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41. Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers | Gadget Lab | Wired.com Aug 20, 2010 There s an app for almost everything. Now add one that can run calculations from a supercomputer on a Nexus One phone in real time and http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/08/supercomputing-app-android/?utm_source |
42. National Resource For Biomedical Supercomputing About the NRBSC. The National Resource for Biomedical supercomputing (NRBSC) pursues leading edge research in high performance computing and the life sciences, and fosters http://www.nrbsc.org/ | |
43. The Journal Of Supercomputing The Journal of supercomputing The Journal of supercomputing is an archival journal publishing theoretical, practical, tutorial and survey papers on all http://www.springer.com/computer/swe/journal/11227 | |
44. Rocky Mountain Supercomputing Center The Power To Move Mountains! Rocky Mountain supercomputing Center provides university, government, corporate, and industrial researchers with access to some of the most powerful systems for high http://rmscinc.org/ | |
45. World's Biggest Supercomputing Superpowers [INFOGRAPHIC] Jun 1, 2010 Which country has the most powerful supercomputers? http://mashable.com/2010/06/01/supercomputing-superpowers/ |
46. National Supercomputing Center - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Home page for Indiana University's presence at supercomputing. We've reduced our power consumption with more efficient computing equipment and monitors don't miss our http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Supercomputing_Center | |
47. International Conference On Supercomputing, ICS-2011 ICS (International Conference on supercomputing) is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in highperformance computing http://ics11.cs.arizona.edu/ | |
48. Supercomputing The insideHPC blog has launched a special edition with daily stories on SC10. Don't miss the latest updates; check out the inside SC10 Edition today! http://supercomputing.blogspot.com/ | |
49. Main | Supercomputing Fulton supercomputing Lab Support Ticket Tracker Account Management Request Account Log In BYU Fulton supercomputing Lab http://marylou.byu.edu/ |
50. SuperComputing Simplified Curious about programming a supercomputer and have a couple of spare hours? Want to learn just a little, just enough to move your code over to the local beowulf machine? http://supercomputingsimplified.com/ | |
51. Microsoft Pathways For Star-P Customers And Partners Welcome to Pathways. We are pleased to provide you Microsoft Pathways, designed to assist StarP Customers and Partners during the transition of ISC http://www.microsoft.com/pathways/star-p/ | |
52. China Gives On Tech Metals, But Not Supercomputing - Computerworld Oct 28, 2010 Computerworld As China works to realize its ambitions in high-tech , the nation has been flexing its muscle on two fronts this month in ways that are getting http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9193798/China_gives_on_tech_metals_but_no |
53. SuperTech Home Page The supercomputing Technologies Group (SuperTech or SCT) is a research group in MIT s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. http://supertech.csail.mit.edu/ |
54. SC06 CONFERENCE This year the conference will take its inspiration from Albert Einstein who said, Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid; humans are incredibly slow http://sc06.supercomputing.org/ |
55. Supercomputing On A Cell Phone For complex problems whose form can be anticipated but whose particulars can http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2010/supercomputer-smart-phones-0901.html | |
56. Supercomputing Fermilab conducts scientific research in particle physics. We investigate the smallest building blocks of matter (the fundamental subatomic particles) that science has ever http://supercomputing.fnal.gov/ |
57. BBC News - China Aims To Become Supercomputer Superpower May 31, 2010 China ramps up efforts to become a supercomputing superpower, as one of its machines is ranked second fastest in the world. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10181725 | |
58. Chinese Edge Closer To Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com May 31, 2010 The Dawning Nebulae computer has achieved a sustained speed of 1.27 petaflops — the equivalent of one thousand trillion mathematical http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/01/science/01compute.html |
59. Oak Ridge National Laboratory - High Performance Computing supercomputing; Additional Research Areas; Science and Technology. Neutron Science; Biological Systems; Energy; Advanced Materials; National Security; HighPerformance Computing http://www.ornl.gov/ornlhome/high_performance_computing.shtml |
60. TAMU Supercomputing Facility Texas A M supercomputing Facility. Home About Contact Us Governance Affiliations User Meetings Fall 2010 supercomputing ShortCourses http://sc.tamu.edu/ | |
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