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Desktop Customization: more detail |
21. Dark Project Studios Wallpapers, desktop and system replacement icons, and splash screens. http://www.darkproject.com/ |
22. YouTube - Desktop Customization Desktop Customization This video is for anyone who may be curious of the things I used to customize my desktop and applications. If my destop customization looked cool then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fvfZLcGdKk |
23. The Psychedelic Site Wallpaper, startup and shutdown logos, and modules for the Psychedelic-Screensaver. http://www.psychedelix.com/ |
24. Desktop Customization - Rachit20012's Research List - CNET Check out rachit20012's My List on CNET CNET's My Lists allows you to save products and software while browsing, so you can create and share wish lists, and publish http://www.cnet.com/3461-4_1-426014.html | |
25. Pattis Themes - Beautiful Desktop Themes, Screensavers, IE Skins, Stationery, Ga Themes, screen savers and IE skins. http://themes.myqth.com/ | |
26. WinCustomize: Your Home For Windows 7 Themes, Vista Themes, And XP Themes, Skins SoundPackager brings customization of your auditory experience to Object Desktop ! Users can now choose from sound packages to enhance their Windows http://www.wincustomize.com/ | |
27. 25 Extremely Desktop Customization + Tools To Customize Your Own | VisonwidGet collection of a few extremely desktop inspired customize, some users have designed some absolutely stunning creations Using some desktop tweaking software such as Rainmeter http://visionwidget.com/showcase/product/395-desktop-customize.html | |
28. Mandarista's Page Of Spiffies!! Collection of wallpapers, and Winamp skins. http://mandarista.tripod.com/ | |
29. Desktop Customization Software Downloads | Freeze Freeze.com is no longer accepting memberships. Members with a currently active account can log in using this signin form. http://www.freeze.com/windows/Home/Desktop-Customization | |
30. Vista How-To Articles, Tips, And Guides :: How-To Geek Desktop Customization SciFi Icon Packs; Desktop Fun Starship Theme Wallpapers; Device Doctor is a Completely Free Driver Update Scanner; Disable Aero on Windows 7 or Vista http://www.howtogeek.com/tag/windows-vista/desktop-customization/ |
31. Desktop Customization | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Desktop customization, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Desktop customization. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Desktop-customization/115524705129023?v=wall |
32. IconsTree Icons, cursors, and wallpapers for Mac and PC. http://www.iconstree.com/ | |
33. Desktop Customization: Getting Creative PC Style Dec 1, 2009 So exactly what can be done as far as desktop customization? . try out linux, ubuntu specifically. the desktop customization options are http://slodive.com/inspiration/desktop-customization-getting-creative-pc-style/ |
34. Desktop Customization - Make Your PC Work Better | PCMag.com Stay continually in focus with the new Sony 55 DSLR. Visit sony.com/dslr ; Save 20% on Trend Micro Titanium. Ranked 1 for Internet security. ZT Affinity 7391Mi with Intel http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1096860,00.asp |
35. Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Customization Guide - Softpedia Jul 4, 2010 Restore guide is here http//news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Desktop- Customization-Revert-Guide-104942.shtml http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-10-04-Desktop-Customization-Guide-146134.s |
36. Windows Desktop Customization Wallpaper This page deals with the basics of Desktop customization. Most users want their personal computer personalized. http://www.sailcat.com/desktoptweaks.htm | |
37. Desktop Customization | Answerbag Desktop Customization. Learn about Desktop Customization on Answerbag.com. Get information and videos on Desktop Customization including articles on online collage, recycle bin http://www.answerbag.com/desktop-customization |
38. Desktop Customization Directory - Submit Site - Add URL - Suggest Link Add URL to desktop customization web directory. Features sites offering tips, tools, and downloads of screensavers, wallpaper, backgrounds, skins, and themes for personalizing http://www.romow.com/Computers/Desktop-Customization/ | |
39. Fantastic Scenery Hotbars, wallpaper, screensavers, and clipart. http://www.f-scenery.com/english/index.html | |
40. GuiPulp | Desktop Customization For Windows • Mac OS X • Linux Since 2007, GuiPulp post the best desktop customization resources for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. http://guipulp.com/ |
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