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21. Artificial Life - Transform Your System To A Living Swamp. Norms Are Artificial Norms 1.1 Transform your system to a living swamp full of life. If you like artificial life or you enjoy having pets this is the screen saver for you! http://artificial-life.softalizer.com/ | |
22. Artificial Life Artificial Life. I've always had an interest in how the mind works, how computers work, and how computers might be made to act more like the mind. http://www.beanblossom.in.us/larryy/ALife.html | |
23. Alex Vulliamy's Home Page Artificial life links and software. http://www.alxvy.org | |
24. Artificial Life - Links ECAL 11 The European Conference on Artificial Life, 20th anniversary edition http://alife.org/links.html | |
25. UAT: Artificial Life Earn a masters, bachelors, or associates degree majoring in artificial life, artificial life programming, or artificial intelligence with The University of Advancing Technology. http://www.artificiallifedegree.com/ |
26. Artificial Life And Other Experiments Artificial life Alife Genetic algorithms Photo Manipulation and Doll Asseblage experiments free source code. http://www.aridolan.com/ | |
27. Artificiallife.org Artificial Life is a free and open sourced Java framework created to simulate Life. It is a multiagent framework where each agent runs its own Thread. http://artificiallife.org/ | |
28. Artificial Life | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Artificial life, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Artificial life. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Artificial-life/106019416095815 | |
29. Artificial Intelligence Life Genetic Programming Algorithms Links to artificial life/intelligence projects, with a collection of links including swarming Java applets. http://www.lalena.com/ai/ |
30. Synthetic Life - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Synthetic life is artificial life created from nonliving substances. It belongs to the discipline of synthetic biology. It is usually distinguished from mechanical life that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_life | |
31. Artificial Life · Plenty Of Software: Free Downloads Center Click to enlarge. Artificial Life 1.4.0 Artificial Life is a free and open sourced Java framework created to simulate Life. It is a multiagent framework where each agent runs http://www.plentyofsoft.com/software-development/artificial-life/ | |
32. Artificial Life: Definition From Answers.com n. The simulation of biological phenomena through the use of computer models, robotics, or biochemistry. Also called Alife http://www.answers.com/topic/artificial-life |
33. Artificial Life: Lyrics From Answers.com Performed by Ultravox Written by Billy Currie; John Foxx Credits Currie, Billy (Songwriter); Foxx, John (Songwriter); ISLAND MUSIC LTD (Publisher) JavaScript should be http://www.answers.com/topic/artificial-life-performed-by-ultravox |
34. AITopics / ArtificialLife Artificial Life ( AL or Alife ) is the name given to a new discipline that studies natural life by attempting to recreate biological phenomena from scratch within computers http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/AITopics/ArtificialLife |
35. CALT Encyclopedia - Artificial Life A collection of resources related to artificial life. Includes a section for social sciences (social micro-simulation) http://www.calt.insead.edu/Encyclopedia/?artificial life |
36. Artificial Life - John Hershberg Environment/Weapons http://artificial-life.org/ | |
37. NecroBones Artificial Life Experiments Features three Java artificial life experiments. http://www.necrobones.com/alife/ | |
38. Artificial Life Also called ALife or Alife by practitioners and wannabes. The construction and study of artificial systems that are engineered so as to capture aspects of biological systems. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ArtificialLife |
39. Artificial Life And Robotics Papers on the development of new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics, especially computer-based simulation and hardware. http://www.springer.com/computer/artificial/journal/10015 | |
40. Scientists Create Artificial Life In Laboratory - Times Online May 21, 2010 Synthetic life has been created in the laboratory in a feat of ingenuity that pushes the boundaries of humanity s ability to manipulate the http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/biology_evolution/article7132299.e |
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