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         Hildegard Of Bingen:     more books (100)
  1. The World of Hildegard of Bingen: Her Life, Time, and Visions by Heinrich Schipperges, 1999-01
  2. Hildegard of Bingen: The Woman of Her Age by Fiona Maddock, 2003-05-20
  3. Holistic Healing by Hildegard, Hildegard Bingen, et all 1994-09-12
  4. Hildegard's Healing Plants: From Her Medieval Classic Physica by Hildegard Von Bingen, 2002-05-11
  5. Secrets of God: Writings of Hildegard of Bingen by Hildegard Of Bingen, 1996-07-09
  6. Hildegard of Bingen: Healing and the Nature of the Cosmos by Heinrich Schipperges, 1997-09-01
  7. Praying With Hildegard of Bingen (Companions for the Journey Series) by Gloria Durka, 1991-05-30
  8. The Personal Correspondence of Hildegard of Bingen (Letters of Hildegard of Bingen)
  9. Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs
  10. Vision: The Life and Music of Hildegard von Bingen by Hildegard of Bingen, Barbara Newman, 1995-11-01
  11. Hildegard of Bingen: Woman of Vision by Carol Reed-Jones, 2004-11-09
  12. Rooted in the Earth, Rooted in the Sky: Hildegard of Bingen and Premodern Medicine (Studies in Medieval History and Culture) by Victoria Sweet, 2008-04-15
  13. The Book of the Rewards of Life: Liber Vitae Meritorum by Hildegard of Bingen, 1997-03-27
  14. Hildegard of Bingen and Her Vision of the Feminine by Nancy Fierro, 1994-11-01

21. Hildegard Of Bingen, 1098 -1179, Philosopher, Mystic, Healer, Poet, Naturalist,
Hildegard of Bingen, life and works of Hildegard von Bingen, philosopher, mystic
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Hildegard of Bingen 1098 - 1179
Hildegard of Bingen, Abbess, philosopher, theologian, visionary, scientist/naturalist, poet and medical practitioner was one of the most well known scholars of her day.
She was the tenth child born to Mechtilde and Hildebert, a noble German family who served at the courtof of Sponheim. From babyhood, she was sickly. At the age of three she began to experience visions. When she realized that this was not a common experienceshe began to hide hers. At an early age, she also exhibited remarkably precise visual recall of things around her. When she was eight years old, her parents offered her to the Church (a 'tithe" of the 10th child). This may have been a strictly religious act or it could be that they were finding it difficult to provide for this, their tenth child. They brought her to Jutta, an anchorite attached to the Church at Disibodenberg. Hildegard of Bingen lived with the anchorite in her single cell and was trained in prayer and the doing of simple crafts. She learned to read the Psalter in Latin but her education was, as a whole, quite rudimentary. In ensuing years she depended on secretaries to record her work and correspondence. At first, it was just the two of them, but in time a number of women were attracted to the anchorite and slowly a community developed around Jutta.

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23. Hildegard Of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen biography a profile of Hildegard of Bingen, medieval visionary writer and composer of music.
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    By Jone Johnson Lewis , Guide
    See More About:
    Hildegard of Bingen, from the Rupertsberger Codex Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons zSB(3,3)
    1098 - September 17, 1179
    Feast Day: September 17
    Known for:
    Medieval mystic or prophet and visionary. Abbess. Composer of music . Writer of books on spirituality, visions, medicine, nature. Correspondent with many ordinary and powerful people. Critic of secular and religious leaders.
    Also Known As:
    Hildegard von Bingen, Sibyl of the Rhine
    Hildegard of Bingen - Life
    Jutta, whom Hildegard later referred to as an "unlearned woman," taught Hildegard to read and to write. Jutta became the abbess of the convent, which attracted other young women of noble background. In that time, convents were often places of learning, a welcome home to women who had intellectual gifts. Hildegard, as was true of many other women in convents at the time, learned Latin, read the scriptures, and had access to many other books of religious and philosophical nature. Those who have traced the influence of ideas in her writings find that Hildegard must have read quite extensively. Part of the Benedictine rule required study, and Hildegard clearly availed herself of the opportunities.

    24. Medieval Hildegard Of Bingen (1098-1179)
    Medieval An Internet Resource for Studying the Church in the Middles Ages
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    HILDEGARDE, St Liber Divinorum Operum Physica (nine books), Letters, etc., are found in Migne: Patrol., T. 197. Her life was written by STILTING, in A. S. Boll. art 17 Sept., and by DAUL, Mayence, 1832. Complete bibliographical information is found in LINDE: Die Handsch. d. Landesh. in Wiesbaden , Wiesb., 1877. [See also RICHAUD: Sainte Hildegarde , Aix, 1876.] Benrath, "Hildegard, St.," Philip Schaff, ed., A Religious Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology
    Primary Sources
    Hildegard of Bingen, The Book of the Rewards of Life . Liber Vitae Meritorum, Bruce W. Hozeski, translator. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 0195113713. pp.320.

