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21. ||-Interdepartmental Toxicology Program - Iowa State University- Describe content of page here. The toxicology Graduate program is recruiting 4 to 6 new students for Fall 2011. http://www.toxicology.iastate.edu/ | |
22. American College Of Medical Toxicology ACMT is a professional, nonprofit association of physicians with recognized expertise in medical toxicology. http://www.acmt.net | |
23. Toxicology Definition Of Toxicology In The Free Online Encyclopedia. toxicology, study of poisons, or toxins, from the standpoint of detection, isolation, identification, and determination of their effects on the human body. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/toxicology |
24. Toxicology | EBasedTreatment The Legal Dose of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 4060 mg can be a lethal dosage for adult human beings. This makes it an extremely deadly poison, more toxic http://www.ebasedtreatment.org/drugs/treatment/nicotine/toxicology |
25. IAOMT International Academy Of Oral Medicine And Toxicology, Mercury Free Dentis The IAOMT is a network of dental, medical and research professionals who seek to raise the standards of scientific biocompatibility in the dental practice with information from the http://www.iaomt.org/ | |
26. Perry Scientific - Toxicology Offers a range of services including IND-enabling and NDA-enabling mammalian toxicology studies. http://www.perryscientific.com/Toxicology.html | |
27. The Toxicology Of Male Reproduction A review produced as part of an MSc Thesis. http://www.brighton73.freeserve.co.uk/tomsplace/scientific/msc-review/msr-top.ht | |
28. Toxicology - U.S. National Library Of Medicine Collection Development Manual toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical and biological agents on living organisms and the ecosystem. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/acquisitions/cdm/subjects99.html | |
29. TIAFT - The International Association Of Forensic Toxicologists Association with over 1400 members from all regions of the world who are actively engaged in analytical toxicology or allied areas. http://www.tiaft.org/ | |
30. TOXNET toxicology, environmental health, and chemical databases and other information resources from the toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program, National Library of http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/ | |
31. ToxNetwork.com - Harry A. Milman, Ph.D. -- Consulting, Litigation Support -- Tox Consulting and litigation support in toxicology, carcinogenesis, pharmacology, and pharmacy standard of care. Rockville, Maryland. http://www.toxnetwork.com/ | |
32. Home toxicology studies in safe hands. Experimental toxicology Services (ETS) Nederland BV, based in Zutphen, The Netherlands, is an independent privately owned - product development http://www.toxicology.nl/ |
33. ToxSeek Metasearch and Clustering Engine for Environmental Health and toxicology from the National Library of Medicine. http://toxseek.nlm.nih.gov |
34. Home UF|Center For Environmental And Human Toxicology The Center for Environmental and Human toxicology at The University of Florida http://toxicology.ufl.edu/ |
35. Great Lakes Environmental Center GLEC has diverse capabilities focused on aquatic/sediment toxicology and environmental assessment. Provides description of services, projects and links. http://www.glec-online.com/ | |
36. Toxicology - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia toxicology is the study of the negative effects of chemicals on living things. The main factor in the toxicity of a substance is the dose (how much of the chemical has been given), as http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxicology | |
37. Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory Provides activities, publications, staff and resources. http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/apc/atl/ |
38. Toxicology - Definition Of Toxicology In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free On toxicology /tox i col o gy/ (tok″sĭkol ah-je) the science or study of poisons.toxicolog ic. tox i col o gy (t k s-k l-j) n. The study of the nature, effects, and detection of http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/toxicology |
39. 2010-2011 Faculty Of Arts And Science Calendar Introduction. Pharmacology and toxicology are integrative biological sciences that examine the properties of chemical compounds and their interactions with living systems. http://www.artsandscience.utoronto.ca/ofr/calendar/prg_pcl.htm | |
40. WHO | Publications Catalogue of WHO publications on toxicology of numerous substances. http://www.who.int/ipcs/publications/en/ | |
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