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41. Molecular Modeling Research Institutions and pharmaceutical companies involved in drug research and development, and Educational Institutions teaching the function and interaction of proteins and http://www.zcorp.com/en/Solutions/Healthcare/Molecular-Modeling/spage.aspx | |
42. Crystallography Centre Windows Software for Crystallography and Molecular Modelling from National University of Ireland. http://www.nuigalway.ie/cryst/software.html |
43. Http://www.molecular-modeling.ch The SIB Molecular Modelling Group Group Leader Olivier Michielin. Summary. The Molecular Modelling group (MMG) studies mechanisms of molecular recognition, in particular http://www.molecular-modeling.ch/ | |
44. Molecular Models, Rare Earth Magnets, Magnifying Glass, Credit Card Magnifier Magnets, magnifiers, molecular models, software, tools, tuning forks, and scientific glassware. http://www.indigo.com/ | |
45. Science Electronic Marketplace: Benchtop: Molecular Modeling Software, Sep. 96 Note to users. If you're seeing this message, it means that your browser cannot find this page's style/presentation instructions or possibly that you are using a browser http://www.sciencemag.org/products/bt-molmod.dtl | |
46. CCL Home A resource for computational chemists. Discussions on chemistry software, data, conferences, jobs, quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, QSAR, molecular graphics, molecular modeling, and associated archives http://www.ccl.net/chemistry/ | |
47. Distributed Molecular Modeling... Abstract . The Internet offers the possibility of distributing a molecular modeling task over a number of geographically diverse computers. If these computations can be http://www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT05/Papers/Ware/ | |
48. Molecular Modeling Pro Interactive molecular modeling and drawing software to build, study, and present molecules, including crystallography http://www.chemsw.com/13052.htm | |
49. Seascape! Offers molecular modeling and bioinformatics services. Includes information on their products and services, as well as downloads of presentations and trial software. http://www.seascapelearning.com/ | |
50. Molecular Modeling Software - NGMSI NorGwyn Montgomery Software Inc NGMSI creates and markets Molecular Modeling Pro modeling software and the ChemicaElectrica chemical database. NGMSI also supplies contract programming and training needs for the http://www.norgwyn.com/ | |
51. Molecular Modeling Heidelberg Offers a number of free online services; focus is on carbohydrates. http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/spec/ |
52. Molecular Modeling - Chemistry: Foundations And Applications | HighBeam Research Molecular Modeling find Chemistry Foundations and Applications articles. div id= bedoc-text h1Molecular Modeling/h1 hr/ pA model is a semblance or a representation of http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3400900327.html |
53. Drug Design Laboratory - News Molecular modeling resources, software and projects. Home of the programs Vega and BioDock. http://nova.colombo58.unimi.it/cms/ | |
54. Molecular Modeling computational chemistry, molecular modeling, NMR, Gaussian94, NIH, Graphics http://www.uiowa.edu/~molmod/ | |
55. Introduction To Molecular Modeling Using Jmol Software an interactive laboratory activity that teaches students about molecular modeling using the Jmol software applet http://edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/mmpart1_jmol.htm | |
56. The Babel Home Page A program designed to interconvert a number of file formats currently used in molecular modeling. http://smog.com/chem/babel/ | |
57. Chemdraw Ultra: Molecular Modelling, Structure Drawing, Semi-empirical Calculati Software for the modern chemical laboratory including freezer software, chemical inventory, molecular modeling and drawing http://www.chemistry-software.com/molecmod.htm | |
58. Scientific Informatics Software For Life Sciences, Materials R&D | Accelrys Producer of various molecular modeling and simulation software for both life and materials science research, like cerius, catalyst, insightII, quanta. http://accelrys.com/ |
59. Scientific Software For Chemists And Biologists Buy scientific software, databases and more for chemists and biologists in the laboratory, office, classroom and home. http://scistore.cambridgesoft.com/ScistoreCategory.aspx?SubCatsID=21&Categor |
60. Chemistry Software, HyperChem, Molecular Modeling Producer of HyperChem, a molecular modeling package for windows and HyperNMR, a program for prediction of one-dimensional NMR spectra. http://www.hyper.com/ | |
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