    25. Historische Personen
    Levensbeschrijvingen aan van historische personen als Hildegard von Bingen en Dracula.
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    Historische Personen
    Op deze pagina treft u levensbeschrijvingen aan van historische personen. In de loop van de tijd zullen hier steeds meer levensbeschrijvingen gepubliceerd worden. If you can't read Dutch, click here.
    Kees Couprie Andere pagina's van dezelfde auteur.

    26. International Society Of Hildegard Von Bingen Studies
    NYC based actress and mezzo, Linn Maxwell is touring the U.S. with her one woman show, Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light. The tour opensat St. Olaf
    International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies
    Frances Flynn, Qualelibet Editor ... Home
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    Hildegard Society Announcements
    Current Issue of Qualelibet Autumn 2010 , Volume XXVII.2 EVENTS NYC based actress and mezzo, Linn Maxwell is touring the U.S. with her one woman show, Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light . The tour opensat St. Olaf Catholic Church in downtown Minneapolis on October 28th . For more information and tour dates in your area please visit: In the Boston Cappella Clausura is staging Hildegard's " Ordo Virtutum ," which is often considered the first known musical drama in history, circa 1150.
    We're giving it a contemporary spin: the devil is a female hedge fund capitalist, offering Anima the perfect job package, fabulous clothing and great connections. The Virtues run a tidy little non-profit. For more information visit:

    27. Home | Claretum
    Burgunderweingut an der Nahe, Burgundersekte, Wei -, Grau- und Sp tburgunder auch Barriqueausbau, Wein-Aperitif Claretum, Hommage an Hildegard von Bingen, Rieslinge bis hin zum Eiswein, Weinproben nach Anmeldung
    Home Am Ende zählt die Qualität im Glas. Aber was steht am Anfang? Vor dreihundert Millionen Jahren bildete sich aus Sedimenten der Tonschiefer, der heute unser Terroir bestimmt. Damals lag Odernheim am Äquator und unsere Weinberge waren tropische Seen voller Fische und Saurier. Vor neunhundert Jahren beobachtete Hildegard von Bingen die Weinberge ihres Klosters - unsere Weinberge - und stellte sich Fragen, deren Antworten uns bis heute nicht loslassen. In der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts dachte die Familie Schmidt, Müller und Winzer in Odernheim seit mehr als 200 Jahren, über die Renaissance des Burgunders in Odernheim nach. Sie pflanzten neue Reben in uralte Weinberge und verpflichteten sich der Qualität ohne Kompromisse. Vor zwanzig Jahren, als der deutsche Weinbau in der Krise war, glaubten Dr. Peter Becker und Christian Held an das Potential der Weinberge: Kloster Disibodenberg, Montfort und Kapellenberg und an die Möglichkeit, hier große Naheweine zu erzeugen. Vor fünfzehn Jahren überzeugten sie Thomas Zenz und Charlotte Held. Im Jahr 2010 bildete sich ein neuer engagierter Gesellschafterkreis und mit erheblichen Investitionen in die Weinberge und den Keller und mit dem Bezug des Boos von Waldeckschen Hofes fühlen wir uns für die Zukunft gerüstet. Rebstöcke brauchen Wurzeln. Ohne Geschichte ist Zukunft nicht denkbar. Wein braucht Zeit.

    28. Hildegard Of Bingen And The Living Light
    HILDEGARD OF BINGEN AND THE LIVING LIGHT is a new onewoman play by Linn Maxwell featuring 7 Hildegard songs about the 12th century German abbess, prophet, healer and composer.
    HILDEGARD INFORMATION SCHEDULE PAST PERFORMANCES PHOTOS ... Site design by Glen Charlow Desktop Publishing, Page background: an altar of the Church of the Transfiguration, NYC.

    29. Hildegard Von Bingen Lyrics In Latin And English
    Women Writers Hildegard of Bingen. music transcriptions, art, texts and articles. Stevie Wishart High Flyers 850 years apart interesting article about Hildegard and the artist
    Hildegard von Bingen
    lyrics in latin and english
    O vos felices radices - O you happy roots
    O ignis spiritus - O holy fire
    Links to the page with the translations follow: Give me the whole thing, pictures and text Just give me the text and keep your images Send me the O Ignis Spiritus ... music manuscript page with the 135 K JPG here are some cool Hildegard sites: Hildegard von Bingen Bookstore offers an extensive collection of books by and about Hildegard. The life and works of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) an online biography with pictures. Early Music Women Composers an extensive discography of Hildegard's music with some texts by Hildegard (in english) with commentary. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) some images and a short translation from the Scivias. Tracks of Hildegard in Bingen ideal for your trip to Bingen to celebrate her 900th birthday. Bison Publishing books and music recordings. Women Writers - Hildegard of Bingen. music transcriptions, art, texts and articles. Stevie Wishart High Flyers 850 years apart interesting article about Hildegard and the artist who performs her music. First web reference that I have seen about Hildegard and herb. The Music of Faith, Part I: Toward the Big Hildegard Anniversary

