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61. Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)- Startseite Das JSC stellt f r das Forschungszentrum J lich und bundesweit im John von Neumann-Institut f r Computing IT-Werkzeuge, IT-Verfahren und IT-Know-how zur Verf gung. Es betreibt die Supercomputer JUMP, JUBL und JUGENE sowie andere zentrale Supercomputer- und Server-Systeme sowie die Campus- bergreifenden Datennetze. http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/ | |
62. ICS Home Page 25th International Conference on supercomputing June 14, 2011 Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona Sponsored by ACM/SIGARCH http://ics-conference.org/ |
63. Alabama Supercomputer Authority Providing supercomputing time and related resources to Alabama s academic researchers and industry, facilitating research in advanced scientific and http://www.asc.edu/ | |
64. The SC Conference Series The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. Conference information and links to previous years pages. http://supercomputing.org | |
65. Amazon Opens Supercomputing Service | Deep Tech - CNET News Jul 13, 2010 The Amazon Web Services new Compute Cluster option for highperformance computing is 8.5 times faster than the company s ordinary cloud http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20010363-264.html | |
66. NCSA Director: GPU Is Future Of Supercomputing | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - Welcome to Pathways . We are pleased to provide you Microsoft Pathways, designed to assist StarP Customers and Partners during the transition of ISC technologies from ISC to http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-20021232-64.html?amp |
67. Centre For Astrophysics And Supercomputing Since its inception in 1998 the Centre for Astrophysics and supercomputing has run a supercomputing facility on behalf of Swinburne University of http://supercomputing.swin.edu.au/ | |
68. PNNL At SC10 SC10—The Future of Discovery. PNNL is heading to New Orleans to showcase the future of high performance computing at supercomputing 2010 (SC10). http://supercomputing.pnl.gov/ | |
69. Centre For Astrophysics And Supercomputing Astrophysics, supercomputing, virtual reality, astrotour, and astronomy online. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/ | |
70. China Gives On Tech Metals, But Not Supercomputing - CIO.com Oct 28, 2010 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is on her way to the region, will talk with Chinese leaders about the shrinking exports of rare earth elements , used in http://www.cio.com/article/631177/China_Gives_on_Tech_Metals_but_Not_Supercomput |
71. NOAA - NOAA Establishes Supercomputing Center In West Virginia Oct 13, 2010 Image depicting new stateof-the-art NOAA supercomputer center in “This state-of-the-art supercomputer will not only give NOAA a http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/20101013_fairmont.html | |
72. Slashdot Items Tagged With 'supercomputing' Wednesday August 18, @0417PM, supercomputing, There s an App For That. Monday July 05, @0252PM, IBM Supercomputer Cooled With Hot Water http://slashdot.org/tags/supercomputing | |
73. HPCwire: HPC News For Supercomputing Professionals Oct 28, 2010 NEWS all the latest news covering the global HPC ecosystem, recent news releases featuring high productivity computing, supercomputers, http://www.hpcwire.com/news/ |
74. Swiss National Supercomputing Centre: Home The Swiss Center for Scientific Computing provides the Swiss research community with computing resources. Annual reports and papers available. http://www.cscs.ch/ |
75. Amazon's Cloud Gets A Supercomputing Cluster: Tech News « Jul 13, 2010 Amazon today said it would now also offer highperformance computing through Cluster Compute Instances, which use more powerful processors http://gigaom.com/2010/07/13/amazons-cloud-gets-a-supercomputing-cluster/ |
76. Supercomputing Dec 18, 2009 Links and information on supercomputing support at UCSB. http://www.oit.ucsb.edu/computing/supercomputing/default.asp | |
77. OU Supercomputing Center For Education & Research The OU supercomputing Center for Education Research, a division of OU Information Technology, helps undergraduates, grad students, faculty and staff to http://oscer.ou.edu/ | |
78. TOP SUPERCOMPUTERS-INDIA Top SupercomputersIndia can help the Indian installation sites to compare their supercomputing capabilities with their counterparts in India. http://topsupercomputers-india.iisc.ernet.in/ | |
79. National Supercomputer Centre In Sweden May 31, 2010 NSC is a provider of leading edge national supercomputing resources. NSC also provides a wide range of high performance computing services http://www.nsc.liu.se/ | |
80. National Center For Supercomputing Applications At The University Of Illinois Information about supercomputing applications and research in the United States. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ |
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