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61. PackRat Fonts And DropCaps Free fonts of dropcaps, dingbats and all sorts of uncommon decorative fonts included. http://lavplourde.tripod.com/fonts/ | |
62. Baseline Fonts: Buy Fonts Online And Purchase Fonts Baseline fonts is an independent typeface foundry offering a collection of historic fonts and new fonts. http://www.baselinefonts.com/ | |
63. Digipat | Digitalpattern *typography *typefaces *truetype *fonts Pixel and picogram fonts. http://digitalpattern.com |
64. Common Fonts To All Versions Of Windows & Mac Equivalents (Browser Safe Fonts) - Jun 3, 2008 A list with the common fonts to all versions of Windows and their Mac equivalents, useful when creating websites. http://www.ampsoft.net/webdesign-l/WindowsMacFonts.html | |
65. Font List - So You Can See What Various Fonts Look Like fonts! fonts (screenshots) fonts (text list) dingbats (dingbats, wingdings, webdings bullets) I've found that everytime I need to start a http://www.wavian.com/font-list.html | |
66. AL-Software - Font Installer Install new fonts on the computer quickly and easily. Look at any font, and how it will be installed on the computer. http://www.al-soft.com/alfi/ | |
67. HTML Fonts - HTML Code Tutorial A complete reference to setting the presentation of the characters in your web page. Includes a complete tutorial with plenty of readto-copy examples. http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/character.html | |
68. ::: TYPOGRAFSKI ::: VISUELLE KOMMUNIKATION ::: 6 Freeware-fonts zum Download. http://www.typografski.de/ | |
69. Font Mania - 100% Free Fonts! Over 1000 In Stock- Presented By The WebFXMall A database of free fonts, indexed alphabetically and searchable by name or type. http://www.webfxmall.com/fonts/ | |
70. Fonts - Download Fonts At Clipart.com Royalty-Free : True Type, Windows XP fonts Download fonts at Clipart.com Royalty Free True Type, Windows XP. Also download royalty free clipart backgrounds, computer desktop wallpapers, web page borders http://www.clipart.com/en/se/fonts |
71. Fontseek.com - Free Fonts Search Engine, Finding Font Search Engine Search for free and commercial fonts on the web. Results comes with preview and download link. http://www.fontseek.com/ | |
72. Fonts Most fonts presented on this page are either shareware or freeware and are available in versions for both Windows and MacIntosh. Unicode fonts also work for http://www.greek-language.com/Fonts.html | |
73. Fonts: Free Fonts, Download Fonts, Pixel Fonts, Font Foundries, Font Resources, fonts Quality free fonts, shareware fonts, foundries, screen and pixel fonts, educational and foreign language fonts, euro symbol, dingbats, more fonts Resources, Annotated http://websitetips.com/fonts/ | |
74. Fontalicious! A directory of contemporary fonts. Provides Twitter notification of new additions. http://www.fontalicious.com/ |
75. Free Fonts For Download Downloadable TrueType font libraries. Comprehensive list of free fonts for Windows and Mac. Download free graffiti, cool, handwriting, microsoft word, http://www.fontstock.net/ |
76. Microsoft Typography Microsoft site that describes how to configure windows to use foreign language fonts and keyboards. Links to download fonts for PanEuropean, Japanese, Korean and Chinese http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ | |
77. Large, Multi-script Unicode Fonts For Windows Computers Details of large, multiscript Windows fonts that include Unicode character ranges and that can be used to display Web pages containing many languages, http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/fonts.html | |
78. What Is Font? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionary Other terms for vector fonts are objectoriented fonts or outline fonts. The most widely used scalable-font systems are PostScript and TrueType. Aside from the scalability of vector http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/F/font.html | |
79. Eternal Fonts - Alphabetical Index (A) Thousands of free PC and Mac fonts with custom previews. http://www.eternalfonts.com/ |
80. Fonts | CreativePro.com Font news and software reviews links. Exclusive feature articles on typography from Creative Pro's staff of graphic design writers. http://www.creativepro.com/topic/fonts | |
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