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         Artificial Life:     more books (100)
  1. Magical A-Life Avatars by Peter Small, 1998-11-01
  2. Virtual Organisms: The Startling World of Artificial Intelligence by Mark Ward, 2000-03-10
  3. Genesis Redux: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Life
  4. Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
  5. Artificial Life Models in Hardware
  6. Artificial Life Possibilities: A Star Trek Perspective (Game Development Series) by Penny Baillie-de Byl, 2006-01-12
  7. The Essential Turing: Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life plus The Secrets of Enigma by Alan M. Turing, 2004-11-18
  8. Artificial Life by Michael Gessner, 2009-07-02
  9. Artificial Life III: Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Life Held June 19 by Christopher G.; Artificial Life Workshop 1992 Santa Fe, N.M.) Langton, 1993
  10. Multi Agent Systems for Artificial Life Domain: Using Multi Agent system for modeling and simulation of the anticipation behavior and its application in real life domain by Ahmed Elmahalawy, 2010-03-11
  11. Artificial Reef Evaluation: With Application to Natural Marine Habitats (Marine Science)
  12. Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise by Ronald K. Siegel, 1991-12
  13. Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition: First International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, ... Computer Science and General Issues) (Pt. 1)
  14. Spatiotemporal Models in Biological and Artificial Systems (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 37)

101. Stan Franklin's Homepage
University of Memphis. Conscious software, intelligent agents.

102. - Mobile Games & Content is Artificial Life s offdeck mobile content and distribution platform Artificial Life develops mobile games for iphone, ipod touch, java,

103. Artificial Life | Download Artificial Life Software For Free At
Get Artificial Life at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory
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Artificial Life
by Artificial Life is a free and open sourced Java framework use to simulate Life. It is a multi-agents framework where each agent runs it is own Thread. Download Now! (1.5 MB) OR View all files You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Separate each tag with a space.
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Artificial Intelligence Frameworks Simulations
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Intended Audience:
Developers End Users/Desktop
User Interface:
Java Swing
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Ratings and Reviews
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104. Manna Mouse
Exploration of fitness landscapes.
Manna Mouse:
Exploratory Fitness Landscaping A joint project of and Among interactive artificial life simulations, Manna Mouse is uniquely simple: a creature's genome encodes its location on the display area. This simplicity allows us to see interesting dynamics that are often inaccessible.
With your mouse you paint manna the reward function. By visualizing the fitness landscape, you can quickly build intuitions about evolution. To start, press go. how to play changing parameters source code Please enable Java in your browser.
Manna Mouse Applet
You see the evolution of two, separate populations of creatures. A creature's genotype encodes two valuesan x coordinate and a y coordinate. The phenotype is expressed as a dot on the display area.
For each population, the first generation is determined randomly. Without a fitness function to selectively steer reproduction, subsequent generations of creatures appear to be moving randomly through the 2-d space.
Genetic Algorithms were invented by John Holland. See my

105. Artificial Life And Robotics
Artificial Life and Robotics This is an international journal publishing original technical papers and authoritative state-of-the-art reviews on the
Basket USA Change New User Login

106. Re-direction To Http://
A retrospective gallery with links and interviews. - you should be redirected in three seconds.

107. Stormy Productions
Oddly hypnotic and relaxing, Artificial Life is a simulation of the growth and evolution of microorganisms. Initially, each organism is given a random set
Stormy Productions
Artificial Life
Watch life evolve in the palm of your hand! (And destroy it when it displeases you...) Version 2.1 is available now in the iTunes App Store
An iPad version is also available Keep track of the latest developments and upcoming feature enhancements on our blog
The Science Behind the Simulation
This app was inspired by the computer science technique known as Genetic Algorithms . The idea behind genetic algorithms is to apply evolutionary techniques such as inheritance, mutation, and selection to computing problems. I thought, why not go full circle and apply these techniques to a basic biology simulation? This app reflects one such attempt. I hope you enjoy it! New features will be added as free app updates.
Oddly hypnotic and relaxing, Artificial Life is a simulation of the growth and evolution of microorganisms. Initially, each organism is given a random set of rules governing its behavior. If the rules end up being useful for survival, the organism may live long enough to mate with another organism and pass its genetic code on to some offspring. Over time, the organisms with the most useful behaviors will pass on their genetic code, leading to interesting patterns of behavior unfolding before your eyes - flocking behaviors, solitary predatory tactics, scavenging, and hiding are some examples - and all this behavior is evolving from total randomness. You have control over 10 attributes of the world allowing for much experimentation with this simulation. And, if you don't like how some of the organisms are behaving, you can always resort to the finger of death and destroy that which displeases you. Pan and zoom using using touch and pinch gestures to explore this virtual world.

