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21. Maintenance Oct 29, 2010 As part of my various java EE 6 and GlassFish presentations, I was in Luxemburg last week visiting the YaJUG. The other speaker having http://java.net/ | |
22. Java - O'Reilly Media A compilation of O Reilly Media s information about the java programming language, from news, books, conferences, courses, community, and reports. http://oreilly.com/java/ | |
23. Java Overview java Overview java is a programming language that is object oriented It was created in the 1990s by James Gosling who worked with Sun Microsystems While most programming languages http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/j2ee/java-overview.html |
24. Caucho.com java based XSL focused on dynamic server pages. This java servlet supports javaScript and javaServer Pages (JSP). It also compiles javaScript templates into java byte code. Commercial http://www.caucho.com/ | |
25. Your Source For Java Information - Developer.com's Gamelan.com Get the latest java news, articles, whitepapers, analyst reports, and more. This is your one stop for information that will help you make decisions related http://www.developer.com/java | |
26. What Is Java? - Definition From Whatis.com java is a programming language expressly designed for use in the distributed environment of the Internet. It was designed to have the look and feel of the C++ language, but it http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci212415,00.html |
27. Java Technology Reference Get java technology resources that include API specifications, documentation, FAQs, webcasts and audiocasts, technical articles, and more. http://java.sun.com/reference/index.jsp |
28. Pastebin.com - #1 Paste Tool Since 2002! java 23 hours ago Pastebin is a website that hosts all your text code on dedicated servers for easy http://java.pastebin.com/ |
29. The Advanced Java/J2EE Tutorial By Gopalan Suresh Raj By Gopalan Suresh Raj. General, Enterprise javaBeans (EJB), java Data Objects (JDO), java Message Service (JMS), Jini Technology, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), RMI over IIOP, java Server Pages (JSP), javaMail, javaBeans, Threading in java, Network Programming in java topics. http://my.execpc.com/~gopalan/java/java_tutorial.html | |
30. Java - FluffyCat.com java Reference and Examples with Casting, Primitives, JSPs, Servlets, Applets, Applications, JMS, Arrays, and more! http://www.fluffycat.com/Java/ | |
31. Java Chat Software - AddonChat Full featured, java chat software embeds seamlessly into your web site. New support for iPhone, iPad and Android! Try our chat software for free. http://www.addonchat.com/ | |
32. Rhino - JavaScript For Java An open-source implementation of javaScript written entirely in java. http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/ |
33. JavaReference.com : Java, J2EE, Examples, Articles, Forum, Books, News : Home javaReference.com is a resource site for the java Community. It provides java Articles, java Examples, java Books, java Forum, Test Center for java Certification, java Downloads http://javareference.com/ | |
34. Welcome To Freewarejava.com, The Place To Find Free Java Applets, Tutorials, Ref Click here for Freewarejava.com, a comprehensive resource guide to everything java on the net! http://freewarejava.com/ |
35. For Java Developers, Sun s home for java. Offers Windows, Solaris, and Linux java Development Kits (JDKs), extensions, news, tutorials, and product information. http://java.sun.com/ | |
36. The Java Language Specification The java Language Specification, Second Edition Written by the inventors of the technology, this book is the definitive technical reference for the java http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/ | |
37. Java(TM) Boutique Presents: Java News Features some limited java news, and links to other java resources. http://javaboutique.internet.com/news/ |
38. Java Over 200 applets for middle school students, high school students, college students, and all who are interested in mathematics. Interactive programs and a http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/ | |
39. Maintenance Oracle and IBM have announced that IBM is joining the OpenJDK project the companies will collaborate to allow developers and customers to build and innovate based on existing http://www.java.net/ | |
40. JAVA400-L Info Page Discuss java on and around the AS/400. AS/400 java toolkit, and JDBC. http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/java400-l | |
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