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         Stamitz Anton:     more books (85)
  1. String Trio in E-flat major, Op. 4 No. 1(Score) Sheet Music by Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-28
  2. 8 Capricen für Flöte. Herausgegeben von Walter Lebermann by Anton Stamitz, 1974
  3. Concerto in G Major by Anton Stamitz -, 2010-01-01
  4. Rondo capriccioso fur Flote solo, G-dur (Edition Breitkopf) (German Edition) by Johann Anton Stamitz, J. A. Stamitz, et all 1956
  5. Concerto No. 2 in F Major by Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-01
  6. String Trio in C Major, Op.1, No. 1 (Score) Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-24
  7. String Trio in A Major, Op. 1, No. 2 Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2010-04-15
  8. String Trio in G major op. 1, no. 6 (Score) Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-24
  9. String Trio in B-Flat Major, Op. 1, No. 5 Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2010-04-17
  10. Unnacompanied [sic] Movements for the Viola d'amore, possibly composed by Johann Stamitz 1717-57. Edited & realised from the scordatura by Ian White. 4 by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 1977
  11. Sinfonia [in E flat] xi. [Parts.] (Overtures. The Periodical Overtures in 8 parts. Composed by ... Stamitz - No. 11, etc. [1764.]) by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz,
  12. A Duett, for a violin & tenor, or violoncello, composed by J. [or rather, Carl] Stamitz. N. B. This is the celebrated duett performed by Messrs Cramer & Crossdale. [Parts.] by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 1820
  13. Fünf Capricen für Violine. No. 4. von J. Stamitz (David) by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz,
  14. Sinfonia [in D] ix. [Parts.] (Overtures. The Periodical Overtures in 8 parts. Composed by ... Stamitz - No. 9, etc. [1764.]) by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz,

1. Notenversand Notanorm - Noten Stamitz, Anton
The ensemble's original repertoire was taken primarily from the Baroque and early Classical periods with an emphasis on the old Czech masters such as Jan Dusek, Johann Stamitz, Anton
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B C D ... Z Publikacje: Stamitz Anton
cena 83,95 z�. Stamitz Anton
8 Caprices for Flute

8 Kaprys�w na flet
8 Caprices for Flute
8 Capricen f�r Fl�te
Ilo�� stron: Format: 230 x 305 Opracowanie na: flet poprzeczny solo Obsada: Instrument (w nawiasie ilo�� materia��w wykonawczych)
Flet (1) Rodzaj produktu: nuty drukowane Wersja j�zykowa: tytu��w utwor�w: niemiecka Stopie� trudno�ci: 6 w skali od do 10 Dost�pno�� w magazynie, wysy�ka natychmiastowa Autorzy Edytor: Lebermann Walter Zobacz nuty: Kod produktu: Zbi�r 8 Kaprys�w na flet poprzeczny solo Antona Stamitza - niemieckiego kompozytora i skrzypka. Stamitz studiowa� u Johanna Christiana Cannabicha, ponadto gra� na skrzypcach w Kapeli w Menczesterze. Lista utwor�w: Caprice 1 - Allegro moderato (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 2 - Andante (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 3 - Rondeau (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 4 - Allegro moderato (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 5 - Amoroso (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 6 - Rondeau (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 7 - Allegro spiritoso (Stamitz Anton) Caprice 8 - Allemande (Stamitz Anton) Je�li chcesz by� informowany o nowych produktach na tej stronie i jej podstronach wpisz poni�ej sw�j e-mail i naci�nij przycisk WY�LIJ.

3. Anton Stamitz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Anton n Thadaeus Jan Nepomuk Stamic Anton Thad us Johann Nepomuk Stamitz (1750 or 1754 in Mannheim – 1798 or 1809 in Paris) was a German (and secondgeneration Bohemian
Anton Stamitz
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Antonín Thadaeus Jan Nepomuk Stamic ["Anton Thadäus Johann Nepomuk Stamitz]" (1750 or 1754 in Mannheim – 1798 or 1809 in Paris ) was a German (and second-generation Bohemian ) composer and violinist Anton and his brother Carl received their first violin instruction from their father, Johann . After their father's death in 1757 they were taken on as students by Christian Cannabich , who had been a student of their father's. Both were by this time already violinists in the famous Mannheimer Kapelle and participated in its development. In 1770 with his brother Carl, he visited Paris and established himself there. Between 1782 and 1789 he played in the King's court orchestra in Versailles , and obtained the title "ordinaire de la musique du roi". He was the violin teacher of Rodolphe Kreutzer Although his further history up to 1798 is not known, he probably died in Paris. He may have died as late as 1809.
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  • At least four concertos, in B-flat, F (1779), G and D, for

4. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, Stamitz Family From Thumbshots.n
Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Stamitz, Anton Thad us Johann Nepomuk; Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton; Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Stamitz

5. HOASM: Anton Stamitz
Biography and internal links from the Here of a Sunday Morning radio program.
Composer, violinist, and violist. Son of Johann Stamitz . He studied with his brother Karl and with Christian Cannabich , becoming a violinist with the Mannheim orchestra in 1764. In 1770 he went with his brother Carl to Paris, where they played together at the Concert spirituel in 1772. He played in the Royal Chapel Orchestra in Versailles, 1782-89. Among his compositions are twelve symphonies, two symphonies concertantes, five keyboard and over twenty violin concertos, other solo concertos, over fifty string quartets, and numerous other chamber works.
XIIA: The Mannheim School

6. Category:Stamitz, Anton - IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet
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Category:Stamitz, Anton
Free public domain sheet music from IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library
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Anton Stamitz
(27 November 1750 — 1809) Table of Contents: Top A B C ... Z
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Alternate Names/Transliterations: Anton Thadäus Johann Nepomuk Stamitz, Jan Antonín Stamic
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9. Flute
STAMITZ Anton 8 Caprices (Edition Peters) T. TAKEMITSU Toru - Voice (Editions Salabert) TAKEMITSU Toru - Itenerant (B.Schott's Sons Edition) TAKEMITSU Toru - Air (Schott Edition)
Notes for Flute Solo A B C D ... Y
ARTYOMOV Vyacheslav - Recitation III (VAAP)
BACH Johann Sebastian - Partita a-moll (Barenreiter Verlag)
BACH Johann Sebastian - Partita a-moll (Urtext) (Deutscher Verlag fur musik)
BACH Johann Sebastian - 12 Little Pieces (Fazer Musiikki Oy)
BACH Johann Sebastian - 66 Pieces for Flute solo (Included parts from Cello suites, Violin suites and partitas, Piano partitas, etc.) (International Music Company)
BACH Carl Philipp Emanuel - Sonate a-moll (Zimmermann Verlag)
BACH Carl Philipp Emanuel - Sonate a-moll (Amadeus Verlag)
BACH Carl Philipp Emanuel - Sonate a-moll (Edition Music- Moscow) BACH Carl Philipp Emanuel - Sonate a-moll (Edition Saint-Petersburg) BARTOLOZZI Bruno - "Per Olga" (Edizioni Suvini Zerboni) BERIO Luciano - Sequenza I (Edizioni Suvini Zerboni) BOZZA Eugene - "Image" (Alphonse Leduc) BOZZA Eugene - "Graphismes" - Graphic Notation - Preparation for reading different contemporary musical graphic notation (Alphonse Leduc) BUAMORTIE Jean Battist - Suite #2 G-Dur (Edition Music- Moscow) BURKHARD Willy - Suite Op.98 (Barenreiter Verlag)

10. Stamitz, Anton |
Submitted by admin on Mon, 05/04/2009 1156
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Stamitz, Anton
Submitted by admin on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 11:56 Cutter:

11. Concilium Musicum Wien
in the baroque and classical era with composers like Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Carl Stamitz, Anton
Home Concilium musicum Wien Paul Angerer Christoph Angerer ... DEUTSCHE VERSION Christoph Angerer Born in 1966 in Bonn/Germany. A Viennese with Austrian citizenship and Swiss citizen rights. He studied music at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart and at Vienna's Academy of Music and the Performing Arts. 1988 graduation in viola performance. He studied music sociology concentrating on music history of the 18th century (worked on "The Role of the 'Minor Masters' in the 18th Century"). In 1982 the ensemble "Concilium musicum Wien" was founded by him and his father, Paul Angerer, in order to perform works on original period instruments, having intensively studied the historical way of performing music of the (Viennese) classical and pre-classical periods. Intensive preoccupation with the use of original instruments, particularly the viola d'amore Christoph Angerer has performed in numerous concerts - mainly with the Concilium musicum Wien but also with other ensembles - as well as solo recitals on the viola and the viola d'amore. His discography includes a large number of radio and tv recordings as well as various CDs.