    30. Abtei St. Hildegard Startseite
    ber das Benediktinerinnenkloster, seine Betriebe und Werkst tten. Mit Texten zu Gott und Hildegard von Bingen.
    Gott Kloster Benediktinisches Leben Hildegard von Bingen ... Archiv 20 Besucher sind online 572 Besucher gestern Aktuelles English Online-Klosterladen Suche ... Kontakt / Impressum

    31. Hildegard Of Bingen (1098-1179) Reclaiming Eve: Women's History 2000 Presentatio
    Reclaiming Eve Women's History Month 2000 Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) Scivias (Know the Way) (1151) Liber Divinorum Operum
    Sunshine for Women
    WHM 2000, ToC
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    Know the Way
    Liber Divinorum Operum
    The Book of the Divine Works

      In Hildegard's time, monastic life in no way implied a life of poverty. Wealthy families often gave the convents the land, goods, and money which would have formed their daughter's dowry had she instead choosen to marry. Even in the convents, including the convents where Hildegard lived, learned, and eventually ruled, the social classes were kept apart with the daughters of the wealthy being an educated, priviledged class and the daughters of the poor doing the physical labor. Similarily, even in the century before Hildegard was born, church positions from the archbishop on down were regularly bought by and sold to the highest bidder regardless of the purchaser's character or spiritual qualifications. Simony was rife for the church offices were positions of wealth, power, and influence. Secular lords jealously guarded their rights to appoint their subjects to eccleasistical offices while eccleastical "barons" jealously guarded their rights to sell the offices positions under their control. The stage was set for brutal battles between secular and eccleasistical authorities for control of church offices. Although Gregory VII who became Pope in 1073 began to reform the system, the struggles between Pope and Emperor continued theoughout Hildegard's lifetime. The Manichean heresy, under the name of Catharism, made a resurgence during this time. It's popularily seemed to be related more to it's opposition to the corruption of the established church than to the Manichean beliefs themselves. The Cathars believed that the universe was divided between two all-powerful forces, one good and one evil. Further, since the material world was created by the Evil One, it must be completely rejected."

    32. Hildegard Of Bingen Definition Of Hildegard Of Bingen In The Free Online Encyclo
    Hildegard of Bingen (hĭl`dəg rth', bĭng`ən), 1098–1179, German nun, mystic, composer, writer, and cultural figure, known as the Sibyl of the Rhine. of Bingen

    33. Film - Filmmakers And Movies - Goethe-Institut 
    Interview with the German director about her work and the film Vision The Life Of Hildegard von Bingen.
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      German Filmmakers and Movies
      Margarethe von Trotta On Her New Film “Vision” – The Life Of Hildegard von Bingen
      After films like “Rosenstrasse” (2003) and more recently “I Am The Other Woman” (2006), as well as an episode of the German detective series “Tatort” set in Frankfurt (2007), Margarethe von Trotta has now succeeded in bringing the life and times of Hildegard von Bingen (1098 – 1179) to the screen. Hildegard von Bingen was a Benedictine nun, a visionary, a composer, a healer and an advocate of alternative medicine. Ms von Trotta, how did you hit upon the historical subject of the Benedictine nun, Hildegard von Bingen, who lived back in the 12th century? I don’t always select my subjects in a particularly conscious way - it often happens that I come across a subject or a person from the here and now or from the past and I am suddenly captivated, but it then just peters out or I forget all about it. This is often the case with love – you meet somebody for just a moment and then, when you see them 20 years later, you realise just how fateful the encounter was; only then does it turn into a real relationship. That is how it was with Hildegard von Bingen.
      A role model with courage
      So when did your first encounter with Hildegard von Bingen take place? When, if at all, was the initial spark?

