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41. MDT - Please Enable Your Cookies 67133, Capriccio CD KRENEK, ERNST Lieder. Ilana Davidson, Debra Ayers. Capriccio http://www.mdt.co.uk/MDTSite/product/67133.htm | |
42. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: K: Krenek, Ernst Whole Directory freetext band or artist name song title album This Category free-text http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/K/Krenek,_Ernst/ | |
43. Krenek.html From http//www.grovemusic.com see also http//www.ernstkrenek.org/ Krenek Krenek, Ernst (b Vienna, 23 Aug 1900; d Palm Springs, CA, 22 Dec 1991). http://www.schoenberglaw.com/exiles/krenek.html | |
44. JustClassical: Krenek, Ernst Analog, absolutely! Definitely digital! I think the performance is more important than the recording technology. Nothing can compare with a live performance. http://justclassical.org/br-salesc.php?idcomposer=452 |
45. Krenek,Ernst Suite, op. 148 Written 1955; Duration ; Comments The first movement is in a bluesy, expressive style. Movement two requires a crisp, fast articulation. http://test.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/005714.html | |
46. Ernst Krenek (American Composer) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Ernst Krenek (American composer), Aug. 23, 1900Vienna, Austria Dec. 23, 1991Palm Springs, Calif., U.S.AustrianAmerican composer, one of the prominent exponents of the serial http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/323425/Ernst-Krenek | |
47. KRENEK, Ernst, Autographs, Letters, Documents, Manuscripts KRENEK, Ernst A.Mus.Q.S. of five bars on two staves. 19001991). Austrian-American composer. Autograph Music Quotation Signed of five bars on two staves incorporating the http://www.manuscripts.co.uk/stock/22096.HTM | |
48. YouTube - Krenek, Ernst - Aus: Sieben Stücke Für Streichorchester - V Ruhig, Z Streichorchester der Westf lischen Schule f r Musik M nster, Leitung Tor Song Tan, Recorded 2006 at St.Dionysius Church, Havixbeck, further music samples, CDs and free http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ietumjz0FU4 |
49. Krenek, Ernst MP3s And Ringtones | Free MP3 Music Codes | 48883 Krenek, Ernst MP3s, Krenek, Ernst ringtones and PcPlanets.com 1 source for free music videos 48883 http://www.pcplanets.com/mp3artist-48883-Krenek-Ernst.shtml |
50. Thompson Edition | Krenek, Ernst Search the Catalog http://www.thompsonedition.com/show_composer.php?name=Krenek, Ernst |
51. Three Madrigals For Three-Part Chorus Of Treble Voices SSA A Cappella - KRENEK, Three Madrigals for ThreePart Chorus of Treble Voices SSA a cappella; KRENEK, ERNST. Offered by Bibliomania http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bibman/28570.shtml | |
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