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21. Behavioural Pharmacology Focusing on research in ethopharmacology to the pharmacology of schedule-controlled operant behaviour. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information. http://www.behaviouralpharm.com |
22. Department Of Pharmacology pharmacology, Graduate, Program, Student, Ph.D., PhD, Doctorate, Ohio, Cleveland http://pharmacology.case.edu/Default.aspx | |
23. University Of Washington Department Of Pharmacology Gateway to seminars and events, faculty, research, intranet and directory. http://depts.washington.edu/phcol/ | |
24. Iranian Journal Of Pharmacology And Therapeutics IJPT publishes quarterly regular research papers, reviews, mini-reviews and case reports which deal with all aspects of experimental and clinical pharmacology. http://ijpt.iums.ac.ir |
25. Clinical Pharmacology - The Most Complete, Easiest-to-use And Most Dependable Dr Used by more than 1,500 hospitals and over 35,000 retail pharmacies in the U.S., as well as government and managed care agencies, PBMs, pharmaceutical manufacturers and http://clinicalpharmacology.com/ | |
26. Pharmacology - Home Welcome to the Department of pharmacology at the Quillen College of Medicine. Faculty members of our Department are actively engaged in delivering outstanding teaching to http://www.etsu.edu/com/pharmacology/ | |
27. British Journal Of Pharmacology Official publication of British Pharmacological Society for original papers, reviews, and correspondence updated weekly. Current contents and archive since 1996, with full articles available. http://www.nature.com/bjp/ | |
28. Pharmacology - Elsevier PharmaNutrition new conference launched Pharma-Nutrition, supported by the European Journal of pharmacology is the new international scientific conference organised by Elsevier http://www.elsevier.com/pharmacology |
29. Redirect.html Information about the Institute and its neuropharmacological research, including psychotropic drugs. http://www.if-pan.krakow.pl/ | |
30. Department Of Pharmacology pharmacology, Graduate, Program, Student, Ph.D., PhD, Doctorate, Ohio, Cleveland http://pharmacology.case.edu/education/surp.aspx | |
31. Eicosanoids And Vascular Pharmacology Provides details of research into the reactivity of human vascular tissue, with conference calendar and published material. http://vascular.free.fr/ | |
32. Pharmacology - LoveToKnow 1911 pharmacology. Systematic writers on the subject differ considerably in the exact meaning which they attach to the term pharmacology (41appaKov, a drug; Xayos, a discourse http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Pharmacology | |
33. Pharmacology - Psychology Wiki pharmacology (from Ancient Greek φάρμακον, pharmakon, drug ; and λογία, -logia) is the study of drug action.1 More specifically, it is the study of the http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Pharmacology | |
34. Timmons & Hamilton: Drugs, Brains & Behavior Textbook of behavioral pharmacology, by C. R. Timmons and L. W. Hamilton, freely available in its entirety. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~lwh/drugs/ | |
35. Pharmacology (MCDB) pharmacology (MCDB) pharmacology is a subject that integrates knowledge of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, physiology and chemistry to study the relationship between http://www.lifesci.ucsb.edu/undergrad/majors/pharmacology/pharmacology.html | |
36. Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Reports on advances in cardiovascular drug research and use. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information. http://www.cardiovascularpharm.com |
37. Pharmacology Definition Of Pharmacology In The Free Online Encyclopedia. pharmacology, study of the changes produced in living animals by chemical substances, especially the actions of drugs drugs, substances used in medicine either externally or http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/pharmacology |
38. Clinical Neuropharmacology Bimonthly journal devoted to the pharmacology of the nervous system. Contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information. http://www.clinicalneuropharm.com |
39. Pharmacology - Definition Of Pharmacology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur phar ma col o gy (f r mk l-j) n. 1. The science of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects. 2. The characteristics or properties of a drug, especially those that http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pharmacology |
40. Health Care Business Intelligence, Analysis, News & Insight: Elsevier Business I Features articles covering regulatory, legislative and business news that is related to the pharmacology industry. Includes a searchable database of FDA television meetings. http://www.fdcreports.com/ |
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