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121. Apache::ASP::Cgi cgi has been the standard way of deploying web applications long before ASP came along. In the cgi gateway world, cgi.pm has been a widely used module in http://www.apache-asp.org/cgi.html | |
122. CGIWrap A UNIX gateway program that allows general users to use cgi scripts and HTML forms without compromising the security of the HTTP server. http://cgiwrap.sourceforge.net/ | |
123. Clinton Global Initiative University President Clinton launched the Clinton Global Initiative University (cgi U) in 2007 to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the http://www.cgiu.org/ |
124. Softouch Information Services They provide custom Perl programming for cgi needs and modifications to existing Perl code. http://www.softouch.on.ca/ |
125. FastCGI | FastCGI - An open extension to cgi that provides high performance for all Internet applications without any of the limitations of existing Web server APIs. http://www.fastcgi.com/ | |
126. Multi-vendor, Joomla Compatible, PHP Shopping Cart From WebGenie Software. Get R offer some cgi scripts and custom-work services. http://www.webgenie.com/ | |
127. Design Agency & Marketing Consultants | CGI Interactive Design Agency Marketing Consultants. cgi Interactive offers creative services to meet your marketing goals. Let us provide you a FREE evaluation. http://www.cgiinteractive.com/ | |
128. Custom Perl Programming, Perl Script Customization And Script Installation Servi Provides installation and consulting services for cgi and Perl. http://www.progland.com/ | |
129. Jeffrey's Exif Viewer Note extra functionality is enabled when you use Firefox or another Geckobased browser.. Some of my other stuff · My Blog · “Camera Stuff” · “Photo Tech” http://regex.info/exif.cgi | |
130. Web Site Hosting - Web Hosting Services Perl, Php, HTML, Mysql, Linux Custom cgi scripting in Perl, mod_perl and PHP. http://www.wundersolutions.com | |
131. CGI-Central Website cgiCentral is a team of high-grade professionals with wide experience and deep understanding of web technologies. It helps us to deliver in time solutions http://www.cgi-central.net/ | |
132. CGI Programming Discusses cgi programming in Fortran. http://www.ruppweb.org/xray/comp/cgi_prog.htm | |
133. CGI Environmental Variables Feb 15, 2010 Lists all standard environmental variables made available to cgi programs by web servers, and provides a brief explanation of each one of http://www.perlfect.com/articles/cgi_env.shtml | |
134. Cgic: An ANSI C Library For CGI Programming Thomas Boutell s ANSI C library for cgi Programming http://www.boutell.com/cgic/ | |
135. PHP: Installed As CGI Binary - Manual NOTE Running PHP as a cgi program will change the value of $_SERVER SCRIPT_NAME . When running via the (normal) mod_PHP mechanism, it will be set to the http://php.net/manual/en/security.cgi-bin.php | |
136. CGL - A CGI Library In ANSI C An ANSI C library for cgi development with a simple and clean interface, as well as default and configurable data limits. Open source, BSD license http://www.harding.motd.ca/cgl/ | |
137. CGI Database Applications With Perl Tutorial covering the strategies and technologies behind writing a database-driven cgi application. http://www.rcbowen.com/imho/cgi-database/ | |
138. Lincoln D. Stein / CGI.pm - Search.cpan.org A popular module for cgi programming; read forms, use cookies, and generate HTML. Included in the standard distribution of Perl 5. http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI.pm/ | |
139. David Coppit / CGI-Cache - Search.cpan.org Perl extension to help cache output of time-intensive cgi scripts so that subsequent visits to such scripts will not cost as much time. http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-Cache/ |
140. Widexl CGI Scripts Commercial and free cgi written in Perl. http://www.widexl.com/cgi_scripts.html | |
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