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81. Data Formats The following file formats are allowed as master files of submissions to Data formats for Preview and Image files jpg and gif files are accepted. http://www.eg-models.de/formats/index.html | |
82. Data Formats 1.10.1. Data Format Negotiation. Different devices exchange different kinds of data with applications, for example video images, raw or sliced VBI data, RDS datagrams. http://v4l2spec.bytesex.org/spec/x1859.htm | |
83. JEDlet.com - Online Distance Learning, Web Based Training, Computer Based Educat Propose des produits de formation distance sur Internet. Liste des cours, conditions et tarifs. http://www.jedlet.com/ | |
84. IDL Scientific Data Formats File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat http://vis.lbl.gov/NERSC/Software/idl/help6.2/sdf.pdf |
85. What Is...every File Format In The World - A Through E This page briefly describes every file format (or actually the file name extensions for the formats) that we have been able to learn about. http://www.ace.net.nz/tech/TechFileFormat.html | |
86. Smartcanal : E-learning Et E-formation Pour Votre Formation Ouverte Et à Distan Formations professionnelles en ligne. Solutions de e-learning, des conseils et des cours en ligne. http://www.smartcanal.com | |
87. Formastore La boutique du e-formateur et de la e-formation. Propose des outils pour produire du e-learning comme ViewletBuilder ou MindOnSIte, un catalogue de cours franophones de formation distance, des logiciels pour animer et g rer les formations. http://www.pretaformer.com | |
88. Wave File Format - The Sonic Spot Detailed description of the structure and inner workings of Microsoft WAV file format. http://www.sonicspot.com/guide/wavefiles.html | |
89. Bienvenue | IEP Standard Propose la pr paration distance de tous les concours de la fonction publique, une formation la carte ou formation compl te. D tails des formations et conditions. http://iepel.univ-lyon2.fr/ | |
90. NetWiki : Data Formats Browse The Data Formats group in NetWiki was started as a contribution by Skye BenderdeMoll (skyebend you-know-what-goes-here skyeome.net) from his Network Data Formats Wiki. http://netwiki.amath.unc.edu/DataFormats/DataFormats | |
91. Service De La Formation Continue Du Cégep De Trois-Rivières Service de la formation continue ayant pour mission de concevoir et de dispenser des plans de formation r pondant aux besoins de ses clients. Informations sur les cours et programmes. http://www.formation-mauricie.ca | |
92. Data Formats We can provide logs in a wide variety of digital formats. The two most commonly requested are ascii (.asc or .las) and .dxf. Ascii data is a simple tab http://www.welenco.com/data_main.htm | |
93. Conférence De Motivation, Conferencier Motivateur, Formation Vente, Orizon Conf rence de motivation, formation en vente, formation continue pour cadres, formation de dirigeant de pme pmi. http://www.orizon.ca | |
94. Sinclair Spectrum Game Data Formats A page dedicated to Sinclair Spectrum Game Data Formats. A repository for the collection of game data formats for old sinclair classics. http://www.icemark.com/dataformats/index.html | |
95. EHB Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut Für Berufsbildung -Homepage Est charg d assurer la formation et la formation continue des responsables de la formation professionnelle et il s investit galement dans la recherche et le d veloppement. http://www.ehb-schweiz.ch/ |
96. Geosoft DAP - Data Access Protocol - Supported Data Formats Geosoft DAP Server is able to efficiently catalog and deliver a broad range of data file types, including very large geospatial grids, 3D voxels, images and vector data. http://www.geosoft.com/pinfo/dap/dataformats.asp |
97. Formation Comptabilite En Ecole De Comptable - Formation Par Correspondance Comp Ecole sp cialis e dans la formation distance en comptabilit et gestion. Pr sentation de l institut, des formations, des dipl mes et de l organisation des cours. http://www.ifp-formation.ch | |
98. 3 Top Data Formats For Map Mashups: KML, GeoRSS And GeoJSON Aug 27, 2008 Some new geospatial data formats have emerged in response to this need, enabling a broad spectrum of users and developers to mashup http://blog.programmableweb.com/2008/08/27/3-top-data-formats-for-map-mashups-km |
99. Formation PME Liège / Huy-Waremme Etablissement li geois proposant des formations par apprentissage, de chef d entreprise et des formations continues adapt es au PME http://www.formation-pme.be/ | |
100. Ploticus: Input Data Formats Recognized data formats. Data files or streams should be plain ASCII text, not binary, and should be organized as a collection of rows having one or more http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/doc/dataformat.html | |
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