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21. U.S. Army Research Laboratory DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (ARL DSRC) DoD Major Shared Resource Center(MSRC) at Army Research Laboratory(ARL), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD http://www.arl.hpc.mil/ | |
22. Arctic Region Supercomputing Center ARSC DoD supercomputing Resource Center PO Box 756020, Fairbanks, AK 99775 voice 907450-8600 fax 907-450-8603 email http://www.arsc.edu/ |
23. China Just Kicked Our Asses In Supercomputing Oct 28, 2010 China s stolen the US chipladen crown for building the world s fastest supercomputer. The National University of Defense Technology s http://gizmodo.com/5675329/chinas-supercomputer-is-30-faster-than-the-previous-r |
24. CALTECH SuperComputing 2009 Caltech participation in Super Computing 2009 The supercomputing Conference 2009 was held in Portland, Oregon(USA) this year. http://supercomputing.caltech.edu/ | |
25. TOP500 List - June 2009 (1-100) | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites Supercomputer in the Works for Virginia; Not Your Parents' CFD; ORNL Climate System's Big Reveal; Manufacturers Turn to HPC to Cut Testing Costs; Machine Learns Language Starting with the http://top500.org/list/2009/06/100 | |
26. Open Directory - Computers Supercomputing May 7, 2010 The National Center For supercomputing Information about supercomputing applications and research in the United States. | |
27. Supercomputing | Define Supercomputing At Dictionary.com World English Dictionary supercomputer (ˌsuːpəkəmˈpjuːtə) — n a powerful computer that can process large quantities of data of a similar type very quickly supercom http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/supercomputing |
28. Supercomputing Operating and programming environments for each supercomputing system, as well as basic performance analysis information. http://www.osc.edu/supercomputing/ | |
29. Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center The Pittsburgh supercomputing Center provides university, government, and industrial researchers with access to several of the most powerful systems for http://www.psc.edu/ |
30. Supercomputing - News, Reviews, Blogs And White Papers For Technology & Enterpri Latest news about supercomputing, Blue Gene, Cray, HPC, Laboratory, Lawrence, SGI, Top 500, Top500, calculations, highperformance computing, petaflops, scientists, simulations http://search.techworld.com/tag/supercomputing | |
31. Supercomputing And Parallel Computing Resources Information on conferences, research groups, vendors, and supercomputers. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/resources.html | |
32. ISC'11 - International Supercomputing Conference ISC is Europe s leading Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage. http://www.supercomp.de/ | |
33. SC|05 We continue the supercomputing Conference tradition of highlighting the most innovative developments in highperformance computing, storage and networking with the theme, Gateway http://sc05.supercomputing.org/ | |
34. Rechenzentrum Garching (RZG) Of The Max Planck Society And The IPP — RZG Informationen ber die gebotenen Leistungen aus den Bereichen Computing und supercomputing sowie die Infrastruktur und Aufgabenbereiche. http://www.rzg.mpg.de/ |
35. NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer Personal supercomputing. NVIDIA TESLA GPU COMPUTING SOLUTIONS FOR WORKSTATIONS NVIDIA unveils the Tesla Personal Supercomputer at SC08. http://www.nvidia.com/object/personal_computing.html |
36. Supercomputing, Untitled Page The Center for Information Technology (CIT) provides the technological and computational support and services for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). CIT's mission is to http://cit.nih.gov/Science/SupercomputingResources/ | |
37. National Partnership For Advanced Computational Infrastructure: Archives Organization created to develop a national supercomputing infrastructure. Links to resources, current research projects, and outreach programs. http://www.npaci.edu/ | |
38. SuperComputing LLC Thank you for visiting our site. Please take a moment to check out the services that we offer. http://supercomputingllc.com/ | |
39. A History Of Supercomputing At Florida State University Essay written by Jeff Bauer in early 1991. http://www.ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/super-users-view.html | |
40. The Supercomputing Challenge supercomputing gave me a great experience in inspiring me in what I want to do in my future years. I developed a computer program that would show the risks http://www.challenge.nm.org/ | |
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