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81. Hoveyda Research Group Organometallic chemistry, mechanistic organic chemistry, combinatorial chemistry and organic synthesis. http://www2.bc.edu/~hoveyda/ |
82. William W. Ogilvie Synthetic organic chemistry. Medicinal chemistry. Asymmetric methodology. http://www.science.uottawa.ca/~wogilvie/ | |
83. ARKAT USA, Inc. - Publisher Of ARKIVOC (Free Journal Of Organic Chemistry) Publishes individual manuscript contributions, commemorative issues, accounts and reviews in organic chemistry. http://www.arkat-usa.org/ |
84. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin Covers physical and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry including natural products chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmacognosy and physical chemistry. http://cpb.pharm.or.jp/ | |
85. Tetrahedron Letters - Elsevier Published weekly covering developments in techniques, structures, methods and conclusions in experimental and theoretical organic chemistry. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/233/description |
86. Thieme Chemistry - Â SYNTHESIS, SYNTHESIS Covers all fields of organic chemistry, such as organometallic, organoheteroatom, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry. http://www.thieme-chemistry.com/thieme-chemistry/journals/info/synthesis/index.s | |
87. Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome Presents communications describing new methods, reagents, and technology pertaining to synthetic organic chemistry. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00397911.asp | |
88. IUPAC Nomenclature Features recommendations 1979 and 1993. Organized in sections with a search function. http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/ | |
89. Molecular Properties Prediction - Osiris Property Explorer Software to calculate various drug-relevant properties of chemical structures. Prediction results are given a value and color coded for such properties as toxicity and solubility. http://www.organic-chemistry.org/prog/peo/ |
90. Chemistry-software.com: Specializing In Organic Chemistry Software, Mass Spectro Sells software for organic chemistry, mass spectroscopy, quality control, and general chemistry. http://www.chemistry-software.com | |
91. Erik's Chemistry: Organic, General, AP And Physical Chemistry Notes A student made page with information about general chemistry, AP chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. http://eppe.tripod.com/ | |
92. The Chemogenesis Webbook Explores the science between the periodic table and the established disciplines of inorganic and organic chemistry. http://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook.html | |
93. Organic Reaction Quizzes And Summaries Designed to assist organic chemistry students in the review of the basic reactions. http://pages.towson.edu/ladon/orgrxs/reactsum.htm | |
94. Video Chemistry Courses - Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, High School, C Series of college chemistry courses on DVDs, CDs, and immediate downloads designed to facilitate teaching and learning chemistry at the college level. Includes fundamentals, inorganic and organic chemistry. http://www.chemistryprofessor.com | |
95. Oncothyreon A biotechnology company applying its leading technology in immunotherapy and organic chemistry for the development of cancer therapeutics. http://www.biomira.com/ | |
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