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21. Robotics FAQ Index For the newsgroups comp.robotics.misc and comp.robotics.research. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/robotics-faq/ |
22. RIA - Robotics Online - Your #1 Online Resource For Industrial Robotics - Powere robotics Online is the premier resource from RIA, robotics Industries Association, for industrial robotics and automation. Call (734) 9946088 to join RIA. http://www.robotics.org/ | |
23. Robotics: Definition From Answers.com n. (used with a sing. verb) The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots. http://www.answers.com/topic/robotics |
24. Our Vision | Penn Robotics Team The sincere belief of Team 135, and the definition we hope the world will come to agree with R eform the way we approach everyday situations. O pen other's eyes to Math, Science, and http://robotics.phmschools.org/ | |
25. AI, CogSci And Robotics: Robotics, Agent Modelling And Vision Transit port robotics link page http://transit-port.net/AI.CogSci.Robotics/robotics.html | |
26. Robot - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The word robotics, used to describe this field of study, was coined by the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Asimov and John W. Campbell created the Three Laws of robotics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot | |
27. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory home for researchers in the Stanford Computer Science Department whose primary research focus is Artificial Intelligence. http://robotics.stanford.edu/ | |
28. Meka Robotics At Meka we develop worldclass hardware and software systems for robotics researchers, specializing in robots designed to work in everyday environments. http://mekabot.com/ | |
29. Robotics | Popular Science Need help with something? Your roboreceptionist is here to assist you. Researchers at the U. of Arizona and Carnegie Mellon University are developing a robot receptionist that http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/robotics | |
30. RRG/Learn More/History Describes the origin of the terms Robot, robotics, and Unimate. Focuses on the impact of Isaac Asimov on the history of robotics. http://www.robotics.utexas.edu/rrg/learn_more/history/ | |
31. RoboticsWire | Robotics Technology based robotics technology company Evolution robotics, Inc., announced that its Mint Automatic Floor Cleaning robot is now available at all Bed Bath Beyond http://robotics.tmcnet.com/ | |
32. Microsoft Robotics Microsoft robotics Library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install, deploy, and maintain Microsoft http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/robotics/default | |
33. Forschungsgruppe Intelligente Roboter - Humanoid Service Robot HERMES A humanoid service robot developed by Bundeswehr University in Munich, Germany. The robot is able to explore unknown environments and perform transportation and manipulation tasks in human-populated areas. http://www.unibw.de/robotics/robots/hermes/ |
34. JPL Robotics: Home Page MOBILITY AND ROBOTIC SYSTEMS Richard Volpe, Manager Gabriel Udomkesmalee, Deputy Manager. http://www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/ |
35. USC Robotics Research Lab Graduate students in the Computer Science Department are invited to pursue technical projects and research in the various robotics Labs. The Computer Science Department offers both http://robotics.usc.edu/?l=Education:index |
36. Robots And Robotics At The Space And Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific robotics research and development at a US Navy laboratory. http://www.spawar.navy.mil/robots/ | |
37. Popular Mechanics Articles discussing the latest news on robotics technology and artificial intelligence research. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/robotics/ | |
38. FANUC Robotics FANUC robotics America, Inc., is the leading supplier of industrial robotic automation. Over 220000 FANUC industrial robots are installed worldwide, http://www.fanucrobotics.com/ | |
39. Learn And Think About Robots Includes commentary on robot related terminology and many applications of robotics including entertainment, military, space, industrial, and others. http://www.learnaboutrobots.com/ | |
40. Robotics easy to program complex robotics applications by providing a high level of abstraction for sensor communication, obstacle avoidance, path planning, http://www.ni.com/robotics/ | |
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