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41. 14,025 Free Fonts For Windows And Mac - FontSpace Browse through our collection of 14022 fonts (6899 licensed for commercialuse) that have been shared by designers around the world. http://www.fontspace.com/ | |
42. Find Fonts - Fonts.com Search for fonts on fonts.com Find fonts. New Releases Looking for the latest? Check out what fonts.com has added this month and keep your designs ahead of the curve. http://www.fonts.com/FindFonts/ |
43. Font Packs, Decorative Fonts, Calligraphic Fonts, Text Fonts, Monospaced Fonts S Offers a large variety of fonts for Windows and Macintosh, text fonts, display types, Calligraphy and handwriting, education, Foreign, special fonts and custom fonts. http://www.matchfonts.com/ | |
44. Fonts For MathML-enabled Mozilla - MDC Furthermore, in accordance with the W3C CSS2 recommendation on fonts, authors can specify an ordered list of particular fonts which they prefer (using the http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml/fonts/ |
45. Unicode Fonts And Tools For X11 Information about Unicode fonts for Linux and X11 users. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html | |
46. Fonts & Things - The Most Unusual Fonts Online... Free Fonts & Free Xara 3D File Collection of unusual freeware and shareware fonts. Welcome to fonts Things featuring free original fonts, free original source files for Xara 3D and Xara Xtreme as well as the http://www.fontsnthings.com/ | |
47. Typeface - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In typography, a typeface is a set of one or more fonts, in one or more sizes, designed with stylistic unity, each comprising a coordinated set of glyphs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typeface | |
48. The FontShack - Free Fonts, Kostenlose Schriften, Fontes Gratis Kostenlose fonts mit w chentlichem Update, h ufige Fragen zur Nutzungs von fonts, Tipps und Font-Tools. http://www.fontshack.com | |
49. High Fonts .com - Download Free Fonts - Buy Commercial Fonts High fonts offers a large roundup of free and commercial fonts. Browse fonts by letter or search for the font you want! Download from over 3000 free fonts http://www.highfonts.com/ |
50. Fonts | Define Fonts At Dictionary.com –noun 1. a receptacle, usually of stone, as in a baptistery or church, containing the water used in baptism . 2. a receptacle for holy water; stoup. 3. a productive source http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fonts |
51. Will Software True Type fonts f r Windows Schulschriften, Handschriften, Effektschriften und Barcode-fonts. http://www.will-software.com | |
52. Script > Calligraphy Fonts | Dafont.com Archive of freely downloadable fonts. Browse by alphabetical listing, by style, by author or by popularity. http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=601 |
53. Fonts 500 - The Top 500 Free Fonts From Around The Web The web s top 500 free fonts, calculated based on download counts from some of the biggest free font archives. http://fonts500.com/ | |
54. WIP Fonts Handschriften-fonts mit vielen Sonderzeichen f r den Einsatz in Direct Marketing und Werbung. http://www.wipfonts.com | |
55. Font Squirrel | Handpicked Free Fonts For Graphic Designers With Commercial-use Font Squirrel scours the internet in search of FREE, highestquality, designer- friendly, commercial-use fonts and presents them for easy downloading. http://www.fontsquirrel.com/ | |
56. Fonts | NTGateway Greek fonts (Unicode) Note the future of fonts on the internet is Unicode. I strongly encourage you to come to terms with Unicode as soon as possible. http://www.ntgateway.com/greek-ntgateway/fonts/ |
57. Barcode Strichcode Fonts Im Vergleich Kommerzielle Barcode-fonts von OPAL f r Windows und Macintosh. http://www.barcode-fonts.de/opal-fonts.htm | |
58. Billy Bear... Makes Window Fonts For Kids Scroll down a little for the Halloween fonts. http://www.billybear4kids.com/fonts/holiday-fonts2.html | |
59. Better Fonts - Thousands Of Free Fonts For Instant Download! Download thousands of free truetype fonts. Userfriendly and easy to use with a font preview tool allowing you to enter your own text. http://betterfonts.com/ |
60. Fonts Unicode is an international font encoding standard for most of the world s languages. Some Unicode fonts are included with Windows ME and later versions of http://www.aimwell.org/Fonts/fonts.html | |
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