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21. Hildegard Of Bingen, 1098 -1179, Philosopher, Mystic, Healer, Poet, Naturalist, Hildegard of Bingen, life and works of Hildegard von Bingen, philosopher, mystic http://www.women-philosophers.com/Hildegard-of-Bingen.html | |
22. Nahrungserg�nzung, Vitamine, Mineralstoffe - Informieren Und Bestellen Nahrungse Mittel zur Erg nzung einer ausgewogenen Ern hrung sowie kosmetische Produkte nach Rezepten von Hildegard von Bingen. http://www.atlantis-pharm.com/ | |
23. Hildegard Of Bingen Hildegard of Bingen biography a profile of Hildegard of Bingen, medieval visionary writer and composer of music. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/hildegardbingen/a/hildegard.htm | |
24. Medieval Church.org.uk: Hildegard Of Bingen (1098-1179) Medieval Church.org.uk An Internet Resource for Studying the Church in the Middles Ages http://www.medievalchurch.org.uk/p_hildegard.php | |
25. Historische Personen Levensbeschrijvingen aan van historische personen als Hildegard von Bingen en Dracula. http://members.casema.nl/couprie/historie/ | |
26. International Society Of Hildegard Von Bingen Studies NYC based actress and mezzo, Linn Maxwell is touring the U.S. with her one woman show, Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light. The tour opensat St. Olaf http://www.hildegard-society.org/ | |
27. Home | Claretum Burgunderweingut an der Nahe, Burgundersekte, Wei -, Grau- und Sp tburgunder auch Barriqueausbau, Wein-Aperitif Claretum, Hommage an Hildegard von Bingen, Rieslinge bis hin zum Eiswein, Weinproben nach Anmeldung http://www.claretum.de/ | |
28. Hildegard Of Bingen And The Living Light HILDEGARD OF BINGEN AND THE LIVING LIGHT is a new onewoman play by Linn Maxwell featuring 7 Hildegard songs about the 12th century German abbess, prophet, healer and composer. http://www.hildegardofbingen.net/ | |
29. Hildegard Von Bingen Lyrics In Latin And English Women Writers Hildegard of Bingen. music transcriptions, art, texts and articles. Stevie Wishart High Flyers 850 years apart interesting article about Hildegard and the artist http://irupert.com/HILDEGRD/ | |
30. Abtei St. Hildegard Startseite ber das Benediktinerinnenkloster, seine Betriebe und Werkst tten. Mit Texten zu Gott und Hildegard von Bingen. http://www.abtei-st-hildegard.de/ | |
31. Hildegard Of Bingen (1098-1179) Reclaiming Eve: Women's History 2000 Presentatio Reclaiming Eve Women's History Month 2000 Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) Scivias (Know the Way) (1151) Liber Divinorum Operum http://pinn.net/~sunshine/whm2000/bingen2.html | |
32. Hildegard Of Bingen Definition Of Hildegard Of Bingen In The Free Online Encyclo Hildegard of Bingen (hĭl`dəg rth', bĭng`ən), 1098–1179, German nun, mystic, composer, writer, and cultural figure, known as the Sibyl of the Rhine. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Hildegard of Bingen |
33. Film - Filmmakers And Movies - Goethe-Institut Interview with the German director about her work and the film Vision The Life Of Hildegard von Bingen. http://www.goethe.de/kue/flm/far/en4547528.htm | |
34. Hildegard Of Bingen — Poet Seers View Hildegard poems and hymns. Hildegard was the tenth child of of a noble German family. At the age of 8, she was sent to live with Jutta, the sister of a count whom Hildegard's http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/christian/hild/ | |
35. HILDEGARD OF BINGEN | Roman Catholicism | Way Of Life Literature FREE OFFER .. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST INFORMATION SERVICE. We only publicize our weekly specials through the FBIS! Our email service provides a weekly mix of news http://www.wayoflife.org/files/9cb65c8f423b892b6f9dfa1ad6e04a73-352.html | |
36. Washington Women's Chorus The ensemble has performed music spanning the last millennium - from the 11th-century chants of Hildegard von Bingen to Gwyneth Walker s 1998 setting of poems by Luscille Clifton. District of Columbia, USA. http://www.washingtonwomenschorus.org/ |
37. Hildegard Of Bingen Hildegard of Bingen (10981179), born to a noble family, was convent-educated from the age of seven by Benedictine nuns at Disibodenberg, near Bingen, near the present-day town http://www.ibiblio.org/cheryb/women/hildegard.html | |
38. Hildegard Of Bingen - Violet Salve - Anti-metastasis Tea - Cancer Salves Hildegard of Bingen had a violet salve that was used to kill the microorganims that, with her clairvoyance, she saw as the cause of cancer. She recommended yarrow tea to http://www.cancersalves.com/botanical_approaches/historic_practitioners/Hildegar | |
39. 17. September: Den Hellige Hildegard Av Bingen Informasjon om skytshelgen for naturvitenskapsmenn, spr kforskere og esperantister. http://www.katolsk.no/biografi/hbingen.htm |
40. Hildegard Of Bingen Hildegard was born in 1098, the tenth and last child of apparently noble parents in Mainz. They offered her to God as tithe, acording to her biographer/secretary. http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/medieval/hildegard.html | |
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