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21. Franz Peter Schubert — FactMonster.com Brief biography for the Austrian composer; with pronunciation key. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0844016.html | |
22. Schubert, Franz | Define Schubert, Franz At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Schubert, Franz definition A nineteenthcentury Austrian composer. Like Ludwig van Beethoven , he composed during the transition from the classic to the http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Schubert, Franz?fromRef=true |
23. Schubert, Franz nytassociated_article_count 9 nytfirst_use 200801-21 nytlatest_use 2010-03-18 nytnumber_of_variants 2 nytsearch_api_query http//api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v1/article ?query=+nytd http://data.nytimes.com/N77130631355540221843 | |
24. Comcast Short biography taken from the 1996 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. http://home.comcast.net/~rsarkiss/iof/SCHUBERT.HTM | |
25. Schubert, Franz - Sheetmusic2print.com Catalogue Title Composed/Published Original Instrumentation D 145, Opus 18 12 Waltzes, 17 L ndler and 9 Ecossaises, D 145 1815 July 1821 http://www.sheetmusic2print.com/Schubert-Franz.aspx |
26. Vita E Sofferenze Del Giovame Schubert Propone un approfondimento inerente la salute del compositore austriaco. http://www.scienzaonline.com/sessuologia/schubert.html | |
27. Organlive.com Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz is recorded on the following albums Dancing Pipes http://www.organlive.com/composer/Schubert, Franz | |
28. Schubert La biografia del maestro dedicata ai giovani. http://www.ilpaesedeibambinichesorridono.it/schubert.htm | |
29. SCHUBERT, FRANZ LotSCHUBERT, FRANZ, Lot Number371, Starting Bid$15000, AuctioneerAlexander Autographs, Inc., AuctionAutographs Manuscripts/Powers Collection, Date900 AM PT Feb 20th, 2005 http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/782703 |
30. SHUBERT - BIOGRAFIA - La biografia ed una scheda con le maggiori opere del compositore. http://cronologia.leonardo.it/biogra2/schubert.htm | |
31. Schubert, Franz | Define Schubert, Franz At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Schubert, Franz definition A nineteenthcentury Austrian composer. Like Ludwig van Beethoven , he composed during the transition from the classic to the http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Schubert, Franz |
32. Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) Compositeur et pianiste viennois (1797-1828). Biographie, extraits musicaux au format midi, chronologie, analyses et commentaires. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/garry.holding/schubert/ | |
33. Schubert, Franz Summary | BookRags.com Schubert, Franz. Schubert, Franz summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/schubert-franz-eb/ |
34. Schubert, Franz Free Sheet Music - Creative Guitar Schubert, Franz Austrian composer. He wrote no ballet scores but his concert music has often been used for dance., Schubert, Franz http://www.creativeguitar.org/sheet-music/schubert-franz |
35. Karadar Classical Music World - Schubert, Franz - Biografie Compositori Presenta cenni biografici e tutte le opere del compositore. http://www.karadar.com/index.php/it/biografie-compositori/article/1-composers-bi | |
36. Schubert Franz : Classical Sheet Music Downloads. Classical Sheet Music Online S Classical sheet music downloads. Classical sheet music online store Schubert Franz Piano sheet music Violin sheet music Orchestra sheet music Organ sheet music Ensemble http://www.all-music-sheets.com/schubert-franz-m-10.html | |
37. Inhaltsübersicht Schubert A series of pages on Franz Schubert presented by the Austrian Cultural Information System. Includes a nice collection of Schubert pictures. http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/schubert.htm | |
38. Art Directory Welcome to ART DIRECTORY, the information medium for art and culture. Choose your field of interest. http://schubert-franz.com/ | |
39. Sounds Like Schubert Chronology, catalog, personal picks, links, composer timeline, MIDI audio files including extended themes, CDs by title, composition and Deutsch number, other composers, and books about his life, music, and musical scores. http://www.owlhaven.com/schubert/ |
40. Schubert, Franz Synonyms, Schubert, Franz Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for schubert, franz Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. http://thesaurus.com/browse/schubert, franz |
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