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         Stamitz Johann:     more books (84)
  1. The Symphonies of Johann Stamitz: A Study in the Formation of the Classic Style by Eugene K. Wolf, 1981-06
  2. Compositions by Johann Stamitz: Symphony in G Major, Symphony in E-Flat Major, Op. 11, No. 3, Symphony in B-Flat Major, Symphony in a Major
  3. Concerto in B Major: Clarinet and Piano (Schott) by Walter Lebermann, 1984-06-01
  4. String Trio in C Major, Op.1, No. 1 (CelloPart) Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-24
  5. Stamitz and Richter: Early String Symphonies.(Sound Recording Review): An article from: Sensible Sound by John Puccio, 2004-01-01
  6. String Trio in A Major, Op. 1, No. 2 Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2010-04-15
  7. String Trio in B-Flat Major, Op. 1, No. 5 Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2010-04-17
  8. Symphony No. 8 - String Orchestra by Music by Johann Stamitz / arr. Bob Phillips, 2005-02-01
  9. String Trio in G major op. 1, no. 6 (Violin 1 Part) Sheet Music by Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, 2009-06-24
  10. Three Duets, Op. 27 (Kalmus Edition) by Stamitz, Johann, 1985-03-01
  11. Rondo capriccioso fur Flote solo, G-dur (Edition Breitkopf) (German Edition) by Johann Anton Stamitz, J. A. Stamitz, et all 1956
  12. Concerto in B-flat Major by Johann Stamitz, 2009-11-01
  13. Sinfonia In D by Stamitz Johann, 2000-04-15
  14. Concerto Dmaj Violin 1 by Johann Stamitz, 2009-09-01

1. Notenversand Notanorm - Noten Stamitz, Johann
Sabne Meyer Klarinettenkonzerte ACADEMY OF ST. MARTININ-THE-FIELDS / CARL STAMITZ / JOHANN STAMITZ / SABINE MEYER Kat.Nr. 0077775484229 Format Compact Disc
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2. Johann Stamitz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Stamitz, Johann Alternative names Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton Short description Czech composer and violinist Date of birth 18 June 1717 Place of birth
Johann Stamitz
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Johann Stamitz Jan Václav Antonín Stamic (later, during his life in Mannheim Germanized as Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz ) (June 18, 1717 – March 27, 1757) was a Czech composer and violinist . Johann was the father of Carl Stamitz and Anton Stamitz , also composers. His music reflects the transition of the baroque period to the classical era.
edit Life
Jan Václav Antonín Stamic was born in Německý Brod , Czechia, on June 18, 1717. He was the third child born and the first to survive past infancy. He was baptised on June 19, 1717 and probably born a day or two before the baptism . His name appears in the registry as Jan Waczlaw Antonin Stamitz. The Stamitz family was very artistic as Johann's father, Antonín Ignác, was organist at the Dean's Church before becoming a merchant, landowner and town councillor. His three brothers were very artistic as well. Joseph František was a painter and Antonín Tadeáš and Václav Jan were both musicians at some point in their lives. Stamitz received his first schooling in Německý Brod and his first musical instruction most likely came from his father. In 1728, he enrolled in the Jesuit gymnasium in Jihlava where he received training from the Jesuits of Bohemia , whose high standard of musical education produced students who were the premiere musicians in Europe.

3. Stamitz, Johann
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella s Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
Stamitz, Johann
Stamitz, Johann
Period: Baroque
Born: Saturday, June 19, 1717 in Deutsch-Brod, Bohemia
Died: Sunday, March 27, 1757 in Mannheim, Germany
Nation of Origin: Bohemia
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Major Works:
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Stamitz, a fine violinist and composer, helped to develop the symphony form. His music is considered "pre-classic" and influenced the work of Haydn and Mozart. He worked as conductor of the Mannheim orchestra where he developed the symphony form to include subtle dynamic changes. He also dispensed with the figured bass of the Baroque era. His sons Carl and Johann Anton were composers of lesser note.
General Bibliography: Bukofzer, Manfred F., Music in the Baroque Era, from Monteverdi to Bach, Kennedy, Michael, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0198691629 Palisca, Claude V. Baroque Music, Prentice Hall, December 1990, ISBN: 0130584967 Sadie, Stanley and Tyrrell, John; Editors

4. Stamitz, Johann Definition Of Stamitz, Johann In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Stamitz, Johann (yō`h n sht `mĭts), 1717–57, BohemianGerman composer. Stamitz came to Mannheim (1741) and became (1745) concertmaster of the Mannheim orchestra., Johann

