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1. Oberlin Portrait: Puline Oliveros (Oberlin Conservatory of Music) Conservatory Portrait http://www.oberlin.edu/con/portrait/199904/oliveros_pauline.html | |
2. Aworks :: "new" American Classical Music: Oliveros, Pauline why listening to this music is interesting, important, and maybe even fun. /robert gable/ http://rgable.typepad.com/aworks/oliveros_pauline/ | |
3. Pauline Oliveros, Teacher, Mode Records Inc: - ZoomInfo Business Information Oliveros, Pauline Canadian Association for Sound Ecology Oliveros, Pauline Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Oliveros, Pauline http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Oliveros_Pauline_55357969.aspx | |
4. Pauline Oliveros (Lovely Music Catalog) Includes brief biography and discography. http://www.lovely.com/bios/oliveros.html | |
5. Pauline Oliveros - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Oliveros, Pauline (2005), Deep Listening A Composer's Sound Practice, New York iUniverse, Inc., ISBN 9780595343652 . Oliveros, Pauline (1998), Roots of the Moment, New York http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_Oliveros | |
6. AMROlivCom.html Oliveros, Pauline compositions Alien bog. Smith Publications, 1960, 1985. 1 sound tape reel 7 1/2 ips, 1/4 track ; 1/4 in. tape. Electronic music. http://www.o-art.org/history/50s&_60s/TapeCenter/Oliveros/AMROlivCom.html |
7. Oliveros, Pauline - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Oliveros Works opera, choral, and vocal ceremonial opera Crow Two (1974); King Kong Sings Along for chorus (1977); The New Sound Meditation for voices (1989); Midnight Operas for chorus (1992); http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Oliveros, Pauline |
8. Pauline Oliveros CDs, Vinyl Records, CD Singles, Used CD's And Music Albums - Mu Oliveros Pauline Roots Of The Moment import cd. while pauline oliveros output has its high and low marks, the composer, accordionist and organizer is an undeniable force in new http://www.musicstack.com/records-cds/pauline oliveros | |
9. Browse By Artist: OLIVEROS, PAULINE Pauline Oliveros the University of Michigan Digital Music Ensemble, directed by Stephen Rush. This DVD, recorded live at University of Michigan, features three of composer and http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/oliveros.pauline.html | |
10. Curriculum Vitae | Pauline Oliveros Education * BA, Music Composition, San Francisco State College, Cum Laude 1957 * Music, University of Houston, 1952. Work History. Artistin-residence, Arts Institute, University of http://paulineoliveros.us/site/node/15 | |
11. New Albion Records - Pauline Oliveros Includes biography and discography. http://www.newalbion.com/artists/oliverosp/ | |
12. Home | DEEP LISTENING INSTITUTE Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. fosters a unique approach to music, literature, art, and meditation, and promotes innovation among artists and audiences in creating, performing http://www.deeplistening.org/site/ | |
13. Weirdo Records. cd 2008/195966 new Early tape pieces made on the then-new Buchla 100 boxes. Oliveros, Pauline CD Four Electronic Pieces http://www.weirdorecords.com/cpCommerce/product.php?id_product=6491 |
14. NewMusicBox: Issue 20 - December 2000 13 interviews by Frank J. Oteri. http://www.newmusicbox.org/first-person/dec00/index.html |
15. Artists Oliveros,pauline Artists oliveros pauline dance deejay dj downloads f r house music, trance, techno und vinyl records. www.djshop.de ist Ihr Online Shop f r mp3 downloads, Singles und LPs http://www.djshop.de/go/artists~O~oliveros,pauline~.html | |
16. Oliveros, Pauline Biography: Contemporary Musicians Accordion player, composer. P auline Oliveros is one of the foremost composers of the 20th (and 21st) centuries as well as a pioneer, alongside forerunners like Morton Subotnick http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-musicians/oliveros-pauline-biography |
17. Browse By Label: DEEP LISTENING OLIVEROS, PAULINE Title Lion's Eye/Lion's Tale Label DEEP LISTENING Format CD Price $13.00 Catalog DL 028CD http://www.forcedexposure.com/labels/deep.listening.html | |
18. Squidco: Oops Squidco sells avant, unusual, experimental, improvisational music CDs, magazines and books. http://www.squidco.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=10947 |
19. Pauline Oliveros - Pauline's Solo, For Accordion - Classical Archives The largest classical music site on the web. Hundreds of thousands of classical music files. Most composers and their music are represented. Biographies, reviews, playlists and http://www.classicalarchives.com/work/544900.html |
20. UO Music Services Discographies: Women Composers: O OLIVEROS, PAULINE, 1932Alien bog. Selections. 1986. Mills College MC 001 DOUGLASS PHONODISC DMds A1684 Bye Bye Butterfly. (Electronics) 1750 Arch 1765 http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/Discographies/womencompdisco/womdiscoo.html?tab= |
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