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121. A Beginner's Guide To Effective Email - Domain Names How To Read A Domain The domain name is the thing that comes after the at sign (@) in an email address, like aol.com or arc.nasa.gov. The domain names have different words http://webfoot.com/advice/email.domain.php | |
122. ICANN | Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policies Official documents about and records of proceedings under the UDRP. http://www.icann.org/en/udrp/ | |
123. Domain Names Search & Domain Name Registration Buy Domain Names from Melbourne IT by calling 1300 654 677, a global leader in domain name registration, online brand protection, and online web solution services. http://www.melbourneit.com.au/domainname/ | |
124. UDRPinfo.com Practical policy and statistical information relating to the ICANN s UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy), links to UDRP providers, policies, decisions, panelist profiles and an e-mail update service. http://www.udrpinfo.com/ |
125. Welcome To Domain Names Domain Names reviews, product information and specifications at the official site of DomainNames.net. Choose from a large selection of products that are available. http://www.domain--names.net/ | |
126. Rough Justice Statistical analysis of ICANN s UDRP, reporting a statistically significant correlation between market share and the tendency to take away domain names from respondents . http://dcc.syr.edu/miscarticles/roughjustice.pdf |
127. Business Domain Names For Sale - Name Brokers Buy or sell business domain names, list for $10 for 3 months. Design and host corporate websites with secure servers, free 25item shopping cart, autoresponders. http://www.ondomains.com/ |
128. CNN.com - Sci-Tech - New Group Formed To Resolve Domain Conflicts - May 21, 2001 A group of Internet top-level domain (TLD) holders have formed a nonprofit association to prevent what they fear will become a splintered Internet domain naming system. http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/05/21/TLDA.idg/ |
129. Domain Names And Web Site Hosting Services Online Information Guide. HostingDomainNames.com Information Guide on how to buy and register Domain Names, search for a Domain Names, find a host for personal and business websites, 5 important http://www.hosting-domainnames.com/ | |
130. Chilling Effects Clearinghouse: Domain Names And Trademarks FAQs and advice on how to defend against claims of domain name trademark infringement and other legal scare tactics, compiled by students at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. http://www.chillingeffects.org/domain/ | |
131. Domain Names Page Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account? Welcome to Domain Names Page where you can find the right domain for your business http://domainnamespage.com/ | |
132. Judge Approves Domain Name Penalty On EReferee - CNET News In one of the broadest crackdowns ever issued against a domain name holder, a federal judge orders eReferee.com to stop using the word referee in all of its domain names. By Lisa M. Bowman. http://news.cnet.com/2009-1023-252723.html | |
133. Stripper: Barbie Lawsuit A Bust Toy giant Mattel is insisting that Benson turn over her domain name, BarbieBenson.com, claiming that the name infringes on the Barbie trademark. Wired http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/1999/06/20036 | |
134. Small Business Web Hosting, Web Design & Domain Names - Aplus.net Aplus.net offers reliable small business web hosting services. Turn to Aplus.net for web hosting and domain registration solutions, as well as, web design, email marketing, SEO http://www.aplus.net/ | |
135. Madonna.com Embroiled In Domain Ownership Spat - CNET News A pornographer who has registered hundreds of domain names could lose one of the biggest gems in his collection Madonna.com. http://news.cnet.com/2100-1023-244734.html | |
136. Name - Domain Name Search And Registration From Name.com name.com top level domain names ac ag am ar.com asia at be biz br.com bz cc cm cn cn.com co.in co.nz co.uk com com.cn com.mx de de.com eu eu.com firm.in fm gb.com gen.in gs hn hu.com im in ind.in info io it jobs jp jpn http://www.name.com/ |
137. Colgate Hit By A White Tornado The king of toothpaste, soap, and household cleaners has backed away from its demand that a small, noncommercial Web site change its domain name. Wired http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/1998/10/15726 | |
138. THEO'S.COM Theo de Raadt s domain name. http://theos.com/ | |
139. List Of Domain Names For Sale - All Types Of Domains For Sale Includes many .com domain names for sale. http://www.list-domain-names.com/ | |
140. 123 Domain Name Registration: Simple And Secure Domain Name Registration Offers domain name search, registration, and whois services. Buy, sell and lease a domain name. http://www.123-domain-name-registration.com/ | |
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