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141. Source Survey By Matthew Zook (http//socrates.berkeley.edu File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.zooknic.com/Domains/Domains_by_country.pdf |
142. IDN News Provides aggregated news about Internationalized Domain Names from a range of sources. http://www.idnnews.com | |
143. ASP Unicode To Punycode Idn Online Decoder And Encoder. Online decoding and encoding of Internationalized Domain Names for testing purposes. http://www.motobit.com/util/punycode-decoder-encoder.asp | |
144. Web Hosting, Domain Name Registration And Web Services By 1&1 Internet News, information, guides on escrow, registering, reserving, auctioning, buying, brokering, and selling domain names and InterNIC horror stories. http://www.aboutdomains.com/ | |
145. IGoldrush: Domain Name Guide, News And Reference Since 1996 Domain name news and information, an introduction to domain names and guides to buying and selling names. http://www.igoldrush.com/ | |
146. Dan's Domain Name Site A site discussing various issues relating to domain names. Includes basic information and tips for beginners. http://domains.dantobias.com/ | |
147. Choosing Business Names: Domain Name Ideas - Free EBook By Dr Steve Baba. Busine Offers Free ebook on how to select and buy an elite domain name. http://www.seemly.com |
148. How To Sell Domain Names - Buy & Sell Domain Names For Profits Provices an ebook that teaches you how to buy and sell domain names. http://www.openforsale.com/ | |
149. 0DNS - Domain Name - Domain Registration Resources Domain Info Domain name news and information resource with informative guides to buying and selling domain names. http://www.0dns.org/ |
150. Indian Domain Name, Domainers & Domaining Forum Forum to discuss Indian domain names, including buying, selling, parking, developing and monetizing them. http://www.inforum.in/ | |
151. NomStock.com - Domain Name Marketplace - Where Every Buyer Sees Every Name Offers tips about domaining, registering, buying, promoting, developing selling domain names. http://nomkit.com |
152. Domains | 3ac.co.uk - Keyword Domains And Domain Development A guide to using domain names and local SEO to get found online. http://www.3ac.co.uk/ | |
153. DotWeekly.com Internet Ventures Domain name blog of domain investor Jamie Zoch. Daily information all about domain names. http://DotWeekly.com |
154. Domain Auction Profit - How To Make Money On EBay Selling Domain Names! Provides a system for making money on e-bay selling domain names. http://www.domainauctionprofit.com/ | |
155. Newly Registered Domain Name Lists Provides lists and graphs of new domain names that are registered each day. http://domain-daily.com/ |
156. Simple Domaining Provides a beginner s guide for making money on domain names. http://simpledomaining.com |
157. Domain NamesToolbar.com A browser toolbar featuring hundreds of top domaining sites, tools and resources for domainers. http://www.domainnamestoolbar.com |
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