build ice, diamond, graphite, solid state, rutile, wurtzite, lithium niobate, perovskite, fluorite, semiconductors, sodium chloride other models. http://www.indigo.com/models/orbit-molecular-model-kits.html |
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