108. Artificial Life - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software
SourceForge presents the Artificial Life project. Artificial Life is an open source application. SourceForge provides the world's largest selection of Open Source Software.
Artificial Life : Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software
Artificial Life
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Project Information
About this project:
This is the Artificial Life project ("artificiallife") This project was registered on on Nov 12, 2008, and is described by the project team as follows:

109. Bomb Visual Music
Alife that responds to a music or a keyboard.
See the SPOTWORKS DVD including Bomb animations! Bomb is a visual-musical instrument. It uses alife, and is alife. It runs on your PC and produces animated organic graphics in response to the keyboard, audio music, or on its own. You can download it from this web site, and run it on your PC. Artistic and conceptual explanations can be found here and here I encourage you to make your own "music" with Bomb, or just use it as a screensaver. I am always thrilled to hear about what people do with it, so please keep me informed if you make something of it. Collaboration is also a possibility. Mail me, or talk to other users in the discussion forum Please contribute to the creation of free software like this. one click downloads:
Linux Windows Macintosh ... Max More information about the recent versions for download:

110. Reporters' Roundtable: What Is Artificial Life? (podcast) | Reporters' Roundtabl
Jun 4, 2010 Craig Venter recently announced that he had modified a living organism by replacing its DNA with a syntheticallycreated genome.
On BNET: The Next Generation of Does. Verizon Reporters' Roundtable Podcast June 4, 2010 3:00 PM PDT
Reporters' Roundtable: What is artificial life? (podcast)
by Rafe Needleman
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Tweet This week, artificial life! Last month, of course, Craig Venter announced that he had modified a living organism by replacing its DNA with a synthetically-created genome . The J. Craig Venter Institute project took Mycoplasma capricolum bacteria and completely rewrote its genetic code of more than 1 million base pairs of DNA. It's another step on the way to the creation of designed organisms. It's important science and it raises fascinating technological and ethical questions, some of which we'll be discussing today. We have two great guests for this show. First, in the studio with us, Dr. Kiki Sanford from podcasts This Week in Science and Dr. Kiki's Science Hour

111. Artificial Life Game
Contains useful links to resources and studies of artificial life games.
var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "15119654";
Artificial Life Game
Artificial Life; Alife Game; Virtual Organism; Game of Life; Virtual Game; Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Philosophy of Artificial Life
Towards Computationalism: Philosophy of Artificial Life
Li Jianhui
(Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
The computational revolution in the 20th century has produced a revolution in methodology in which computer simulations are performed as experiments. One outcome of this methodological revolution is the birth of the new frontier science, Artificial Life (Alife). Alife tries to use computers to create entities which exhibit characteristics of life in the computer or in the real world, and from the perspective of computation, it views life as a special algorithm. In January of 2004, China Book Press published my new book: Towards Computationalism: An Introduction to Philosophy of Artificial Life. This is the first book that systematically explores the philosophy of Artificial Life. Now I summarize the main contents and points of this book.
Because of the uniqueness and novelty of the goals, methods, and conceptualization of the Artificial Life, not only are many scientists attracted to do research in this area, but, in addition, many philosophers are attracted by the goal of generalizing new philosophical ideas from its concepts and theories. In Chapter One of this book, the challenges presented by Artificial Life to philosophy are illustrated.

112. 3D Simulation And Evolution | Framsticks
FRAMSTICKS. Artificial Life Framsticks is a threedimensional life simulation project. Both mechanical structures ( bodies ) and control systems
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3D simulation and evolution FRAMSTICKS. Artificial Life by Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski Highlights Movies: underwater dance, pursuit, fights Pictures with various themes 3D realtime display styles Evolved: "Hopping Spiders" Framsticks is a three-dimensional life simulation project. Both mechanical structures ("bodies") and control systems ("brains") of creatures are modeled. It is possible to design various kinds of experiments, including simple optimization (by evolutionary algorithms), coevolution, open-ended and spontaneous evolution, distinct gene pools and populations, diverse genotype-phenotype mappings, and modeling of species and ecosystems. You are welcome to try Framsticks! Users of this software work on evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence, neural networks, biology, robotics and simulation, cognitive science, neuroscience, medicine, philosophy, virtual reality, graphics, and art. The system can be interesting for experimenters who would like to evolve their own artificial creatures and see them in a three-dimensional, virtual world. You can also manually design and test creatures. This software is a versatile tool for research and education. Kliknij – wersja po polsku Clickez ici pour la version francaise
Site awarded by the CALResCo group
This software is ZDNet Editors' Pick
Excellent software
AgentLand Pick
Top Of Everything Project
Softplatz award
Five stars award by Top Shareware
A1 Yippee award

113. Artificial Life Game
Articles and inform information on artificial life games.,1999:blog-15119654 Artificial Life; Alife Game; Virtual Organism; Game of Life; Virtual Game; Artificial Intelligence alife game Blogger, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game, alife game

114. NecroBones Artificial Life Experiments
What is ALife? Simply put, Artificial Life is a broad field of work in which attempts are made to simulate or recreate one or more natural processes.
Artificial Life Experiments
(or is that digital death?)
What is A-Life?
Simply put, Artificial Life is a broad field of work in which attempts are made to simulate or recreate one or more natural processes. Most A-Life work is done on computers, but in some cases it's done in the real world with chemicals or just on paper. Some examples of natural systems that are often modelled are: predator/prey balances, darwinistic evolution, neural networks, behaviour and learning, ecological interactions, flocking, self organization, emergent behaviour or complexity, reproduction, and genetics, to name a few. A-Life's practical purpose can be two-fold, to use technology to understand and improve biological sciences, and to use biological understanding to improve technological science. But beyond the practical, insights into life, nature, and the universe can be gleamed even from the most simple model, experiment, or simulation. Ed T. Toton III
  • System Administrator / Programmer
  • Long-time A-Life enthusiast
  • Self-Organized Emergent Philosophical Process :)
Since the summer before I entered college, artificial life (or "A-Life") has been one of my interests. In general, I find all of the "fringe" computer topics interesting, including fractals, AI, digital music, 3D graphics, etc. But A-Life holds a certain appeal. There's something particular compelling about the concept of having life exist within the computer, something that evolves and develops it's own behaviour or morphology, something that goes beyond the initial design created by the programmer.

