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         Philosophy:     more books (100)
  1. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 11 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-01-11
  2. Popular Scientific Recreations in Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry by Gaston Tissandier, 2010-01-09
  3. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 12 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-03-16
  4. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 6 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-01-11
  5. Chemistry: an exact mechanical philosophy by Frederick G Edwards, 2010-08-23
  6. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 10 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-03-16
  7. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 3 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-04-08
  8. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 4 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-03-09
  9. Three Essays in Artificial Philosophy, Or Universal Chemistry: Viz. I. an Essay for the Farther Application and Advancement of Chemistry in England. Ii. ... for Concentrating Wines, and Other Ferm by Peter Shaw, 2010-01-09
  10. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 13 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-03-16
  11. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 9 by Anonymous, 2010-03-03
  12. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 1 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-02-23
  13. London Medical Dictionary; Including, Under Distinct Heads, Every Branch of Medicine, viz. Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, the Practice of Physic and Surgery, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica; with Whatever Relates to Medicine in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Natural History by Bartholomew Parr, 1819
  14. Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance: Being the Waynflete Lectures Delivered in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford in Hilary Term, 1948, Together with a New Essay, "Symbol and Reality" (Dover Books on Physics and Chemistry) by Max Born, 1964

81. Philosophy And Theology
Links to sites on the most influential writers and thinkers who have influenced theology through the years.
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Philosophy and Theology
Primary Texts
Aristotle's Works at The Tech Archive (MIT) Aristotle, Metaphysics (Trans. W. D. Ross) Aristotle De interpretatione (Trans. E. M. Edghill) Aristotle, On the Soul (Trans. J. A. Smith) and an html edition (prepared by James O'Donnell) Aristotle, Physics (Trans. R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye) Aristotle, Poetics (Trans. S. H. Butcher) Aristotle, Rhetoric (Trans. W. Rhys Roberts)
Latin text of the Confessions (HTML edition by Chris Mitchell) Directory of the Confessions for access by individual book, or the Entire text as one long file. (E. B. Pusey, trans.) Key word search of the Pusey trans. Augustine, De dialectica . (Text and trans., James Marchand; HTML ed., James O'Donnell.) Enchiridion (Albert Outler, trans.) De musica (Latin ed.)
Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae (Latin and English, at UVA Etext Center) Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae (Latin and English with commentary and other resources, ed. James O'Donnell, at U Penn.) De institutione musica (Latin ed.)

82. Stanford University Department Of Philosophy
Stanford University Department of philosophy, a lively community of philosophers engaged in a fascinating range of philosophical research projects
@import url(/apps/stanfordphilosophy/themes/stanfordphilosophy/css/global.css); @import url(/apps/stanfordphilosophy/themes/stanfordphilosophy/css/kglobal.css); @import url(/apps/stanfordphilosophy/themes/stanfordphilosophy/css/philosophy.css); @import url(/apps/stanfordphilosophy/themes/stanfordphilosophy/css/cartmodsPhilosophy.css); @import url(/apps/stanfordphilosophy/themes/stanfordphilosophy/css/sIFR-screen.css); Stanford University Department of Philosophy Home Contact ... Login Search
We are a lively community of philosophers engaged in a fascinating range of philosophical research projects. We offer rigorous and competitive graduate and undergraduate programs which both train students in traditional core areas of philosophy and provide them with opportunities to explore oft-neglected subfields such as the philosophy of literature or nineteenth-century German philosophy. We have a very strong focus on the history of philosophy with one of the best programs in Kant studies in the world. Finally, we continue our tradition of being a top research center in logic and the philosophy of science. Learn more about us.

83. Wabash Center
Collection of resources about philosophy of religion.

Improved Course Catalog Search (Beta) Find just the class you want, when you want it. Or, search course descriptions with Google Custom Search

85. Philofreligion
Resources in the analytic philosophical tradition, including religious epistemology, theistic arguments, medieval philosophy, and teaching resources and discussion groups.

