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21. Www.cantareconvivo.org Moore, Undine Smith. I Believe This Is Jesus; Mozart, W. A. Ave Verum; Laudate Dominum; Mulholland, James. A Red, Red Rose; Heart, We Will Forget Him; What Lips My Lips Have Kissed http://www.cantareconvivo.org/Chorale.asp | |
22. Moore, Undine Smith Love, Let The Wind Cry How I Adore Thee Classical Music CDs Jazz Music CDs Blues CDs International Music CDs African http://www.hbdirect.com/browse_classical.php?v[0]=composer&v[1]=specific_com |
23. Lord, We Give Thanks To Thee - Undine Smith Moore, Undine Smith Moore- GIA Publi by Undine Smith Moore Text Author Undine Smith Moore 2004, GIA Publications, Inc. The “Dean of Black Women Composers,” Undine Smith Moore http://www.giamusic.com/search_details.cfm?title_id=1339 |
24. DRAM: Undine Smith Moore Previous Page Next Page http://www.dramonline.org/composers/moore-undine-smith |
25. African American Church Music Series A-I - GIA Publications We Shall Walk through the Valley Arranged by Moore, Undine Smith G6434 $1.70 http://www.giamusic.com/products/P-AACM_J-Z.cfm | |
26. Carl Fischer Music Publishing - Concert Dept Solo soprano, alto, tenor, bass voices; narrator, SATB chorus; picc./2/2/ eng. hn./2/b. cl./2/cbn.; 4/3/3/1; timp., perc., hp.; str. 50' Moore, Undine Smith http://www.carlfischer.com/fischer/lib_mooreus.html | |
27. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, S From Thumbshots.net Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/Moore, Undine Smith; Sibelius, Jean; Saariaho, Kaija; Sierra, Roberto; Sainte Colombe, Monsieur; Silvestri, Alan; SaintGeorges, le Chevalier de http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S |
28. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, M, Moore, Undine Smith From Thum Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. See snapshot graphics of Web http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/M |
29. Undine Smith Moore - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Moore, Undine Smith Alternative names Short description Date of birth Place of birth Date of death Place of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undine_Smith_Moore | |
30. Striving After God. 4 Part Mixed Voices, S.A.T.B., A Cappella. M M. Witmark & So Undine Smith Moore. Undine Smith Moore (17 documents) example document Let us make man in our image. For chorus of mixed voices. w John Milton, m Undine Smith Moore http://www.faqs.org/copyright/striving-after-god-4-part-mixed-voices-satb-a-capp | |
31. Black Composer Recordings: 2000 Moore, Undine Smith To be baptised - Set down! - I want to die while you love me - Come down angels Price, Florence Beatrice http://astro.temple.edu/~rgreene/BlackComp/cd2000s/4_cd2000.htm | |
32. The Evelyn Davidson White Collection Dorothy Rudd Moore Undine Smith Moore John E. Price Ronald Roxbury Hale Smith William Grant Still Frederick Tillis George Walker Wendell Whalum Don Lee White http://edwcollection.com/ | |
33. International Opus Undine Smith Moore, composer, educator and lecturer, was the recipient of many honors, including citations from Fisk University, Atlanta University, Virginia State College, the http://www.internationalopus.com/cgi-bin/io.pl?mode=composer&composer=100 |
34. Www.spu.edu Moore, Undine Smith I Believe This Is Jesus Moore, Undine Smith I'm Going Home Morley, Thomas Nolo mortem peccatoris Moruja, Fernando Piezas Sacras 1. http://www.spu.edu/depts/fpa/choral/repertoire_full.html | |
35. Music Score Acquisitions Moore, Undine Smith AfroAmnerican suite Flute, violoncello, piano On order Moravec, Paul Mood swings Violin, violoncello, piano SCORE 785.8 MORAVEC http://www.oaklandlibrary.org/Seasonal/Sections/scoreacquisitions.html | |
36. Archives Of African American Music And Culture William Banfield, Charles Coleman, William Dawson, Bethenia Ferrell, Donal Fox, Carl Maultsby, Portia Maultsby, Lena McLin, Dorothy Rudd Moore, Kermit Moore, Undine Smith Moore http://www.indiana.edu/~aaamc/special.html | |
37. Black Classical Music Composers iv MITCHELL, Roscoe 1940 MOORE, Dorothy Rudd 1940 MOORE, Undine Smith 19051989 MUMFORD , Jeffrey 1955 NASH, Gary Powell 1964 NELSON, Oliver 1961 NEWBY, Stephen 1961 NEWTON, James 20 th century http://astro.temple.edu/~rgreene/BlackComp/documents/monographS.pdf |
38. Broadway Review: 'Fabulation' A Hilarious Journey - Miami Times | HighBeam Resea Article Moore, Undine Smith Contemporary Musicians; 700+ words Undine Smith Moore Composer For the in the university setting, Undine Smith Moore inspired and http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-98629230.html |
39. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B Lectionary #65 Moore, Undine Smith/Jennings, Kenneth Augsburg (AFP 0800645286) G I Waited for the Lord, Lobegesang (SATB) Mendelssohn, Felix Kjos (KJO 5990) PS http://www.npm.org/Planning/yearb/2sot.html | |
40. Women Of Note Quarterly 1996 Index Moore, Undine Smith; MAY 1996 1519. Perry, Julia; MAY 1996 15-19. Price, Florence; MAY 1996 15-19. Richter, Marga; FEB 1996 8. Schonthal, Ruth; FEB 1996 12. http://www.vivacepress.com/96wnqndx.html | |
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