115. Lotus Artificial Life - Hardware Artificial Life
Lotus Artificial Life s Java cellular automata substrate capable of supporting evolving, self-reproducing organisms which are capable of universal computation.
HAL - Hardware Artificial Life
Unfortunately, your browser does not support Java.
A Java applet is the central focus of this page.
You're encouraged to try again using a Java-aware browser.
A version of this applet using Sun's Java plug-in is available here
This applet displays a cellular automata substrate capable of supporting evolving, self-reproducing organisms which are capable of universal computation. The applet is fully interactive, allowing you to apply selection based on organisms visual characteristics using a variety of implements. Selection may also applied automatically. Currently the built in selection methods are for size and shape only. The cellular automata uses a strict von-Neumann neighbourhood and is based on an innovative, multi-layered design. The whole architecture is designed to be implemented on massively parallel hardware.
Central to HAL's design is the use of fine-grained massive parallelism which, on appropriate hardware, should allow maximum possible performance to be reached. Note: if you're playing with wiping out organisms manually you'll probably want to have the 'No selection at all' checkbox ticked - this causes all cells to be born pregnant and removes some constraints which abort malformed offspring.

116. Artificial Life
Apr 10, 2009 Recommended Artificial Life the journal, and its website, Alife Online, Michael Whitelaw, Metacreation Art and Artificial Life

117. James Greenbank's HomePage: Wonders Of The World
Java application simulates creature behaviours and movement. Available for free download, including source code, and a paper on Artificial Life.

118. HowStuffWorks "Artificial Life"
Artificial life could exist as soon as 10 years from now, according to an Associated Press article published in 2007. Learn about artificial life.; OAS_AD('TopBanner'); HowStuffWorks
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Are we 10 years away from artificial life?
by Jacob Silverman Cite This! Close Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks article:
Inside this Article
  • Are we 10 years away from artificial life? Artificial Life Concerns and Challenges Lots More Information See all Genetic Science articles
  • Cloning Videos In late August 2007, an Associated Press article put forth the claim that scientists were no more than 10 years away from creating artificial life and possibly as few as three. Could such a thing be possible? Scientists have made tremendous strides in decoding human and animal genomes, synthesizing DNA and cloning . Creating artificial, functioning biological organisms seems to present a tremendous leap beyond any of these abilities. But some of the companies and researchers involved in the quest for artificial life believe that �the 10-year time frame is possible. Not only that they say that the development of wet artificial life (as it's often called) will radically affect our views of biological life and our place in the universe. �

    119. Bruce Damer - Burning Man, NASA, & Artificial Life - Boing Boing
    Jun 18, 2010 I talked with him about Burning Man Katrina, NASA nearearth-objects, artificial life his EvoGrid project, and the legacy of
    Tech Culture and document.write(randomCategory); Video Features Bazaar Archives ... Chris Arkenberg at 10:04 AM Friday, Jun 18, 2010 Guestblogger Chris Arkenberg is co-founder of Augmented Reality Development Camp , strategic adviser to Hukilau , and a visiting researcher at Institute for the Future . Elsewhere: URBEINGRECORDED Bruce Damer is a technologist, virtual world pioneer, and computer historian. He is the CEO and founder of The Digital Space Commons , director of the Contact Consortium , and author of the book " Avatars At the end of August, 2005, you were at Burning Man in a heavily-outfitted RV. News quickly spread of the Katrina disaster. How did you respond from the middle of the Nevada desert? At Burning Man in 2005 our camp was among other things, running the webcast and helping maintain the playa wifi network, so we knew about Katrina while other burners were in their glorious offline world. One of our camp-mates, who worked for the Pentagon devising "extreme communications" disaster relief hardware and deploying it in places such as for the Asian Tsunami that year, pointed our dishes skyward and tracked the incoming hurricane via some super high-res satellite. He phoned the Pentagon to order up some blackhawk helicopters to take his crew down to New Orleans to help the citizenry but due to government red tape that order was denied. I said at the time "whew, those scary loud black things buzzing the playa would have caused some serious kind of mass panic about a bust by the Bushies or a belief amongst burners that the UFO invasion had chosen Black Rock as its landing pad".

    120. Scientists Create "artificial Life" - Synthetic DNA That Can Self-replicate
    May 21, 2010 In one of the biggest breakthroughs in recent history, scientists have created a synthetic genome that can selfreplicate. -synthetic-dna-that-ca

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