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61. Robotics Research Supplier of dexterous robotic manipulators and advanced control systems. http://www.robotics-research.com/ | |
62. IEEE Spectrum: Robotics The capabilities of DLR s multiDOF humanoid robot Justin are extended with the help of a dynamic torque control component for … http://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics | |
63. Robotics A trend in robotics is towards legged robots. One of the issues with legged robots is the development of gaits. Typically gaits are developed manually. http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/pr/robotics.html | |
64. Robotics Definition Of Robotics In The Free Online Encyclopedia. robotics, science and technology of general purpose, programmable machine systems. Contrary to the popular fiction image of robots robot or automaton mechanical device designed http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/robotics |
65. The Robots At LAMI Lists robotics related activities at EPFL in Switzerland. http://diwww.epfl.ch/lami/robots/ | |
66. Robotics Group At Columbia University Research interests include construction of geometric and photometric correct 3D models, 3D grasping and simulation, micromanipulation, visual servoing, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/robotics/ |
67. Byrne Robotics: The Official John Byrne Website Welcome to our robotics Web Site. robotics is a diverse field of study that incorporates many aspects of science and technology. The field of robotics includes chassis design http://www.byrnerobotics.com/home.asp |
68. Your Page Title Oct 19, 2010 Research topics include sensor based motion planning, robot locomotion, control theory, medical robotics, and modular robots. http://robotics.caltech.edu/ | |
69. USRobotics Support Main Menu USrobotics Support offers drivers, firmware, utilities, and other files for wired, wireless networking products as well as internal or external modems. http://www.usr.com/support/s-main-menu.asp |
70. MegaGiant Robotics The MegaGiant robotics Lab is a great place for kids to learn about robotics. http://robotics.megagiant.com/ | |
71. Robotics Community - Communication Link Module Communication Link Module There are currently no events in this community. Check back soon! http://robotics.flux.com/ |
72. UC Berkeley Robotics And Intelligent Machines Lab Home Page Nov 5, 2009 University of California at Berkeley. Research topics include medical robotics, adaptation and learning, micromechanical flying insects, http://robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu/ | |
73. Brown Robotics Home Brown robotics has two papers accepted for oral presentation at HRI 2009. Aggeliki Tsoli has been selected for the HRI 2009 Young Pioneers program. http://robotics.cs.brown.edu/ | |
74. Robotics At UMASS Amherst - Main - Laboratory For Perceptual Robotics The LPR at the University of Massachusetts Amherst conducts research on humanoid robots, grasping and manipulation, legged locomotion, networked sensors and http://www-robotics.cs.umass.edu/ |
75. Welcome To Robotics! - Robotics Wiki 1 Burdick Research Group. 1.1 robotics and BioEngineering Research; 1.2 Departments of Mechanical Engineering and BioEngineering; 2 Current Research Topics http://robotics.caltech.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page | |
76. Robotics Academy The robotics Academy develops educational robotics programs, CDs and videos for elementary, middle and high school teachers and students. http://www.education.rec.ri.cmu.edu/ |
77. Robotics News - Robot News, Robotics, Robots, Robotics Sciences PhysOrg.com provides the latest news on robotics, robots, robotics sciences and technology science. http://www.physorg.com/electronics-news/robotics/ | |
78. :: RobotOz Sells robots, robotic parts, robotic kits, Lego Mindstorms, EyeBot, Handy Board microcontrollers and Basic stamps for robotics in Australia. http://www.robotoz.com.au | |
79. Robotics - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/robotics |
80. Dale Robots Build your own robot with our low cost robotics components, and visit our links page for more parts, educational info, and fun robotics web sites. http://www.dale-robots.com | |
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