86. Philosophy Synonyms, Philosophy Antonyms |
noun principles, knowledge. Synonyms aesthetics , attitude , axiom , beliefs noun. Related Adjectives sound , a fortiori, a posteriori, a priori, analytic

87. Chinese Philosophy Page - Mo Jia Or Mohism
Annotated links related to this school of philosophy.
Chinese Philosophy Page HOME Chinese Philosophy Texts - Mo Jia or Mohism Confucianism


Mo Zi or Early Mohist Text. ENGLISH - CHINESE (GB)
OTHER SOURCES: The Wesleyan Chinese Philosophical Etext ArchivePre-Qin Texts has the following files:
Selected Mohist Doctrine chapters.
Here is a Table of Contents from the complete Mo Zi (i.e., including sections from both the Early Mohists and the Bie Mo). For an introduction, Burton Watson's partial translation is useful:
Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu
Burton Watson (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1967. A complete, and also rather hard to find, translation is:
Motse, the Neglected Rival of Confucius
Mei Yi-Pac / Published 1976 Other Links related to the Mo Zi

Mohist Philosophy
John Knoblock has some information on his Classical Chinese Philosophy site: An introduction to the philosophy of Mo Di Bie Mo or Neo-Mohists.

88. Analytic Philosophy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Article from this openly-edited reference.
Analytic philosophy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Philosophy Plato ... Traditions Analytic Continental
... e Analytic philosophy (sometimes analytical philosophy ) is a generic term for a style of philosophy that came to dominate English-speaking countries in the 20th century. In the United States United Kingdom Canada Scandinavia ... Australia , and New Zealand , the overwhelming majority of university philosophy departments identify themselves as "analytic" departments. Analytic philosophy is sometimes understood in contrast to other philosophical movements, such as continental philosophy Thomism , or Marxism The term "analytic philosophy" can refer to (a) a broad philosophical tradition characterized by an emphasis on clarity and argument (often achieved via modern formal logic and analysis of language ) and a respect for the natural sciences (b) the narrower set of developments in early 20th-century philosophy that were the historical antecedents of the broad sense: e.g., the work of Bertrand Russell Ludwig Wittgenstein G.E. Moore

89. Ordinary Language Philosophy
Brief historical survey of ordinary language philosophy by Garth Kemerling.
Philosophy Pages
Dictionary Study Guide ... Locke
Analysis of Ordinary Language
Two generations of British philosophers joined with Wittgenstein by engaging in philosophical activity of the new sort. Although their individual interests differed, all shared the commitment to careful analysis of ordinary language and the confidence that this method would tend to dissolve traditional philosophical problems.
John Wisdom
Cambridge philosopher John Wisdom tempered Wittgensteinian emphasis on ordinary language with the common-sense approach of Moore . Thus, although he agreed that metaphysical and theological statements are technically non-sensical, Wisdom supposed that they may nevertheless play an important role in human life. In "Gods," for example, he explored the functions and uses of religious language considered independently of its claims to truth about a supernatural deity. The early article "Philosophical Perplexity" indicated the direction of Wisdom's analytic method. Although he acknowledged that the resolution of a philosophical problem involves only a recommendation for revisions in our linguistic usage, Wisdom maintained that even meaningless philosophical assertions can serve a positive function provided that they are not directly misleading. Assertions are bound to be misleading, he supposed, when they point out illusory similarities among expressions that have distinct functions. Thus, for example, it makes sense to doubt whether or not that really was Newt Gingrich I saw in the Atlanta airport on Friday, but an effort systematically to doubt whether or not there really is an external world is pointless and confusing.

Founded in 1976 with the objective of promoting the goals of women in philosophy.
CSWIP: The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP)
Feminist Phenomenologies
Full programme information at SPEP
Renseignements complets sur le programme The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy also hosted two panel presentations and convened for an annual general meeting in concert with the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) meeting. June 25-28, 2010 at the University of Western Ontario. Information about the conference and programme can be found at Western
Recent Events

91. Feminist History Of Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
Addresses the male-centric distortions in the main philosophies of history.
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Feminist History of Philosophy
First published Fri Nov 3, 2000; substantive revision Mon May 7, 2007 The past twenty-five years have seen an explosion of feminist writing on the philosophical canon, a development that has clear parallels in other disciplines like literature and art history. Since most of the writing is, in one way or another, critical of the tradition, a natural question to ask is: Why does the history of philosophy have importance for feminist philosophers? This question assumes that the history of philosophy is of importance for feminists, an assumption that is warranted by the sheer volume of recent feminist writing on the canon. This entry explores the different ways that feminist philosophers are interacting with the Western philosophical tradition. Feminist philosophers engaged in a project of re-reading and re-forming the philosophical canon have noticed two significant areas of concern. The first is the problem of historical exclusion. Feminist philosophers are faced with a tradition that believes that there are no women philosophers and, if there are any, they are unimportant. Of course, women are not entirely absent from the history of philosophy, and that brings us to the second challenge we face. Canonical philosophers have had plenty to say about women and what we are like. In general terms, we often find that philosophical norms like reason and objectivity are defined in contrast to matter, the irrational or whatever a given philosopher associates with women and the feminine. Our tradition tells us, either implicitly through images and metaphors, or explicitly in so many words, that philosophy itself, and its norms of reason and objectivity, exclude everything that is feminine or associated with women.

