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Payne Maggi: more detail |
21. All Artists (P) - Electrocd.com — Electroacoustic & Beyond Patterson, Ryan; Patterson, Stuart; Pavillions Collective; Pavlov, Ivan; Payeur, milie; Payne, Maggi http://www.electrocd.com/en/artistes/tous/p/ | |
22. Listing Page Payne, Maggi Reilly, Siobhan, Royston, Ellery Santana, Deborah, Berman Shimpi, Priya Soderlund, Sandra, I. Spertus, Ellen Spiller, Susan Thomas, Katie http://people.mills.edu/cgi-bin/people.pl?file=Faculty |
23. Composers P-T Payne, Maggi. Pearson, Stephen Funk. Pelz, Walter L. ** Perle, George. Pfautsch, Lloyd. Phillips, Dr. Mark. Pillin, Doris. Pisk, Dr. Paul A. Plain, Gerald. Polifrone, Jon J. http://www.sai-national.org/home/ComposersBureau/ComposersPT/tabid/485/Default.a |
24. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: P: Payne, Maggi: Links Top Composition Composers P Payne, Maggi Links Links Environmental Themes Maggi Payne Includes short biography and information about the pieces Crystal and http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/P/Payne,_Maggi/Links/ | |
25. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PAYNE, MAGGI Environmental Themes Maggi Payne Includes short biography and information about the pieces Crystal and Solar Wind . Maggi Payne - (Composers Bureau) Includes short biography. http://www.phs2.net/cwi/L3/oa482i.htm | |
26. DRAM: Maggi Payne David Behrman David Behrman On The Other Ocean Paul Luevano The Frog Peak Collaborations Project Maggi Payne Maggi Payne Crystal William Brooks Maggi Payne The Extended Flute http://www.dramonline.org/performers/payne-maggi |
27. Artist Page Title Composer(s) Performer(s) Length Fluid Dynamics Maggi Payne Maggi Payne 1148 Distant Thunder Maggi Payne Maggi Payne 1048 Apparent Horizon Maggi Payne http://innova.mu/artist1.asp?skuID=431 |
28. RadiOM.org - Search Results For Payne, Maggi Search for Payne, Maggi . Search results payne 25, maggi 15. Results 12 of 2. Search took 0.096 seconds Sort by relevancy last modified http://radiom.org/mno_radiom.cgi?q=Payne, Maggi |
29. Biography: Magazine, Magda Hiller, Magdalen Hsu-Li, Magdalena Teslawska, Magdy S Biography and Video Clips of Magazine, Magda Hiller, Magdalen HsuLi, Magdalena Teslawska, Magdy Shabini, Magdy Talaat, Magellan, Magenta, Maggi Payne, Maggi, Pierce E.J., http://www.whyfame.com/celebrities/singers/singers_m_page_19.php |
30. Maggi Payne - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Maggi Payne Maggi Payne (born in Temple, Texas, December 23, 1945) is a composer, flutist, video artist, recording engineer/editor, and historical remastering engineer who creates http://www.123people.com/s/maggi payne |
31. Another Coast: New Works From The West @ U.Va. Library Payne, Maggi; Payne, Maggi Airwaves (realities) DeMarinis, Paul; DeMarinis, Paul I want you. DeMarinis, Paul Kokole. Sonami, Laetitia de Compiègne http://blacklight.betech.virginia.edu/catalog/u1793156 | |
32. PayneBio.html BRIEF BIO SKETCH 7/15/95 MAGGI PAYNE Maggi Payne obtained music degrees from Northwestern University, the University of Illinois, and Mills College. http://www.o-art.org/history/LongDur/Payne/PayneBio.html | |
33. Crystal CRYSTAL Maggi Payne Maggi Payne, flute, synthesizers and electronics. Payne's musical imagination is vivid she is interested in the surreal, the inward, the micro, and the http://www.lovely.com/titles/cd2061.html | |
34. MMC Recordings On-Line Music Store Maggi Payne’s music degrees are from Northwestern University, the University of Illinois and Mills College. She was a recording engineer in the multitrack facilities at the http://www.mmcrecordings.com/artist.asp?id=592 |
35. CCMarchivesA.html 6 rr 7 Ahrens, Peg River of Living Water 12.9.78 CCM Payne, Maggi flute Pope, George flute tape copy, half track, stereo, 7.5 ips, tails out http://www.o-art.org/history/LongDur/CCMarchives/CCMarchivesA.html | |
36. Maggi Payne, Co-Director, Order Direct From Music & Arts Online | Spoke Spotlight on Engineer Maggi Payne Maggi Payne has received worldwide critical acclaim for technical reconstruction of numerous Music Arts historical recordings, notably those of http://www.spoke.com/info/p6SsYg6/MaggiPayne |
37. Subterranean Network, Minutia 0-13, Of All - Song, Music - Copyright Info Payne, Maggi On the other ocean / David Behrman ; performed by David Behrman ; with Maggi Payne http://www.faqs.org/copyright/subterranean-network-minutia-0-13-of-all/ | |
38. [BA-NEWMUS:5247] RE: Posting For MIDI Position (fwd) Maggi Payne maggi at mills.edu Wed Feb 27 205057 PST 2002. Previous message BANEWMUS5245 Is it still new music if it's on NPR? Next message BA-NEWMUS5248 Keyboard http://music.mills.edu/pipermail/newmusic/2002-February/004274.html | |
39. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, P, Payne, Maggi From Thumbshots. Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. See snapshot graphics of Web http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/P/P |
40. Richard Daniels + Repertory Fenley + Payne. Maggi Payne's score created of white noise inspired Molissa Fenley's solo of water and shore imagery in her enigmatic and poetic style. http://www.justonemec.com/repertory.htm | |
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