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Lucier Alvin: more detail | ||
1. FFFFOUND! www.thewire.co.uk/images/artists/lucier_alvin/originals/COVER245.jpg http://ffffound.com/image/0363d799778a851bd08f4a5e9a3f7e2ff1ff1b41 |
2. Aworks :: "new" American Classical Music: Lucier, Alvin why listening to this music is interesting, important, and maybe even fun. /robert gable/ http://rgable.typepad.com/aworks/lucier_alvin/ | |
3. Aworks :: "new" American Classical Music: Lucier, Alvin :: I Am Sitting In A Roo why listening to this music is interesting, important, and maybe even fun. /robert gable/ http://rgable.typepad.com/aworks/lucier_alvin_i_am_sitting_in_a_room/ | |
4. Alvin Lucier | Alvin Lucier: Theme Album | Download Tracks From This Music Album Portions of content provided by All Music Guide , a trademark of All Media Guide, LLC http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/lucier_alvin/634366/album.jhtml |
5. Alvin Lucier Biography and discography. http://www.lovely.com/bios/lucier.html | |
6. Alvin Lucier - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Volume Bed of Sound Alvin Lucier; Alvin Lucier in conversation with Thomas Moore; Sitting in a Room with Alvin Lucier Alvin Lucier in conversation with Frank J. Oteri, NewMusicBox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_Lucier | |
7. Lovely Artist: Alvin Lucier Biography from Lovely Music. http://www.lovely.com/artists/a-lucier.html | |
8. Experimental Electronics; An Introductory Laboratory Manual For Physical Scienti Inc. The Painted Bride Quarterly (1 documents) example document Expecting 1 other title; poems Alvin Lucier Alvin Lucier. http://www.faqs.org/copyright/experimental-electronics-an-introductory-laborator | |
9. Alvin Lucier The official website of the composer Alvin Lucier. site designed by daniel l scholnick http://alucier.web.wesleyan.edu/ | |
10. Home | River City-Local Group I remixed Lucier Alvin's audio. MP3 and Audacity file uploaded. I went on a tangent from this post this morning, syncronicity is so prevalent in my http://rclg-tech.org/announce/ | |
11. Restructuring Note Includes organizations and exhibitions. http://www.artincontext.org/artist/l/alvin_lucier/ | |
12. Browse By Artist: LUCIER, ALVIN American avantgarde composer Alvin Lucier is well-known for his pioneering exploration of the physical properties of sound including the use of brainwaves to generate music. http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/lucier.alvin.html | |
13. I Am Sitting In A Room: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Alvin Lucier is an American composer of experimental music and sound installations that explore acoustic phenomena and auditory perception. A longtime music professor at Wesleyan http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/I_Am_Sitting_in_a_Room | |
14. Lucier, Alvin - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Lucier, Alvin US composer. His Music for Solo Performer (1965) uses amplified brain signals in harmony with percussion instruments. In 1966 he founded the Sonic Arts Union (with Gordon Mumma and http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Lucier, Alvin |
15. CDeMUSIC Alvin Lucier Biography and list of works. http://www.cdemusic.org/artists/lucier.html |
16. University Of Huddersfield : Clocker. Clocker. authors Lucier, Alvin, 1931subjects Electronic music Sound recordings; publishers Lovely Music, description Compact disc. notes Lovely Music LCD 1019. http://library.hud.ac.uk/catlink/bib/379353 |
17. The Deep Listening Catalog - Alvin Lucier Biography and list of works. http://www.deeplistening.org/dlc/55lucier.html |
18. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: L: Lucier, Alvin Whole Directory freetext band or artist name song title album This Category free-text http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/L/Lucier,_Alvin/ | |
19. Texts Lucier, Alvin, Wolff, Christian and students Discussion on August 28, 2001 at Ostrava Days 2001, available at OD 2001 Report, order Lucier, Alvin http://www.ocnmh.cz/texts.htm | |
20. Music On A Long Thin Wire Interview with composer Alvin Lucier. http://www.furious.com/perfect/ohm/lucier.html |
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