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Xenakis Yannis: more detail |
1. Iannis Xenakis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Iannis Xenakis (May 29, 1922 – February 4, 2001) was an ethnic Greek, naturalized French composer, music theorist, and architectengineer. He is commonly recognized as one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iannis_Xenakis | |
2. Xenakis Traduction Xenakis Définition Xenakis Dictionnaire Compositori X (from Enciclopedia Musicale Elettronica) Xenakis, Yannis Iannis Xenakis in ``Mozart Among Us'' Iannis Xenakis (Contemporary Classical Music Archive) http://fr.thefreedictionary.com/Xenakis |
3. HTTP Error 301 Brief citation from 1999. http://www.polarmusicprize.se/ | |
4. Xenakis, Yannis Definition Of Xenakis, Yannis In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Xenakis, Yannis or Iannis (y n`ĭs zān `kĭs), 1922–2001, GreekFrench composer, b. Brăila, Romania. Xenakis studied civil engineering in Athens (1940–47) and worked as an http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Xenakis, Yannis |
5. Media Art Net | Generative Tools | Editorial Bense, Max Cage, John Cohen, Harold Eno, Brian Mohr, Manfred Xenakis, Yannis (Iannis) http://www.mediaartnet.org/themes/generative-tools/editorial/ | |
6. Iannis Xenakis Biographical note from Grove. http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/xenakis.html |
7. Xenakis Yannis Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Research Xenakis Yannis and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/xenakis-yannis.jsp |
8. Yannis Xenakis A selection of articles related to Yannis Xenakis Yannis Xenakis Encyclopedia II List of Greeks - Painters. List of Greeks - Painters. http://www.experiencefestival.com/yannis_xenakis |
9. Dartmouth College Department Of Music From dartmouth.edu http://music.dartmouth.edu/~wowem/electronmedia/music/eamhistory.html | |
10. Yannis Xenakis — Infoplease.com Control freaks (The Spectator) Design essence David Dunster, who coedited this issue of the AR, introduces its theme, the diagram. In the pages that follow, architects describe the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0852878.html |
11. Yannis Xenakis's Birthday Yannis Xenakis was born Monday, May 29, 1922 Weekday Monday Rumanian composer architect mathematician http://birthdays.aspcode.net/Yannis-Xenakis/birthday.aspx |
12. HeadWize - Article: A Dialetic Of Audible Space By Ian Stevenson Article by Ian Stevenson, from HeadWize. http://headwize.com/articles/steven_art.htm | |
13. Yannis Xenakis — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia Xenakis, Yannis or Iannis. Xenakis, Yannis or Iannis (y n'is zān 'kis) , 1922 – 2001, GreekFrench composer, b. Brăila, Romania. Xenakis studied civil engineering in http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0852878.html | |
14. Xenarthra - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Xenarthra Xenakis, Yannis XenApp XenApp server Xenarthra Xenarthran Xenarthran Xenarthrans Xenarthrans Xenazine XenDesktop Xeneisol Xenelasia Xenene Xenene http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Xenarthra |
15. Johns Hopkins Magazine June 1997 Matthew Burtner The Composer In Five Prose Movements; student of Xenakis http://jhuniverse.jhu.edu/~jhumag/0697web/music.html | |
16. Xenakis, Yannis | Xenakis, Yannis Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Xenakis, Yannis Research Xenakis, Yannis articles at HighBeam.com. Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O47-XenakisYannis.html |
17. SLOVARJI.com xenakis yannis - 1922-grški skladatelj ximenes - etorre - 1855-1926-italijanski slikar in kipar ximenes - louis - 1726-1817-francoski pisec http://www.slovarji.com/slovarji/slovarji-07/7x.html | |
18. Roger Reynolds Discussion of computer music by Xenakis, Reynolds, Lansky and Mache. From theDelphi Computer Music Conference/Festival 1992. http://rogerreynolds.com/xenakis1.html | |
19. Xenakis, Yannis Synonyms, Xenakis, Yannis Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for Xenakis, Yannis Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see Xenakis, Yannis on http://thesaurus.com/browse/Xenakis, Yannis |
20. Media Art Net | Index By Names Xenakis, Yannis (Iannis) Yalkut, Jud Zapp, Andrea Zaretsky, Adam ZDF Das kleine Fernsehspiel zeitblom ZERO Zhang, Ga Ziegler, Christian ZKM Institut f r http://www.mediaartnet.org/index/names/x/ |
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