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41. Planet MySQL Oct 30, 2010 NDB Pushed JOINs means query shipping instead of data shipping and it reduces drastically the network hops between the mysql Server and data http://planet.mysql.com/ |
42. Backup MySQL And Manage MySQL Database Server : Mysql Backup : Restore Mysql : A mysql Dump Timer is a Windows application to backup mysql databases even if they are hosted remote in the web behind firewalls. http://www.richtsoft.com/ | |
43. Oracle And MySQL Database Oracle The mysql database is the world's most popular open source database for the Web. Itβs fast, reliable, and easy to use. mysql runs on a broad range of platforms, giving http://www.oracle.com/us/products/mysql/index.html | |
44. MySQL Internet Services (Sydney, Australia) mysql database integration, website development and hosting services. Specialising in dynamic ecommerce integrated web sites and web applications. Also using Apache, PHP, ASP http://mysql.com.au/ |
45. MySQL Database 2 Excel KonvertR >>> Home A Windows tool that exports the contents of a mysql database to an Excel workbook. http://www.churm.com/konvertr/ | |
46. PHP: MySQL - Manual mysql_affected_rows Get number of affected rows in previous mysql operation; mysql_client_encoding Returns the name of the character set http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysql.php | |
47. MySQL Tutorial mysql Tutorial website provides you comprehensive and concise mysql Tutorial with practical examples. Furthermore it gives you a lot of useful tips and techniques to help you http://www.mysqltutorial.org/ | |
48. Jeremy's MySQL Stuff Includes articles, presentations, and software. http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/ | |
49. Perl MySQL Slow Query Log Parser Reformats the Slow Query Log for easier comprehension. http://retards.org/projects/mysql/ | |
50. MySQL Β« Duncan Bowring's Weblog Oct 26, 2010 Work in Progress. Administration mysqladmin β Create/delete databases/password management. mysqldump β Create a backup of a database. It will dump to an .sql command file http://duncanbowring.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/mysql/ |
51. Features : Backup Watcher For MySQL : Products : DESKTOP SOFTWARE A Windows application for backing up mysql databases. Free trial version available. http://www.dswsoft.com/mbw_features.php | |
52. MySQL - O'Reilly Media O'Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for mysql. http://oreilly.com/pub/topic/mysql |
53. MySQL :: MySQL Certification Official site explains mysql s certifications. http://www.mysql.com/certification/ | |
54. PHP MySQL Introduction With mysql, we can query a database for specific information and have a recordset If you don t have a PHP server with a mysql Database, you can download http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp |
55. MySQL - Get It mysql Enterprise Server software is the most reliable, secure, and upto-date version of mysql for cost-effectively delivering ease of use, reliability, scalability, and http://www.sun.com/software/products/mysql/getit.jsp |
56. MySQL - Wikipedia Descrizione e specifiche del DBMS open source mysql. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL | |
57. TcX DataKonsult AB, Analytikerna To openDATABASE ALLIANCE click on the old mysql logo. Llotjademar. Last modified Tu Jun 9 090823 MEST 2009 TcX DataKonsult AB. http://www.tcx.se/ | |
58. MySQL Workbench 5.2.29 Β» Windows Build Instructions mysql Workbench is brought to you by the mysql Workbench Team. 20072009 by mysql Inc. All rights reserved. http://wb.mysql.com/?page_id=494 |
59. MySQL Commands Jul 25, 2007 This is a list of handy mysql commands that I use time and time again. At the bottom are statements, clauses, and functions you can use in http://www.pantz.org/software/mysql/mysqlcommands.html | |
60. What Is MySQL? - Definition From Whatis.com mysql is a relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL), the most popular language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/definition/MySQL |
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