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81. Open Source Software In Java A directory of open source software focused on java. http://java-source.net/ |
82. Accessing JavaScript From Java Using LiveConnect Information and source code for using LiveConnect to call javaScript from java applets in Netscape 3, Netscape 4, and the Windows 95/NT version of IE 4. http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/JavaScript-from-Java.html |
83. Java Sucks Rant by Jamie Zawinski, with many detailed criticisms of the java language itself and its supporting libraries. http://www.jwz.org/doc/java.html | |
84. Java - Definition Of Java By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclope Ja va 1 (j v, j v) An island of Indonesia separated from Borneo by the java Sea, an arm of the western Pacific Ocean. Center of an early Hindu javanese civilization, java http://www.thefreedictionary.com/java |
85. Java Threads | Engin Güller An article covering java thread basics. http://www.eguller.com/?p=443 |
86. Java Community - Toolbox For IT Join this community of java peers to share knowledge and stay upto-date by signing up for newsletters, alerts, and groups. http://java.ittoolbox.com/ |
87. Java.world.free.fr Actualit s et tutoriaux. http://java.world.free.fr/ |
88. Java Board Game BoardGameGeek java is a fascinating island with great potential for development especially the undeveloped area of central java with its fertile soil and rich natural http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/855/java | |
89. JavaZone 2011 rlig konferanse for java-utviklere i Norge. http://www.javazone.no/ | |
90. Download Sun Java JRE Preview / 6 Update 22 Free - This Runtime Environ Download Sun java JRE This runtime environment allows end-users to run java applications. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/SDK-DDK/Sun-Java-JRE.shtml |
91. Java Programming Help On LivePerson! Stuck on java? Ask LivePerson's java programmers and get high quality solution on time and at a price that suits everyone! http://java.liveperson.com/ |
92. JavaNyt Artikler og nyheder om java. http://javanyt.blogspot.com | |
93. JavaFile.com - Free Java Scripts, Java Applets! Over 600 free java and javascripts to download and use! http://www.javafile.com/ | |
94. Java - MozillaZine Knowledge Base Mozilla applications are regularly updated for security and stability; however, Mozilla does not provide updates for plugins. Plug-ins can cause crashes and hangs and may http://kb.mozillazine.org/Java |
95. Java SE Desktop Technologies - Java 3D API Sun s homepage for java3D. http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/ | |
96. Java Tutorial java Tutorial. 38. Access( 2 ). 20. 19. SQL Data Type java Data Type( 10 ), 20. 39. SqlServer( 12 ). 20. 20. Date Time Timestamp( 23 ) http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/CatalogJava.htm | |
97. VB.Net To Java Conversion VBeeJ For java translates VB.Net to java and generates a complete object oriented interface for VB.Net programs. It resolves all unknowns with inferred types and signatures. Shareware http://www.beelucid.com/ | |
98. Sun Microsystems Inc. (JAVA) Stock -- Seeking Alpha Up to date analysis of Sun Microsystems Inc. (java) and its stock by hedge fund managers and industry experts. Find out what Sun Microsystems Inc. is saying http://seekingalpha.com/symbol/java |
99. Java SE Desktop Technologies - JavaHelp System The official site for javaHelp. Includes the help runtime, specification, and FAQs. (Sun) http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/javahelp/ | |
100. Java SE Desktop Technologies - JavaHelp System Frequently asked questions with answers about javaHelp. (Sun) http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/javahelp/faq.html | |
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