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Mobil Computing: more detail | ||||
81. IBM Research | IBM Research | Mobile Computing IBM Research IBM Research Mobile Computing Mobile Computing is both old and new. In the past IBM Researchers have made numerous contributions ranging from technology for http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research.nsf/pages/r.mobile.html | |
82. Wireless Developer's Journal Wireless Business and Technology from Sys-Con. Everything you wanted to know about mobile and were afraid to ask. http://wireless.sys-con.com |
83. ScienceDirect - Pervasive And Mobile Computing, Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 591-708 The online version of Pervasive and Mobile Computing on ScienceDirect, the world s leading platform for high quality peerreviewed full-text publications in http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15741192 | |
84. Mobile Computing - Computing Services - University Of Liverpool The purpose of this page and others, is to provide brief descriptions of how CSD is making its resources available to students and staff no matter where they are working. http://www.liv.ac.uk/csd/mobile/index.htm | |
85. Smartphone Apps, Mobile Applications, Mobile Phone Apps - AOL Mobile Provides information on mobile Internet access from cellular phones. http://mobile.aol.com/ |
86. Mobile Computing At Duke Mobile computing is dramatically changing our dayto-day lives, especially with the popularity of small devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) http://www.cs.duke.edu/~carla/mobile.html | |
87. Mobile Computing - EHow.com Learn about Mobile Computing on eHow.com. Find info and videos including The Advantages of a Mobile Computer, The Disadvantages of Mobile Computers, About Ford Mobile Computer http://www.ehow.com/mobile-computing/ | |
88. Nexterna | Field Service & Mobile Workforce Management Software A solution provider and system integrator for wireless data communications systems. http://www.nexterna.com/ | |
89. Mobile Computing - Fortune Tech: Technology Blogs, News And Analysis From Fortun Smartphones sleek forms, tactile buttons, and blinking lights add up to a sort of game and a perfect catalyst for compulsive behaviors. http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/tag/mobile-computing/ |
90. Mobile Computing Documents - Symbol Technologies Gain a better understanding of the benefits associated with having ongoing, realtime insight into your operations, whether you need to track inventory more efficiently, manage http://www.symbol.com/category.php?category=746 |
91. BrandComms - Mission Critical Seamless Mobility Brand are global leaders in mobile data and remote access solutions for all environments including ISDN, PSTN, Fixed Lines, Satellite, HSCSD, GPRS and GSM. http://www.brandcomms.com | |
92. HP’s Deal With Palm Will Change Mobile Computing Landscape | VentureBeat Apr 28, 2010 HewlettPackard s purchase of Palm will likely transform the mobile-computing industry, much like HP s 2001 merger with Compaq Computer http://venturebeat.com/2010/04/28/hps-deal-with-palm-will-change-mobile-computin | |
93. Mobile Computing Technology News | ComputerWeekly,com Mobile computing news from ComputerWeekly.com. Stay ahead with the latest desktop mobile technology news, resources, case studies, comment and video. http://www.computerweekly.com/hardware/mobile-computing/ | |
94. InphoMatch + Mobileway = Mobile 365 Enables mobile value added services that will benefit Content providers, wireless network operators and mobile phone users world-wide. http://www.mobileway.com | |
95. Mobile Computing Security File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.edtechmag.com/higher/docs/2008/09/mobile-computing-security.pdf |
96. Horizon Report Wiki - 2010 Mobile Computing Mobile Computing 2010 Final Topic Timeto-Adoption One Year or Less Appeared in Horizon Report, 2006-2009; in ANZ Edition in 2008-2009; in 2009 K-12 Edition; and in 2009 http://horizon.wiki.nmc.org/2010 Mobile Computing |
97. CDMA Development Group Official site of CDMA; Provides information on CDMA news, applications, and the technology. http://www.cdg.org | |
98. ACP: PDA & Mobile Computing Resources ACP s PDA Mobile Computing Center offers a variety of applications, mobile web resources, and mobile documents* to support your clinical practice. http://www.acponline.org/pda/ |
99. Mobile Computing News And Other Resources | ZDNet Collection of news articles, blog posts, white papers, case studies, videos and comments relating to mobile computing http://www.zdnet.com/topics/mobile computing | |
100. ACL Wireless | Leading Developer Of Consumer & Enterprise Mobile Value Added Ser Provider of Wireless Instant Messaging application to mobile operators in Asia. http://www.acl-wireless.com/ | |
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