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21. Moving To CakePHP Follow a large project as it moves from a custom php framework to Cakephp. http://movingtocake.blogspot.com/ |
22. PHP Help, PHP Code - Codewalkers.com A community site dedicated to php and SQL. Includes user submitted code, tutorials and forums. http://www.codewalkers.com/ |
23. PHP Section On Programmershelp A selection of php resources including tutorials, links, scripts and books. http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/php.php |
24. NoodleTools NoodleBib is our flagship bibliography software. Register or log in so we can store your work. http://www.noodletools.com/login.php |
25. PHP-Freelancers.com Is An Freelance Reverse Auction Site With PHP Projects Avail Free php Jobs auction for php freelancers and webmasters. http://www.php-freelancers.com/ | |
26. PHP-Nuke Content management and portal solution featuring webbased administration, surveys, customizable blocks, modules and themes with multilanguage support. Requires php/MySQL http://phpnuke.org/ | |
27. Free PHP Scripts (thefreecountry.com) Free php Scripts Search Engines, Feedback Form, Content Management, Greeting Cards, Email Clients, etc http://www.thefreecountry.com/php/index.shtml | |
28. Free PHP Scripts :: PHP Resources - The Script Dungeon Collection of free php scripts. http://www.scriptdungeon.com/php_scripts.php | |
29. Symfony | Web PHP Framework symfony open-source php web framework Symfony is a full-stack framework, a library of cohesive classes written in php. http://www.symfony-project.org/ |
30. Multiple PhpBB Forum Script - PhpBB Multiple Forums Services - EchoPHP.com php script that enables webmasters to host multiple phpBB forums on one domain. http://www.echophp.com | |
31. PHP Distribution | Rental And Construction Supply | Portable Heater Parts Portable Heater Parts (php) was started in 1981 as a parts supplier to the rental and construction supply industry. Over the past 25 years we have been dedicated not only to http://phpdistribution.com/ | |
32. Organizing For America | BarackObama.com Nearly There! Provide Your Name http://www.barackobama.com/index.php |
33. PHP Calendar A customisable php 3/4 calendar class. http://www.cascade.org.uk/software/php/calendar/index.php | |
34. CodeIgniter - Open Source PHP Web Application Framework CodeIgniter an open source Web Application Framework that helps you write php programs http://codeigniter.com/ | |
35. Php.general.es Lista de correo abierta y oficial que trata temas de este lenguaje. http://news.php.net/group.php?group=php.general.es |
36. PHP - Guida Programmazione PHP Guida Linguaggio Programmazione Php Introduzione al linguaggio per creare pagine web dinamiche. Inoltre utility ed articoli sulla programmazione. http://www.allwebfree.it/php_php.php |
37. Script PHP - Morpheusweb.it - Risorse Per Webmaster: Php Script, Php, Php Script Raccolta di script vari, per la creazione di applicazioni in php. http://www.morpheusweb.it/html/scripts/php/php.asp |
38. DevNetwork Forums • Index Page Resources for php developers. http://forums.devnetwork.net/ | |
39. Install PHP 5 Apache MySQL On Windows : WampServer Download the latest release of Wampserver 2 Optionally add as much Apache, php and MySQL releases as you want Work with a development environment that http://www.wampserver.com/en/ | |
40. Using APC With PHP php, free download. php 5.3.3 One of the best scripting languages for a new generation. http://devzone.zend.com/article/12618-Using-APC-with-PHP | |
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