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101. SoftwareCEO - Software Marketing, Software Sales, Software Management softwareCEO, portal for software entrepreneurs and executives with industry news, profiles, advice, research, and seminars. Get funding and grow revenues through distribution http://www.softwareceo.com/ | |
102. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine For Students Explores the importance and purpose of software process and quality. http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds6-4/software.html | |
103. Software Quality Weblog Weblog with weekly software Quality related postings. http://software-quality.blogspot.com/ | |
104. PSU Mathematics Department - Mathematics Software (Visual Data Analysis) Oid (software for experimenting with matroids) Phaser Scientific software A Universal Simulator For Dynamical Systems http://www.math.psu.edu/MathLists/Software.html |
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106. Logos Bible Software - Bible Study Has Never Been Easier! Logos Bible software Bible Study has never been easier. More than 10,000 titles now available to take your Bible study to the next level. http://www.logos.com/ | |
107. STAREAST- Software Testing Conference, Analysis & Review, Software Testing Certi software Testing Analysis and Review Conference, Orlando, FL. Provides software testers and engineers with an advanced software testing forum. http://www.sqe.com/stareast/ | |
108. Howstuffworks "Computer Software Channel" The Computer software Channel explores the development and workings of computer software. Check out the HowStuffWorks Computer software Channel. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/computer-software-channel.htm | |
109. Isd Software Design Professional software tools for teachers and schools, including gradebook software, lesson management software and school administration software. Windows http://www.isdsoftwaredesign.com | |
110. Freeware Files - Free Software Downloads Free Downloads of over 15000 free software programs. All freeware downloads include ratings, reviews and screen shots. http://freewarefiles.com/ |
111. TIBCO Software software that integrates multi-platform applications, data and documents, including those on z/OS mainframes. http://www.tibco.com/software/ |
112. Broderbund - Official Software Site - The Print Shop - Mavis Beacon - PrintMaste Broderbund software official site. Shop for The Print Shop, PrintMaster, Calendar Creator, Mavis Beacon and much more! http://www.broderbund.com/ |
113. Top Software By Popularity software Informer is a programme, whose primary aim is to give you the upto-date information about the software you actually use. Whenever a more recent version of any http://software.informer.com/software/ |
114. Linux Links - The Linux Portal: Software Categorized selection of links to and descriptions of Linux software. http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/ |
115. Welcome — Free Software Foundation — Working Together For Free Software You deserve to use software that is free from restriction, free to share and copy, free to learn and adapt, and free to work with others. http://fsf.org/ | |
116. Main Page - Unmaintained Free Software A site which keeps track of orphaned Free software projects. http://www.unmaintained-free-software.org | |
117. Software - Technology - News software Engineering Education in the Modern Age software Education and Training Sessions at the International Conference, on software Engineering, ICSE . http://www.wikio.com/technology/software | |
118. Software Architecture | Getting Started | Community Software Architecture Defini Quality systems come from quality architectures. Quality architectures must come from you. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/architecture/start/community.cfm | |
119. NMR Software Long link list of software for NMR applications. http://www.spincore.com/nmrinfo/software_s.html | |
120. Download PORTABLE SOFTWARE - Softpedia Download PORTABLE software. 38446 downloads. Home Windows Categories PORTABLE software. PORTABLE software. 0 program(s). Antivirus Antispyware http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-SOFTWARE/ |
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