12. Karadar Classical Music World - Karadar Classical Music World
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13. Cutter Numbers For Composers: S
Stamitz, Anton, b. 1750 S7835 Stamitz, Johann, 17171757 S783 in M1010, M1011, M1105, M1106 S7836 Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801 S785 Stanford, Charles Villiers, Sir, 1852-1924
Music Cataloging at Yale Call Numbers
Cutter numbers for composers: S
A B C D ... R S T V W XYZ See Using the Cutter-Sanborn three-figure author table for more information.
NOTE: Cutter a vowel with an umlaut as that vowel followed by an "e". Cutter Name Comments Salieri, Antonio, 1750-1825 Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, 1700 (ca.)-1775 Sammartini, Giuseppe, 1695-1750 in M219.5, M289, M312.4, M317, M1123 Satie, Erik, 1866-1925 Sauguet, Henri, 1901-1989 Scarlatti, Alessandro, 1660-1725 Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757 Scelsi, Giacinto, 1905-1988 in M221; in ML410; in M62, M287, M1473, M1613.3; in ML390; and in M289 Schafer, R. Murray Scheidt, Samuel, 1587-1654 Schein, Johann Hermann, 1586-1630 Schickele, Peter Schilling, Hans Ludwig Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, ca. 1623-1680 Schmitt, Florent, 1870-1958 Schneider, Georg Abraham, 1770-1839 in M287; and in M289; in ML410 Schnittke, Alfred, 1934-1998 in M220, M231.5, M286, M385, M447, M512, M1140, M2010 (incorrectly cuttered as Shnittke); and in M452 Schoeck, Othmar, 1886-1957 Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951

14. Schirmer
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15. Mainhome
viola d'amore was very popular in the baroque and classical era with composers like Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Carl Stamitz, Anton
Christoph Angerer
Born in 1966 in Bonn/Germany. A Viennese with Austrian citizenship and Swiss citizen rights, he studied music at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart and at Vienna's Academy of Music and the Performing Arts, graduating in 1988 with a diploma in viola performance. He studied music sociology, concentrating on music history of the 18th century (worked on "The Role of the 'Minor Masters' in the 18th Century").
In 1982 he founded, together with his father, Paul Angerer, the ensemble "Concilium musicum Wien" in order to perform works on original period instruments, having intensively studied the historical way of performing music of the Vienna classical and pre-classical periods, emphasising the use of original instruments, particularly the viola d'amore Christoph Angerer has performed in numerous concerts, mainly with the Concilium musicum Wien but also with other ensembles, as well as solo recitals on the viola and the viola d'amore. His discography includes numerous radio and TV-recordings and various CDs. Since 1993 he has a lectureship for viola d'amore at the University of Music Vienna and gives master classes in Europe (Viola, Viola d'amore and historical performance tradition). Since 1999 he has been involved, in cooperation with

16. Stamitz, Anton [1750 - 1809) ::Baroque Music::
Baroque music open sheet music archive from the 17th and 18th century

17. Schirmer
Email. Please sign up for our free newsletter with the latest news and works. *

18. Viola Or Violin Concerto No.2 (Stamitz, Anton) - IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: F
Free public domain sheet music from IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library,_Anton)
Viola or Violin Concerto No.2 (Stamitz, Anton)
Free public domain sheet music from IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library
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19. Marcello Defant - Discografia
Concertos for viola orchestra By Carl Stamitz, Anton Hoffmeister Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf (Symposion)
My Discography Antonio Vivaldi le Quattro Stagioni - concerti per violino, archi e cembalo. Per commemorare il Ventesimo anniversario della Tragedia di Stava Darius Milhaud
Sonatas for viola and piano, for violin and piano.
Phoenix Classics)
" Hidden treasures "
Works for violin and piano
Phoenix Classics)
Chamber music for violin, viola and guitar
Phoenix Classics)
Paganini Consort

(Symposion) Cinderella no more
Celebrated works transcribed for viola and piano (Symposion) Hindemith Chamber music with piano Sarx) Antonio Vivaldi Concertos for guitar, two guitars, guitar and viola d'amore, strings and continuo �pera Tres

Anton Stamitz (1750?) - Brief biographical sketch and summaries of his orchestral and chamber music. Johann Anton Stamitz - Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with
  • Anton Stamitz (1750-?) - Brief biographical sketch and summaries of his orchestral and chamber music.
  • Johann Anton Stamitz - Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life and links to his musical family.
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