5. Stamitz
A collection of MIDIfiles. Listen or download. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz (Czech Jan V clav Stamic) (June 19, 1717 – March 27, 1757 ) was
Stamitz, Johann
Concerto for flute and strings D Major 1. Allegro 2. Adagio 3. Allegro back From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia: Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz Stamitz was born in Nemecky Brod (now Havlickuv Brod , Czech Republic). His first music lessons came from his father, an organist. He later studied at the gymnasium in Jihlava and at Charles University in Prague . In 1741 he went to Mannheim, becoming first violinist of the court orchestra there in 1743 and concertmaster in 1745. He served under Kapellmeister Carlo Grua for his tenure at the Hofkapelle. He raised the level of the orchestra to a point where it was one of the most respected in Europe . In 1754-55 he spent time in Paris , where his music was well received at the Concerts Spirituels. Stamitz, generally regarded as the founder and most prominent member of the so-called Mannheim School of composers, wrote a number of concertos (mainly for violin or flute), a quantity of chamber music and a mass (1755). His most significant works, however, are his symphonies, of which he wrote over fifty. He was the first composer to regularly write symphonies in a four-movement form, adding the minuet and trio to the other three standard movements. In introducing a second group of contrasting thematic material to his opening movements, he also did much to develop what would become known as sonata form. In common with other composers of the Mannheim School, Stamitz is also noted for giving a more prominent role to wind instruments, and making more adventurous use of dynamics, notably the crescendo. He was the first to introduce the oboe into the symphony orchestra.

6. HOASM: Johann (Wenzel Anton) Stamitz
Biography, portrait, related period material, and partial discography from the Here of a Sunday Morning radio program.
Johann (Wenzel Anton) Stamitz
Composer and violinist. He received his formal education in Jihlava at the Jesuit Gymnasium and was in Prague at the university during 1734-35. He arrived in Mannheim probably by 1741 and was employed by the court. He was "first violinist" by 1743, became Konzertmeister in 1745 or 1746 and director of instrumental music in 1750. In Paris 1754-55, he appeared at the Concert Spirituel. His music was published in Paris, London, and Amsterdam. Today Stamitz is regarded as one of the foremost early classical symphonists. His contributions include regular use of the 4-movement cycle (instead of three) in his symphonic works and a transfer of features of Italian opera-overture style, including the crescendo, to the symphony. Under his direction the Mannheim orchestra became one of the most renowned in Europe. He was also well regarded as a teacher; among his pupils who went on to achieve success were his own sons Karl and Anton Christian Cannabich Precise enumeration of Stamitz's works is made difficult by the fact that several other composers shared some form of his surname, as well as by a lack of autograph manuscripts. He is best known for his symphonies, of which nearly 60 are extant (many others are lost), and his ten orchestral trios. He wrote many solo concertos, including at least fifteen for violin, eleven for flute, one for oboe, one for clarinet, and several for keyboard. Other extant works include a Mass, liturgical vocal music, and chamber works.

7. Stamitz Johann: Free Encyclopedia Articles At Online Library
Research Stamitz Johann and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the online library.

8. Stamitz, Carl/Stamitz, Johann - Clarinet Concertos/Orchestral Quartet (Phoenix E
CD/DVD 9.50 - This disc features two important Clarinet Concertos by father and son Johann and Carl Stamitz. The works on this exemplary recording are performed by the
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    Stamitz, Carl/Stamitz, Johann : Clarinet Concertos/Orchestral Quartet (Phoenix Edition Audio CD)
    * Estimated price Catalogue No:
    Usually despatched within 10 working days Department CDs Classical CDs: Chamber More Product Details More Product Details This disc features two important Clarinet Concertos by father and son Johann and Carl Stamitz. The works on this exemplary recording are performed by the Cappella Coloniensis with Hans Deinzer and Jann Engel. Hans Deinzer is one of the most influential soloists and teachers of the 20th century.
    Carl Stamitz wrote 11 Clarinet Concertos but the Concerto for 2 solo Clarinets recorded on this CD takes prime position. It was originally published for clarinet and violin but it was not until the 20th century that this opus returned to its original form, the sound Stamitz had intended. The music of Johann Stamitz marks the transition from Baroque to the Classical era, and his Clarinet Concerto is renowned for being one of the first ‘real’ concertos written for the instrument.
    Hans Deinzer (clarinet), Jann Engel (Clarinet II), Cappella Coloniensis, Gabriele Ferro (1-3), Ulf Björlin (4-9)

9. Kurt Azesberger- Bio, Albums, Pictures – Naxos Classical Music.
Brief biography and caricature with mention of his time at Mannheim and recommended Naxos recordings.
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Kurt Azesberger combines an opera career with appearances in major concert-halls. This has taken him to the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Royal Festival Hall in London, together with operatic roles at Glyndebourne opera, Vienna State Opera, and the Salzburg Festival Opera. Albums featuring this artist are available for download from
Role: Classical Artist Album Title Catalogue No Work Category CREDO - Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation Naxos
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Orchestral, Vocal, Choral - Sacred, Choral - Secular Discover Music of the Classical Era Naxos Educational
Concertos, Orchestral, Chamber Music, Instrumental, Choral - Sacred, Opera HAYDN: Nelson Mass / Little Organ Mass Naxos
Choral - Sacred KYRIE - Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation Naxos
Concertos, Orchestral, Choral - Sacred

10. Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton: Biography
Violinist and composer who is remembered today primarily as a transitional figure from the late gallant styles of Couperin, Telemann and some Bach works to Viennese classicism and
Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz 1717-1757
Violinist and composer who is remembered today primarily as a transitional figure from the late gallant styles of Couperin , Telemann and some Bach works to Viennese classicism and the mature symphony. Stamitz began his career in 1741 as violinist in the orchestra at Mannheim. He soon rose to the rank of concertmaster, and, in 1745, was appointed director of the orchestra. Stamitz composed 75 symphonies solo concertos (flute, oboe, harpsichord, clarinet, and violin), chamber music , violin sonatas , and works for use in the church.
var site="sm4WellTemperedClavier" Bach's World Contemporaries Chronology

11. Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton (Ger. Comp.)
Britannica CD
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12. Jan Václav (Johann) Stamitz (Stamic) | Classical Composers Database
Summary of musical output and life from the Classical Composers Database.
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13. Stamitz, Johann
This page contains basic and accurate biographical information and links to essays about the Baroque composer Stamitz.
Stamitz, Johann
Stamitz, Johann
Period: Baroque
Born: Saturday, June 19, 1717 in Deutsch-Brod, Bohemia
Died: Sunday, March 27, 1757 in Mannheim, Germany
Nation of Origin: Bohemia
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Major Works:
Other Information:

Stamitz, a fine violinist and composer, helped to develop the symphony form. His music is considered "pre-classic" and influenced the work of Haydn and Mozart. He worked as conductor of the Mannheim orchestra where he developed the symphony form to include subtle dynamic changes. He also dispensed with the figured bass of the Baroque era. His sons Carl and Johann Anton were composers of lesser note.
General Bibliography: Bukofzer, Manfred F., Music in the Baroque Era, from Monteverdi to Bach, Kennedy, Michael, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0198691629 Palisca, Claude V. Baroque Music, Prentice Hall, December 1990, ISBN: 0130584967 Sadie, Stanley and Tyrrell, John; Editors

14. Schott Music - Shop - Sheet Music - Eulenburg Miniature Scores - Stamitz, Johann
Sheet music / Eulenburg Miniature Scores / Stamitz, Johann Concerto Bb major. Stamitz, Johann Wenzel (Composer) Lebermann, Walter (Editor)
window.isPrintView = false; Log in Contact / Impressum Help Press ... Services Search in: Advanced product search Shop Sheet music Eulenburg Miniature Scores ... Bestsellers thumbnails['news2']=false; thumbnails['highlight2']=false; thumbnails['bestseller2']=false; Catalogue entries Stamitz, Johann (1717-1801) results Sort order: Persons Order Number Title Concerto Bb major Stamitz, Johann Wenzel (Composer)
Lebermann, Walter (Editor)
clarinet and string orchestra; 2 horns ad lib.
study score
Order No.: ETP 1297
Publisher: Eulenburg
including VAT and plus delivery Buy in £ in our UK-Shop Concerto D major Stamitz, Johann Wenzel (Composer)

15. STAMITZ, C.: Concerto For 2 Clarinets No. 4 / Orchestral Quartet In G Major / ST
STAMITZ, C. Concerto for 2 Clarinets No. 4 / Orchestral Quartet in G major / STAMITZ, J. Clarinet Concerto in B flat major (Deinzer) by Carl Stamitz, Johann Stamitz. Listen to

16. ClassicalPlus Composer
ClassicalPlus offers complete performances, over 200 hours of original content from veteran artists and talented newcomers;, daily news; free MP3 files; and, provocative opinions

17. Stamitz Encyclopedia Topics |
His son Carl (1745–1801), also a composer and violinist, played in Mannheim, toured widely as a soloist, and wrote more than 50 symphonies. Learn more about Stamitz, Johann

18. Johann Stamitz —
More on Johann Stamitz from Fact Monster conducting conducting conducting, in music, the art of unifying the efforts of a number of musicians

19. Johann Stamitz —
More on Johann Stamitz from Infoplease Stamitz meaning and definitions Stamitz Definition and Pronunciation; conducting - conducting conducting, in music, the art of unifying the

20. Stamitz, Johann – Free Listening, Concerts, Stats, & Pictures At
Top tracks from Stamitz, Johann Trio For Orchestra In C Minor, Op. 4/3, Symphony In E Flat Major, Op. 4/4 more. This is mistagged for Johann Stamitz; it would help, Johann English Help Come work with us! is hiring » Play Stamitz, Johann Radio
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