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61. A Small Dose Of... Visit Milestones and Discoveries in toxicology New Fun (what are your comments?) It's interactive. TRY IT!!! http://asmalldoseof.org/ | |
62. Welcome To The Society Of Toxicology Of Canada Bienvenue La Socit De Toxic Promoting acquisition, dissemination, study and use of toxicological data. Includes links to training, meetings, job openings, membership and committee details, with contacts in Beaconsfield, Qu bec. English and French http://www.stcweb.ca/ |
63. Toxicology The toxicology Division is dedicated to Clinical Care, Education, and Research in the area of Medical toxicology. http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/ecuem/Toxicology.cfm | |
64. Welcome To ISRTP Home Page ISRTP provides a public forum for policy makers and scientists promoting toxicologic and pharmacologic sciences, for regulation affecting human safety, health and the environment. Includes events, membership details, member login and contacts for officers throughout the USA. http://www.isrtp.org/ | |
65. Toxicology Introduction. toxicology is the study of the dynamic interaction of chemicals with living systems. It is also the workhorse science of numerous industries and regulatory agencies http://www.eoearth.org/article/Toxicology |
66. EXTOXNET - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork A collaborative effort of several US universities collecting pesticide information profiles, toxicology information briefs, and other factsheets and newsletters. http://extoxnet.orst.edu/ | |
67. Toxicology Summary And Analysis Summary | BookRags.com toxicology summary with 21 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries, analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/Toxicology |
68. Http://hypertox.com/ Provides information in Clinical toxicology by three authors. Designed for emergency ward management, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of clinical toxicology. http://www.hypertox.com/ | |
69. Toxicology Tests A toxicology test examines blood, urine, or hair for the presence of drugs. In rare cases, stomach contents, sweat, or saliva may also be examined. http://firstaid.webmd.com/toxicology-tests |
70. Toxicology Expert Witness In Walnut Creek, California Thomas H. Milby is a Medical toxicology Forensic Medicine and Occupational Environmental Medicine Expert Witness located in Walnut Creek, California. http://toxicology.leadingexperts.com/ | |
71. Toxicology Great Science, Great People. Diagnostic Laboratory Services is committed to providing the highest quality drug testing services through the State's most experienced http://www.dlslab.com/services/toxicology |
72. SETAC Journals - SETAC Journals Official journal of the Society of Environmental toxicology and Chemistry. Provides table of contents, abstract and subscription information. http://www.setacjournals.org/ |
73. Toxicology - Definition Of Toxicology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus A tox i col o gy (t k sk l-j) n. The study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning. tox i co log i cal (-k-l j-k l), tox i co http://www.thefreedictionary.com/toxicology |
74. Curso De Toxicología Para Comunidades: Manual - Índice | ATSDR - Curso De Capa Curso compuesto de cuatro m dulos de capacitaci n sobre el tema de la toxicolog a y asuntos relacionados con las exposiciones ambientales. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/es/training/toxicology_curriculum/es_index.html | |
75. Aquatic Toxicology - Elsevier An international journal on mechanisms of and responses to toxic agents in the aquatic environment. Available on line with free access to table of contents, abstracts and search. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505509/description |
76. LIMCO | Welcome of services and publications....... Consulting and research bureau specialized in aquatic ecology, sediment toxicology, biotests, pollution assessment and pollution control. http://www.limco-int.com/ |
77. ScienceDirect - Toxicology And Applied Pharmacology, Volume 249, Issue 2, Pages Articles of research on chemicals, drugs, or natural products effects on tissue structure or function, in human and animals. Archives of abstracts since 1993, with references and full text available for purchase upon registration, or subscribers to Elsevier Inc. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0041008X | |
78. Regulatory Toxicology And Pharmacology - Elsevier Journal for concepts and problems involved with experimental animal and human data in the larger perspective of the societal considerations of protecting human health and the environment. Elsevier, The Netherlands. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622939/description |
79. Welcome To ITRC :: Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow, India Resource for pollutants, carcinogens, with divisions working on food, pulmonary, environmental, neurotoxicology and carcinogenesis. Regional representative for WHO, IPCS, IARC, US FDA for South East Asia region at Lucknow, India. http://www.itrcindia.org/ | |
80. PRIMARY SPLASH PAGE: Center For Toxicology Graduate programs including superfund and toxigenomics, links to poison and drug information, and others at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicolgy, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson. http://toxcenter.pharmacy.arizona.edu/ | |
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