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1. Home | CGI.com cgi is among the leading independent information technology and business process services firms in the world. http://www.cgi.com/ | |
2. Computer-generated Imagery - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Computergenerated imagery (cgi) is the application of the field of computer graphics (CG) or, more specifically, 3D computer graphics to special effects in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-generated_imagery | |
3. The CGI Resource Index A site that lists useful cgi scripts and programs in a variety of languages by category. http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ | |
4. CGI - Common Gateway Interface Apr 28, 2010 The Common Gateway Interface is an agreement between HTTP server implementors about how to integrate such gateway scripts and programs. http://www.w3.org/CGI/ | |
5. CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today! Learn cgi today with this easyto-follow online tutorial. Lots of helpful examples. No programming experience needed! http://www.cgi101.com/book/ | |
6. Clinton Global Initiative In 2005, President Clinton established cgi to turn ideas into action and to help our world move beyond the current state of globalization to a more http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/ |
7. CGI Made Really Easy Very basic introduction to what cgi is. Designed for programmers. http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/cgi/ | |
8. What Is CGI? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary This page describes the term cgi and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/CGI.html | |
9. CGI & PHP Script Installation Center - Perl CGI Script Installation Service Affordable cgi and php script installations and custom programming. http://cgi.defend.net | |
10. Free-CGI A place to find basic to professional cgi scripts that can help you create an interactive website quickly and easily. http://www.free-cgi.com | |
11. CGI Glass Centre > Home frameless shower doors. glass block install. mirrors. glass http://cgiglass.com/ | |
12. CGI Scripts, Free Cgi Scripts, Cgiscript Tutorials - Namezero - Mydomain.com cgi script resources, tutorials, top cgi sites, and free cgi code. http://www.yourcgiscript.com/index.html | |
13. CGI Connection Web Site Software Free and commercial Perl scripts ranging from realtime chat, server management, web page management, search engine submission, and email management. http://www.cgiconnection.com/ | |
14. HowStuffWorks "How CGI Scripting Works" Tutorial that describes how to add cgi scripting to a web site. http://www.howstuffworks.com/cgi.htm | |
15. Common Gateway Interface - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Common Gateway Interface (cgi) is a standard (see RFC 3875 cgi Version 1.1) that defines how web server software can delegate the generation of web pages to a textbased http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface | |
16. CGI - Support cgi provides the full range of information technology services (IT) including consulting, systems integration and the management of IT and business functions (outsourcing) http://support.cgi-ams.com/ | |
17. Jonathan Hedley - Live From Sydney A detailed listing of common, useful cgi environment variables under Apache 2, and examples of how to use them. http://jon.hedley.net/cgi-environment-variables |
18. Mod_cgi - Apache HTTP Server Summary. Any file that has the handler cgiscript will be treated as a cgi script, and run by the server, with its output being returned to the client. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_cgi.html | |
19. The CGI Resource Index: Documentation: Programming Languages: Programming In Per Tips, instructions and tutorials on scripting cgi in Perl. http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Documentation/Programming_Languages/Programming_in_ | |
20. CGI - Perldoc.perl.org cgi. name; synopsis; description. programming style; calling cgi.pm routines; creating a new query object (objectoriented style) creating a new query object from an input file http://perldoc.perl.org/CGI.html |
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