    34. Hildegard Of Bingen — Poet Seers
    View Hildegard poems and hymns. Hildegard was the tenth child of of a noble German family. At the age of 8, she was sent to live with Jutta, the sister of a count whom Hildegard's

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    Hildegard of Bingen
    View: Hildegard poems and hymns Hildegard was the tenth child of of a noble German family. At the age of 8, she was sent to live with Jutta, the sister of a count whom Hildegard's father served as a knight. When Hildegard was 14, she, Jutta, and one or two others, were enclosed as anchorites. At some point Jutta's anchorhold grew into a Benedictine monastery, connected to the adjacent male monastery of St. Disibod. The number of nuns grew to about 10 at Jutta's death in 1136 and to about 20 twelve years later. After Jutta's death, Hildegard was named prioress, leader of the nuns but under the authority of the abbot of St. Disibod. Within a few years, Hildegard told her confessor of visionary experiences; he had her write them down and showed them to the abbot. The abbot and the local archbishop ordered Hildegard to continue writing. After some resistance, Hildegard agreed and began the ten-year task of writing what would become

    35. HILDEGARD OF BINGEN | Roman Catholicism | Way Of Life Literature
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    Jun/25/09 06:25 Filed in: Roman Catholicism June 25, 2009 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) - Roman Martyrology Since 1979 her works have enjoyed a revival through the contemplative movement. She is promoted by Richard Foster, who includes an entire chapter by her in his book Spiritual Classics . She is also promoted by Matthew Fox, the New Age priest who was ordained as an Episcopalian after being forced out of the Catholic priesthood.

    36. Washington Women's Chorus
    The ensemble has performed music spanning the last millennium - from the 11th-century chants of Hildegard von Bingen to Gwyneth Walker s 1998 setting of poems by Luscille Clifton. District of Columbia, USA.

    37. Hildegard Of Bingen
    Hildegard of Bingen (10981179), born to a noble family, was convent-educated from the age of seven by Benedictine nuns at Disibodenberg, near Bingen, near the present-day town
    Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), born to a noble family, was convent-educated from the age of seven by Benedictine nuns at Disibodenberg, near Bingen, near the present-day town of Mainz. At age 43 she became abbess of her community, a position whose responsibilities did not keep her from pursuing an astonishing variety of creative and scholarly accomplishments. Historians know Hildegard for her correspondence with bishops, popes, abbots, and kings; mystics for her book of visions; medical historians and botanists for her two books on natural history and medicine; and literary scholars for her morality play, the Ordo Virtutum Musicians are beginning to know Hildegard for her antiphons , hymns, and sequences, a large body of monophonic chants whose text and music are both by Hildegard. Her chants are rich in mystical images, and her melodies are elaborate, with florid melodic contours, ornamented inflections, and wide ranges. back to the women's voices home page.

    38. Hildegard Of Bingen - Violet Salve - Anti-metastasis Tea - Cancer Salves
    Hildegard of Bingen had a violet salve that was used to kill the microorganims that, with her clairvoyance, she saw as the cause of cancer. She recommended yarrow tea to

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    Hildegard of Bingen
    Hildegard of Bingen was a mystic, clairvoyant, and gifted healer of the twelfth century. She composed music, wrote extensively, and probably possessed a truly amazing monastic library. Her work was celebrated in her own times as well as today now that serious medical doctors, scholars, and herbalists are rediscovering her work and trying out her recipes. Hildegard made a salve out of violet juice, olive oil, and billy goat tallow. We received a few jars of this from Germany where it is sold as a cosmetic. At this time, the reports of its value are limited in number. Hildegard said that when the "vermes" lick the ointment, they die. Her instructions were to rub the ointment into the diseased tissue. "Vermes" has been translated "viruses" by some, but others believe the word could as easily mean "worms" or "lice." In any event, Hildegard said these were microscopic organisms that can only be seen by those with a vision given by God. She said they were the cause of malignancy.

    39. 17. September: Den Hellige Hildegard Av Bingen
    Informasjon om skytshelgen for naturvitenskapsmenn, spr kforskere og esperantister.

    40. Hildegard Of Bingen
    Hildegard was born in 1098, the tenth and last child of apparently noble parents in Mainz. They offered her to God as tithe, acording to her biographer/secretary.
    Dr. Michael Delahoyde
    Washington State University HILDEGARD OF BINGEN Hildegard's Illuminations Hildegard's Music Hildegard was born in 1098, the tenth and last child of apparently noble parents in Mainz. They offered her to God as tithe, acording to her biographer/secretary. Precarious health and a visionary gift were obvious from age three, when she experienced a "brightness so great that [her] soul trembled." She was able to tell the color of a calf still in the womb. In 1106 Hildegard became a companion of Jutta von Sponheim, a noblewoman who rejected offers of marriage in favor of the Benedictine cloister where she became anchoress, obliged to remain in her cell until death. The Benedictines taught elementary reading and singing in Latin; the primer was the Psalter. Hildegard continued her education with Volmer of Saint Disibod, a monk not much older than Hildegard a man who became her secretary and lifelong friend. In 1136 at Jutta's death, she became the replacement abbess at the double monastery. Although she had been reluctant to acknowledge such experiences, in 1141 Hildegard had a blinding vision with a divine call to "tell and write." She began composing music in 1140s;

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