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81. Artificial Intelligence. Downloadsoftware4free.com. Download Free Software. Sear artificial intelligence. downloadsoftware4free.com. Download Free Software. Search shareware and freeware downloads. http://artificial-intelligence.downloadsoftware4free.com/ | |
82. Page Has Moved a resource that covers all areas of artificial intelligence, and publishes very many research articles. http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/home.html | |
83. A.I. Artificial Intelligence 2001 Warner Bros. Legal/Privacy information about this site http://aimovie.warnerbros.com/ | |
84. Lean Six Sigma Software With Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing scheduling and closed loop applications utilizing genetic programming algorithms. http://www.tuppas.com/Artificial-Intelligence/Artificial-Intelligence.htm | |
85. Artificial Intelligence Definition Of Artificial Intelligence In The Free Online artificial intelligence (AI), the use of computers computer, device capable of performing a series of arithmetic or logical operations. A computer is distinguished from a http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/artificial intelligence |
86. Intelligente Lösungen Für Die Wissensgesellschaft — DFKI Nonprofit research institute in the artificial-intelligence field. Includes information, news, and research. http://www.dfki.de/ |
87. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | CSAIL Laboratory studying computation in physical and biological systems focused on unlocking the secrets of human intelligence, extending the functional capabilities of machines and http://www.csail.mit.edu/ |
88. UCSD CSE - Artificial Intelligence Research and courses in artificial intelligence, machine learning, information retrieval, and related areas. http://ai.ucsd.edu/ | |
89. Institute Of Artificial Intelligence Problems (Donetsk, UA) Information on artificial intelligence and robotics research http://www.iai.donetsk.ua |
90. ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE.LOVE.COM | All Things Artificial Intelligence Have you got a site that you'd like us to include in artificialintelligence.love.com? submit Your Site http://artificial-intelligence.love.com/ |
91. Computer Science At Yale Information about artificial intelligence research on vision, motion, and knowledge representation. http://www.cs.yale.edu/research/artificial.html | |
92. AI At The University Of Washington Information about artificial intelligence research on intelligent systems, machine learning, planning, and knowledge representation. http://www.cs.washington.edu/ai/ | |
93. Assoc For Uncertainty In AI Main association for belief network researchers. Runs the annual Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) conferences, and the UAI mailing list. http://www.auai.org/ |
94. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Realizing the Ultimate Promises of Computing David L. Waltz Vice President, Computer Science Research NEC Research Institute http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/lazowska/cra/ai.html | |
95. Thoughts On Artificial Intelligence Some reflections on Artificial Intelligence and the nature of the Turing Test. http://www.kosara.net/thoughts/ai.html |
96. MainFrame: Artificial Intelligence Material on Artificial Intelligence as engineering with emphasis on the exploitation of logic. A topography is presented with logic at the center. http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/cs/ai022.htm | |
97. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach AI A Modern Approach Modified Sep 26, 2010 http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/ |
98. Bibliographies On Artificial Intelligence Part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, is searchable and browseable. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Ai/ | |
99. Applications Of Artificial Intelligence An electronic scientific journal covering all areas of artificial intelligence (AI), publishing refereed research articles, survey articles, and technical notes. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/applications-of-artificial-intelligence.html | |
100. Topic: (/) Free software and materials of general interest to AI researchers, educators, students, and practitioners. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/0.html | |
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