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121. Java Technology Headlines Latest stories from java.sun.com. http://developers.sun.com/rss/java.xml | |
122. Tech Interviews | Java java, JSP, J2EE and Swing questions asked by hightech employers. http://www.techinterviews.com/interview-questions/java | |
123. Oracle Forums - Starting Sept 24th, 2010, These Forums Will Be Read-only. At Tha java Developer Connection topical interactive message boards. http://forum.java.sun.com/ | |
124. Java™ Application Development On Linux File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/013143697X/downloads/013143697X_book.pdf |
125. Java Forums. Thousands Of Discussion Threads About JavaBeans, Servlets, JDBC And Discussion threads on javaBeans, Servlets, JDBC and other java technologies. http://www.javakb.com |
126. Java List Archives Directory of java-related mailing lists available from Sun. http://archives.java.sun.com/ |
127. Cafe Au Lait Java News And Resources Jun 20, 2010 Cafe au Lait is the preeminent independent source of java information on the net . Unlike many other java sites, Cafe au Lait is neither http://www.cafeaulait.org/ | |
128. Java Coding Standards Collection of links Ray Ontko. http://www.ontko.com/java/java_coding_standards.html | |
129. Java Coffee Break - Your Free Guide To The World Of Java Programming, Packed Ful Jun 5, 2006 java Coffee Break features free java tutorials and articles. Learn java now! http://www.javacoffeebreak.com/ | |
130. A Programming Style For Java A large number of heuristic guidelines for writing well-structured and maintainable java programs. http://www.webcom.com/~haahr/essays/java-style/ | |
131. Mathtools.net : Java java related links, tools, and resources for scientists and engineers. http://www.mathtools.net/Java/index.html | |
132. CertGear Systems - Practice Tests For PMP, PHR, SPHR, CFA, CISSP, CISA, CAPM, GP java security practice tests and quizzes for java, EJB, and Web security. http://www.certgear.com/ |
133. Java Jobs For Freelancers | Employment, Part Time Jobs & Freelance Jobs java Jobs Listed on Freelancer.com. Find Freelance Developers and Programmers to bid on your java games Jobs at Freelancer.com. http://www.freelancer.com/projects/by-job/Java.html |
134. JavaShareware Listed applications include java applications, Servlets, Beans and other java projects. http://www.javashareware.com/ | |
135. Javascripts By Java-Scripts.net: Free Javascripts, Tutorials, Examples, And Reso javascripts.net offers free cut and paste javascripts. The site has free java scripts for your website. javascripts include rotating images and banners, http://www.java-scripts.net/ |
136. Java Console A powerful java Console Client written 100% in java. Mainly written for System Administrators, Coders and also written with the intention to be plugged into various other applications. http://javaconsole.sourceforge.net/ | |
137. U-Prove Crypto SDK V1.0 (Java Edition) - Home Mar 2, 2010 The UProve Crypto SDK V1.0 (java Edition) implements the U-Prove Cryptographic Specification V1.0. This SDK was developed by Microsoft to http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/uprovesdkjava | |
138. ICQ2Go! - ICQ Inc. To Launch ICQ2Go! please enable your java settings, in the Advanced section of your If you do not have a java machine installed on your computer http://www.icq.com/icq2go/web.html | |
139. ACME Java Applets, applications, utility classes. ACME java FAQ. Some bugs and deficiencies founded in JDK. Resources. http://www.acme.com/java/ | |
140. JavaReference.com : Java, J2EE, Examples, Articles, Forum, Books, News : Home A resource site for the java Community. Articles, examples, books and book reviews, forum, test center for java certification, downloads, news. http://www.javareference.com/ | |
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