92. Chapter Two
philosophy of history by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - founder of the Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) also known as Progressive Socialism.
Chapter Two
Social Psychology And Theory Of History
The Social Cycle

The Dialectics Of The Social Cycle

Synthesizing A New Vision Of History
The Role Of Moral Leaders And The State Of Permanent Social Synthesis
Section One:
Social Psychology And Theory Of History
B ased upon the relationship formed by the human mind with the natural and social environment, we can identify four different social groupings or behaviors. Each group has a different relationship with its environment and therefore develops different mental tendencies. The first group (the masses) are overwhelmed by the psycho-physical waves of reality. Unable to contend with it, this group spends its energy simply trying to exist. The second group (the warriors) commands the psycho-physical reality by physical force. The third (the intellectuals) commands by psychic (mental) force and the fourth (merchants) commands by controlling the manufacture and exchange of psycho-physical objects. In Sanskrit, these groups are called
First we will examine the four groups in our theory, and then give a brief historical analysis from this perspective.

93. Philosophy Of History Annotated Bibliography
Bibliography of many of the major philosophy of history works. Each book mentioned has an explanatory comment.
A Bibliography with Selected Annotations
" F or, as many imaginary theories of the heavens can be deduced from the phenomena of the sky, so it is even more easy to found many dogmas upon the phenomena of philosophy; and the plot of this our theatre resembles those of the poetical, where the plots which are invented for the stage are more consistent, elegant, and pleasurable than those taken from real history."
Francis Bacon, Novum Organum

94. Philosophy Of History - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Brief introductory summary of the philosophy of History.
Philosophy of history
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search For the work by Hegel, see Lectures on the Philosophy of History This article needs additional citations for verification
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (August 2008) The term philosophy of history refers to the theoretical aspect of history, in two senses. It is customary to distinguish critical philosophy of history from speculative philosophy of history . Critical philosophy of history is the "theory" aspect of the discipline of academic history, and deals with questions such as the nature of historical evidence, the degree to which objectivity is possible, etc. Speculative philosophy of history is an area of philosophy concerning the eventual significance, if any, of human history Furthermore, it speculates as to a possible teleological end to its development—that is, it asks if there is a design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in the processes of human history. Part of Marxism, for example, is speculative philosophy of history. Though there is some overlap between the two, they can usually be distinguished; modern professional historians tend to be skeptical about speculative philosophy of history. Sometimes critical philosophy of history is included under historiography . Philosophy of history should not be confused with the history of philosophy , which is the study of the development of philosophical ideas through time.

95. Roberts - Geoffrey Elton And The Philosophy Of History
Summary of the historian Geoffrey Elton s philosophy of history.
Home Forum
Department of History, University College, Cork
ISSN 1393-5259 When Sir Geoffrey Elton died in December 1994 the obituaries naturally focused on his contribution to the history of Tudor England. Elton's name will forever be identified with the Tudors and his numerous textbooks, monographs, and papers on early modern England must surely rank as one of the greatest ever achievements of historical labour. But Elton left another, equally important, legacy: a vigorous defence of traditional, narrative historyhistory as the reconstruction and telling of tales about past human experiences, actions, thoughts and endeavours. Elton's first and most famous foray into the philosophy of history was The Practice of History (1967)a manifesto, he said, setting out his experience of studying, writing and teaching history. This was followed by Political History: Principles and Practice (1970) in which he argued for the centrality and importance of political action in the study of the past and further developed his views on the nature of historical explanation. In Which Road to the Past?

96. Hegel's Philosophy Of History
Hegel s philosophy of history from a historian s perspective.
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CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, DETERMINISM, AND CONTINGENCY The philosophy of history espoused by George Frederick Hegel, philosopher and historian, has often been viewed as largely teleological. It has often been speculated that this philosophical presumption arose from the historical context of Hegel's life, whether negatively through his fear of the French Terror or positively from his dedication to the Romantic thesis that Reason shapes the universe. Nonetheless, Hegel's commitment to the dialectical progression of time and to the triumphant end of history is taken to be a largely deterministic and ahistorical philosophy. Such a reading, I would argue, would be a mistaken.
Hegel as a determinist It is not difficult to see how this interpretation of Hegel arose. In Phenomenology of Spirit , Hegel openly espouses determinism by stating that "world history exhibits nothing other than the plan of providence." He further develops this belief in his Introduction to the Philosophy of History , explaining that "in the pure light of this divine Idea... the illusion that the world is a mad or foolish happening disappears." Indeed, at no point in his writings does Hegel appear willing to place conditions upon these dogmatic statements. He is consistent in his assertion that history follows a specific path, one predetermined by the purposeful movement of Spirit through time:

