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41. Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Mainframe/IBM/Freeware - REFERTUS Suchmachi Suche nach Computers/Software/operating_systems/Mainframe/IBM/Freeware. http://www.refertus.info/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Mainframe/IBM/Free | |
42. Read About Computers, Software, Operating Systems From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Computers/Software/Operating_Systems |
43. Operating System - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system . Categories Operating systems. Hidden categories All articles with unsourced statements http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system | |
44. Operating Systems Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems. Linus Torvalds The Linux philosophy is 'Laugh in the face of danger'. Oops. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/OpSystems/os.html | |
45. Free And Open Source Operating Systems (thefreecountry.com) List of free and open source operating systems / platforms that you can install on your computer http://www.thefreecountry.com/operating-systems/index.shtml | |
46. TAJ, An Object Oriented Operating System | Taj OS Home Page | Download | FAQ | T TAJ is an object oriented operating system written in C++. It is a multitasking, multithreading and a multiuser operating system. http://www.viralpatel.net/taj/home.php | |
47. Computer Operating Systems Helping you with questions you may have about computer operating systems as well as linking you to all the major computer operating systems. http://www.computerhope.com/os.htm | |
48. Operating Systems There is a considerable choice of computer OPERATING SYSTEMS. Here's a list http://www.zyra.org.uk/os.htm | |
49. DBLP Bibliography: Operating Systems Links to many operating systems journals on the web. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/os.html | |
50. HowStuffWorks "How Operating Systems Work" The operating system controls your computer's tasks and manages system resources to optimize performance. Learn how your operating system works. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/operating-system.htm | |
51. Operating Systems At Bizrate. Compare Prices And Read Consumer Reviews Buy Operating Systems from top rated stores. Comparison shopping for the best price. http://www.bizrate.com/operating-systems/ | |
52. SIGOps Tutorial for writing an operating system and links to group members projects. http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/sigops/ | |
53. Operating Systems 1 ENG SC757 Advanced Microprocessor Design Babak Kia Adjunct Professor Boston University College of Engineering Email bkia -at- bu.edu Operating Systems 2 What is an http://people.bu.edu/bkia/PDF/Operating Systems.pdf |
54. CS 3210Â Design Of Operating Systems A course in operating systems with a focus on the design and construction of a modern OS kernel. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2000/cs3210_spring/ | |
55. What Is Operating System? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictio Some operating systems permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users. multiprocessing Supports running a program on more than one CPU. multitasking Allows more than one http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/O/operating_system.html | |
56. Operating Systems Definitions | .ini To Eclipse Foundation TechTarget provides enterprise IT professionals with the information they need to perform their jobs from developing strategy, to making cost-effective IT purchase decisions http://whatis.techtarget.com/definitionsCategory/0,289915,sid9_tax281873,00.html |
57. Yet Another Object Oriented Operating System A project of developing new object oriented operating system. http://alzt.tau.ac.il/~michaelg/yaooos/ | |
58. Free Online Operating Systems Books :: FreeTechBooks.com Operating Systems The concepts and design of computer programs that perform basic tasks such as controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling http://www.freetechbooks.com/operating-systems-f36.html | |
59. Ace OS - Home An open source operating system for X86 architecture. It also contains documents, specifications explaining various hardware. http://www.samueldotj.com/Ace/ | |
60. Free Operating Systems And Commercial Operating Systems Operating Systems, freeware and nonfree, such as Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS, Zeta, Unix, RiscOS, Amiga, DOS-clones, Windows-emulators, etc. http://www.freebyte.com/operatingsystems/ | |
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