97. Philosophy Of History Archive (PHA)
A Russian site (in English) offering a listing of philosophy of history resources worldwide.
Welcome to
Philosophy of History Archive!
The International PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY ARCHIVE (PHA) has been designed by
Prof. Nikolai S. Rozov,
as a Web node where various information is accumulated for all those who are interested in , i.e. in rational theoretical approaches to World History, and in application of correspondent paradigms (concepts, theories, schemes, models) for comprehension Modernity and alternative Global Futures.
Philosophy of History
and Theoretical History
Problems of Philosophy of History and Theoretical History Paradigms of Philosophy of History (Classification) New! Meanings of History as Permanent Self-Tests of Groups and Societies: Philosophy and Social Sciences Versus Ideology (Seoul 2008: World Congress of Philosophy) Paradigms: PHILOFHI Information about, discussion threads, and links to info and subscription pages for the mailing list PHILOFHI (PHILosophy OF HIstory and theoretical history) Some humour
Speculative Philosophy as Extramarital Sex PHA Administrator Prof.

98. The John William Miller Fellowship Fund
Joseph Fell s summary of John William Miller s philosophy.
As many commentators and students have remarked, John William Miller's thought is difficult to describe and understand�it resists scholarly pigeonholing and his writing eludes the reader in its deceptive simplicity. This is due in part to the fact that Miller wrote as a philosopher rather than as a scholar, eschewing annotation and the tracing of influences. The resistance that his philosophy offers is perhaps attributable more to the relative novelty of both its form and its terminology. Particularly in the middle decades of the 20th century, this novelty seemed to doom his thought to obscurity as Miller wrote contrary to the major positivistic trend in Anglo-American thought. Yet today, when the historical and idealist bases of philosophical thought are being recouped, Miller's philosophy stands a better chance of receiving a fair and informed hearing. Filiations
The Matter
Miller's philosophy is a hybrid. Initiated into the debate between realism and idealism, as well as the dispute between pragmatism and idealism, Miller consciously sought a middle route through these oppositions. This via media Introductory Essays Links to two introductory essays on Miller's philosophy are offered below. Joseph P. Fell's "Miller: The Man and His Philosophy" provides a general introduction to Miller's thought�i.e., its bases, structure, and import. Vincent M. Colapietro's "Reason, Conflict, and Violence: John William Miller's Conception of Philosophy" expands on Fell's introduction by examining Miller's sense of the matter of philosophy itself.

99. Rando's Web | Philosopher, Guitarist And Blogger
Rando s blog, which includes a review of Danto, Gress and Collins s cultural philosophy of history
var fw_a_cats = ['10','13','09'];var fw_a_sizes = ['728x90'];var fw_a_slots = ['user_728x90'];
Rando's Web
Philosopher, Guitarist and Blogger
J. Randall Groves, M.A. (History) Ph.D. (Philosophy) (UC San Diego)
I am a Professor and Distinguished Teacher at Ferris State University. I teach a variety of classes, but my research is in comparative civilizations. On this page I list my papers on Comparative Civilizations.
Contact Me
Academic Contacts: Music Contacts:
Chinese Mentality and Chinese Identity Mentality and Chinese Identity.doc
The Aryan Hypothesis and Indian Identity Aryan Hypothesis and Indian Identity.doc
Monsters and History and History.htm
Comparative Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Mind 2.doc
A Topology of Cultural Identity of Cultural Identity.doc
The Rise of Cultural Philosophy of History Rise of Cultural POH.doc

100. Philosophy Of Science
Essays on philosophy of science from the Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series.
Philosophy of Science
A few miles farther on, we came to a big, gravelly roadcut that looked like an ashfall, a mudflow, glacial till, and fresh oatmeal, imperfectly blended. "I don't know what this glop is," [Kenneth Deffeyes] said, in final capitulation. "You need a new geologist. You need a Californian John McPhee, Assembling California , p. 11 [The Noonday Press; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993] BILL MURRAY "Ray, for a moment, pretend that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on." DAN AYKROYD "You never studied." Ghostbusters , 1984, Columbia Pictures
Editorial Essays

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